as mizm says, only nix here is going to be able to make that decision. There are ovens, guns, knives, and various things to swallow that all can be a danger to uneducated overly curious children.
As long as the education is there(with nix I know it is) and an understanding reached then I see no issue of childraising ethics here.
A dog can kill a child, A cat can kill a child. A tarantula with a responsible keeper pretty much eliminates the chance of accidental death.
Id say do it if you want em that bad, and more power to you and your collection.
as mizm says, only nix here is going to be able to make that decision. There are ovens, guns, knives, and various things to swallow that all can be a danger to uneducated overly curious children.
As long as the education is there(with nix I know it is) and an understanding reached then I see no issue of childraising ethics here.
A dog can kill a child, A cat can kill a child. A tarantula with a responsible keeper pretty much eliminates the chance of accidental death.
Id say do it if you want em that bad, and more power to you and your collection.