Very nice Eric, now if only my mated female would follow suitCyriocosmus elegans w/ eggsac
Salut Martin!Congrats on the sac Eric...
Mori, your female is lazy!
Got these in last week, been waiting for years to have some of my own, ever since I set my eyes on the first picture I saw in Jean-Michel's book... I am a happy boy!
Spiderling of Cyriocosmus leetzi, the real deal from Colombia
Martin, it's about 3/4" now, no way I can sex it, I have the molt in a vial right now, if it's ok with you I'll be mailing it to you sometime to sex.Very nice Mori, starting to look realy good, what's it,s size? Did you sex it?
Hi!Cyriocosmus sp. "Leetzi/Venezuela"
freshly molted: