
Vayu Son

Avatar of Anansi
Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002


as mizm says, only nix here is going to be able to make that decision. There are ovens, guns, knives, and various things to swallow that all can be a danger to uneducated overly curious children.

As long as the education is there(with nix I know it is) and an understanding reached then I see no issue of childraising ethics here.

A dog can kill a child, A cat can kill a child. A tarantula with a responsible keeper pretty much eliminates the chance of accidental death.

Id say do it if you want em that bad, and more power to you and your collection.



Aug 22, 2003
Luckily I don't have childern :)

But if I were in this kind of situation I would think VERY hard. I would try to imagine the worst things that might happen and then think if I'm ready to live with that kind of risk.

For me answer would be probably NO.
If I have childern I will probably have all my pet darlings AT LEAST in separate, locked room.

It's just my opinion.


Feb 6, 2003
To loosey, Yeahh, maybe. Do you think a pokie could escape my contraption? And if so, I am sure my plan can be improved upon.


Old Timer
May 20, 2003
I'm with Vayu Son: aren't there dozens of more dangerous things in a regular household then two T's? I mean, the odds are probably still higher for numerous other household hazards. Well brought up children who are educated to make responsible decisions are in little to no danger. GET THE T's!!


Old Timer
Nov 10, 2002
Sorry about the Tag team but here goes:

We feel one can inadvertantly instill a fear based on ones being uber cautious. Yes certain species can cause problems that are venom related and more than likely cause more of a problem for small children. However, if a keeper is not wreckless with the manner in which they keep their T's then it is a none issue. We believe the manner in which they would be kept was never discussed in the original post and therefore you have made a lot of assumptions. You were very quick to point out how irresponsible someone MIGHT be. Besides, if you actually are honest and open with children answering their questions to their best understanding and try to help them understand cause and effect then keeping any type of animal would not be a problem. Of course this doesn't mean being irresponsible either. Did Steve Irwin's father keep his son from being a part of his passion? You have to bear in mind that not all kids are the same and that a parent knows his or her own child better than an anal retentive stranger on a computer 5 states away. many kids do you have anyway, since you are such an expert parent??

-Johnny & Jill


Aug 22, 2003
It's just my opinion.

Please don't tel me that there are many dangerous things in home. That's true, but try to live w/o electricity. It's dangerous for children(and sometimes for me too=D ), but we have to use it. Ts are dangerous too (IMHO more than eg dog) but the BIG difference is that we can live w/o them.
So keeping Ts is just increasing the "risk level".

Please remember, it's only my opinion and everyone should think about these kind of things on it's own.


Feb 6, 2003
Owning a vehicle and driving it down the road increases the risk level, but people refuse the horse and buggy mode.:) To each his own.


Old Timer
Nov 10, 2002


Justify... simple as that ... you want the T's cause this hobby is addictive so she (from her own admittance) struggles with what should be a pretty clear decision. so shes asking others to JUSTIFY purchasing two spiders that could really hurt her kids if any mishap would happen...and you rally to support that? Yes the world is dangerous for childern and if it is so dangerous why compound it by adding two spiders who can put your kids in the hospital into the mix? for what? a collection of insects? this is the last time I am going to speak on this matter and I have given this alot of thought and really it boils down to justification. if she truely loves the hobby and plans to be with in the future whats is matter if she gets these spids right now? huh? o i c there is no reason but lets justify getting them right now for her so we can all feel better about our own decisions to choose our hobby over the saftey of little kids. some other poster called collecting spiders like krack...I think if you choose it over safety there may be alot more to that statement then you think . besides whats wrong with being a voice of common sence if (and who cares how small of an if it is) her kid/s end up bit who would feel foolish then? Then the next level of justification is what? Well I am not going to get rid of the spiders it wasnt their falut.



Old Timer
Apr 5, 2003
looseyfur what you are posting in my opinion is bad for the hobby. Just relax a bit and let Nixy raise her kids they way she wants too. My mom got me my first T when I was really young back in 85ish. It was a good learning experience and we both have good memories about it moulting and other things.


Old Timer
Feb 6, 2003
Thanks everyone.
When I got there the poec was sold.
I did a comprimise.
I was short on the togo price so put a deposit on it.
The twins know better then to put their hands in any container.
And always ask before working with their collection.
They have a few " untouchables" now and do very very well.
I will take added steps with the H. mac.
And speak to the twins about it being a bitey.
Thanks for all the advice.
I may change my mind and end up just geting the genic they have there.....
But. I have a deposit down on the Mac so I Can think knowing it's there if I want it bad enough.


Old Timer
Nov 10, 2002
Originally posted by jper26
looseyfur what you are posting in my opinion is bad for the hobby. Just relax a bit and let Nixy raise her kids they way she wants too. My mom got me my first T when I was really young back in 85ish. It was a good learning experience and we both have good memories about it moulting and other things.

um I think some kid getting bit by a wicked hot invert is worse for the hobby ... and I am more then likely safe to assume your mom didnt purchase a pokie for you for your first spider...



Old Timer
Apr 5, 2003
Re: intresting

Originally posted by looseyfur
am I the only one who sees this as foolhearty?
well, in the good sense of equality here, boss, you should know its spelled "foolhardy" (pronounced "filhahdee" in Allston, MA)




Old Timer
Feb 6, 2003
The twins have close to 40 spiders in their collection now. Plus an adult emp scorp. And 9 scorplings.
I have the critters ranked by temperment. And a red dot on the " non nice" ones. All the cages are secured so the twins can't accidently fidgit the locks loose. And they relock when they shut.
They have to ask before opening a cage, and has to wait for help as the pinch lokcs are Very firm, but if hey did they would lose T privliages for a week, which is Murderous to them.
They do not open the red cages at all. I do and during care of close. I get the water dish. They washa nd refill them and I put them back in.
It's down to a Very good drill around here. And they know by now if they don't want to be responsable spider moms. I not only will not buy anymore. I wil get rid of the ones we have now.
They have seen me get bitten, and Know it's a real danger. And though that doesn't stop them from hapily handling their avics with moms help. Or letting their smithi go for a walk on the T blanket. They do Not attempt to do the stupid stunt I did that got me bit. ( having hand to far down with a super worm clinging to finger,,, mistaken strike and sink.... )
And they are geting Very proficant with their tongs.

Tomarrow I'll sit with them, read all about H. Macs with them.. Show them the pictures. Explain about them. Then take them to the store to look at it.
They Know what a threeat posture means. Understand fangs and I can honestly say have more sense about these criters then alot of adults would be.

I'm playing it carefuly and will move forward carefuly, my kids are the Most important things in my existance. Nothing takes priority over them, and nothing comes into this house that I don't think long before it comes on how it might impact their lives.

Thanks for the advice everyone. :)

Oh, and the twins say tarantulas Tranchlas. Which is better then their earlier Ranchula. They are getting better. :)

And I myself can't spell and type at the same time. :)


Old Timer
Feb 18, 2003
Originally posted by looseyfur
um I think some kid getting bit by a wicked hot invert is worse for the hobby ... and I am more then likely safe to assume your mom didnt purchase a pokie for you for your first spider...

I think referring to a Poecilotheria or Heterescoda as a "wicked hot invert" is something of an exaggeration.
We are not referring to Atrax robustus or Phoneutria fera here.


Old Timer
Aug 21, 2003
I was thinking much about this. I don't have chidlren (yet). But if I will??
My girlfriend told me: when we have a child spiders will go out (I don't now what means "out" ;P ).

But I know, what should I do in such case: all containers I cahnge into plastic ones (not made of glass), break-proof with locks too complicated to be easy opened by a child. Even in case when box is dropped from the shelf nothing happens.

But one more thing: never mind how you try to secure something, you never know what can happen.


Old Timer
Feb 6, 2003
Originally posted by Pajak
But one more thing: never mind how you try to secure something, you never know what can happen.
Very Very true Pajak. When I look at my twins I always keep in mind that children can get into virtualy ANYTHING in the space of a heartbeat and a breath. And work to educate instead of forbid things. Say "No no no no no!" and the child thinks. "Why? why? why? why? why?" And wants all the More to get to the object labled as the bad No No. I don't talk down to thm. I am very blunt with them and don't say " They bitey bug's tothies are sharp ouchy no no." I told them straight out, Showed them the fangs, along with pointing out all the other spider parts. (Thanks Sunshine, our rosie that was gracious and calm enough to allow this demonstration at the time) And when I read about them and gather information. The twins are Right with me.
They See what happened to crickets and worms and Mice. And no one can deny Just what fangs do when you see them sink into a pinky...
I never fairy tail up the basic brutal facts with my kids. That just leads to troubles later. And it wouldn't make any sense to because this is their hobby. I'm just a lucky passenger and field guide. :D
I Never think anything is kid proof, No such thing in my 18 years of parenting experience. So I do my best to add more security to prevent accidents, and educate educate educate.
Proud is when you take your five year olds into the mall pet store(While your 16 year old daughter giggles in the cloths stores with her firends and you wait to play taxi service) to peek at the rosies and they anounce one is male and go about pointing the boy parts out to the confused looking employee :D.
The H. mac will be secured and red dotted.
And as has been pointed out. We Do have a Chilobrachys fimbriatus in the collection. Along with a Psalmopoeus cambridgei and a Pterinochilus murinus. Looking at the twins. How they act with them. The maturity and responsability they exibit at this age. Which I am HUGELY proud of. (Better then my 18 year old son with these bugs. The twins show more common sense with them....) I feel confident that with proper housing, care and precautions we can together handle a Mac in the house. I won't stuff it on a high shelf. I know that it will end up Their spider and not My spider anyway.... (Mutters: "mommy doesn't get any I can claim for myself....")


Old Timer
Mar 10, 2003
Very well put. Kudos on your decision. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts about the twins and their collection. (Especially abou the Hampster being "fancy spider food:D ) I personally trust your judgement and would entrust you with my own children, if I ever have any. You have taught them the right way. Telling them "No" makes them want it that much worse. Education is the only way to handle a situation like this. I say awesome job!

And as much as I love my Genic, I say get the Togo. :p


Old Timer
Feb 6, 2003
Thank you indigoeyes :) . I'm proud of my kids!
I just called the store..... Gonna have them set us aside a Genic as well,,, they have two one inchers. The Hac is 3 inches. I'll drop a deposit on the genic later. :)


Old Timer
Sep 22, 2002
Good luck with your Togo Starburst. Hope you get to see it sometimes :)

And frankly, what you should probably fear the most is to contract some horrible skin-disease from it :p


Old Timer
Jun 28, 2003
Originally posted by Nixy
Or letting their smithi go for a walk on the T blanket.
What is this "T blanket" of which you speak? It sounds useful.

Please elaborate. :D
