Hey guys, just a quick question. My emp isn't looking too hot. He doesn't seem to have much strength lately. He just mopes around; for the longest time he was hanging out in and beside the water dish. Now he just lays around anywhere. When I pick him up he doesn't even have the strength to lift his tail...just drags it around behind him. He will take a cricket and try to eat...but just ends up letting it droop like an old man with Altheizmers (sp?). I don't think it is a climate-based reaction because I have a larger emp that is about twice his size that is just fine and quite active. Could they have had a tuff that ended up in little guy getting sporked? I didn't think emps were too into that, they have been fine as I have had them almost a year. Any suggestions? Any questions that I could answer that might bring a little more pin-point conclusion? Thanks.
In Him,
In Him,