i have held both of my rose hairs and would still hold my mature male but i would be very very hesitant to hold my female rose hair again (i held her the first day i got her but never since).....she tries to bite anything that gets near her and she will even pursue intruders out the top of the kritter keeper.....
i am wondering if perhaps i have her in a kritter keeper that is too small (medium kritter keeper with approx. 4 1/2" spider) so perhaps she is just being territorial......she has plenty of room to move around but i think one possibility is that she is wild caught she may be used to larger space than a medium critter keeper.........another interesting point is that my male will only display or try to bite when he is defending his burrow and no other time....that is what leads me to believe that is why she seems such a terror.........
anyone else have a terror rose hair that could perhaps just be acting territorial?
I have two G. Roseas
I have a common brown one(female mature)
and I think I have a red phase(female mature also) because it looks exactly like that one in the pic above. I seam to have noticed that the red phase
G.rosea has more attitude and likes to rear up and bite anything.
just a tought, because my brown one is very gentle.
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