Check out this jerk


Old Timer
Aug 28, 2005
Actually, I don't have a problem with it. He hasn't proven or provided any better points then I. He doesn't think I'm worthy of debating, thats his perogative. Others I have debated with on here have atleast a bit more respect. I can hold my own quite well.

I think he may want to read up a bit on his invertebrate genetics.

See, I may have this wrong Filip, but this should be a debate of statistics, data, articles, and just general evidence to support one side or the other. Not a "I have a degree, you don't, my opinion is more valid".

Sean, once again there was no disrespect in my comment. Since you were stating that you are studying tarantulas, which usually implicates some field trips, laboratory studying, publishing papers, and that you have been into tarantulas your whole life (which made me think you were doing that for many decades), it just amused me seeing you were 16. There was nothing malicious in my comment and smile and since people aren't getting the point I have no problem in deleting that.
I am sure you have a lot of experience in keeping tarantulas, but I am also sure you still have to gather a lot of information on their biology, life cycles, physiology and other stuff. If you will follow that path, your view on things will probably change a little as we all constantly learn and find out new things and ideas.
As for the fact that you are asking for, you have to tell me what do you want to know exactly.
My point was that most of the people keep tarantulas as pets because they love watching them, because they are amused by them, or just like the idea of having something scary...just a few of them keep them with the idea of repopulating some places or in order to try to learn something from them.
Now, I didn't hear about any project involving tarantulas reintroduction, maybe it has been done or it will be done, who knows...but for now it looks like it is not happening and keeping them with the argument that you are doing it to save species, doesn’t convince me.
The thing that is happening is that tarantulas are being kept in poor conditions, caught from the wild, hundreds of them die in the transport, or in some poor conditions. As for the ones kept in the "best" conditions, it still makes me think, wouldn't it be better for them to be in the wild where they have lived for millions of years?
So, my conclusion is that we don’t know if those animals are kept in the “best” conditions or they would be better in the wild and therefore we cannot dish someone who thinks their place should be in the wild (like many people did here). Probably, we also can’t say the opposite, though my opinion is leading to the nature’s choice with no false excuses…


Old Timer
Feb 6, 2007
Since I'm responsible for the OP, I must comment on where this all has gone.

I can't believe how few posts it took for you all to turn on each other. It's embarrassing to say the least. You all need to re-asses yourselves right now because we are not here to fight, we're here to learn. I'm a member of many different forums and this has to be the rudest and meanest I've ever seen. It is fine to debate, in fact it's down right healthy, but this is just crazy. We are all part of a community based on caring for our pets and we owe each other some civility. Honestly, I have become hesitant posting on this forum because there's always a bunch of jerks who turn anything you say into a fight and run around condemning everyone they don't agree with. You all need to grow up. You're all arguing about age and how it pertains to arachnid wisdom, but you're all acting like a bunch of children. As far as your arguments about prolonging tarantulas existence through captive breeding... Honestly, who cares!? Captive breeding keeps species alive. Forget about the morality, that's all irrelevant. Being alive is more important. Yes, it may suck that living a captive life may be necessary, but would you rather show your children an old picture of species you once loved or the real thing?


Old Timer
Sep 25, 2006
there's always a bunch of jerks who turn anything you say into a fight and run around condemning everyone they don't agree with.

i've noticed this too, and this is the first time i've ever argued with a person on here -- and im sorry mrbonzai. (i don't think i ever caught your real name, so no disrespect).

sorry for fueling the fire.


phil jones

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2006
well said that man:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: some people do not know when to LET THINGS GO :clap: :clap: :clap: £££ phil


Old Timer
Mar 12, 2005
Perspective ?

Well some of us are getting rather upset, aren't we ? :) It is only one guy's opinion, and therefore as susceptible to the right's and wrong's, accuracies, inaccuracies, or guesswork of that particular human, on that particular day, in the circumstances prevailing, as are, to my mind, all human opinions everywhere.

But that is all. It is no more or less relevant than anyone else's opinion, and should we not like it, surely we should politely inform him of any provable factual errors in his statement, and then... let it pass...

All else, perhaps, is madness ? Except perhaps the sensible debate some of us are apparently trying to have here. It has been said before, and even on this very thread, but shouting at each other and getting all upset and cross is possibly not leading by example. If I was new to T-keeping, saw the original guys advice, and then did some very basic research, I'd probably end up here, where I might hope to find a community of calm, happy T-keepers genially discussing the issues of the day, and creating an environment into which I would feel comfortable asking newbie questions.

That said, I won't be letting his possibly erroneous thoughts bother me while I do my best to look after the T's that I do...


Old Timer
Feb 22, 2007
There's something philosophical happening here.

A disagreement doesn't mean that people are attacking you personally. They don't agree with you.

The only way to resolve these types of situations is for the parties to find evidence to support their position. It's nothing personal. They're not saying you smell. They are not saying you're ugly. And they SHOULDN'T be saying you're an idiot (more often than not, they are thinking it; but that's when you pull out the trump card of a peer-reviewed article proving you're point, and reveal that THEY are the idiot).

Being able to defend you're position is good, and it's something that more people should do more often. I personally think (and this is just my opinion, nothing more) that when people express even an opinion, they should have some reason for it... Most don't. It's a sign of an active mind, however, if they can be persuaded away from their opinion by better information. If that's not the case, then you're bordering on being a fanatic - and that's not good.


Old Timer
Mar 12, 2007
What a D-bag.....

Yeah, I am sooo sure that T's would rather be in the wild than in a perfectly constructed environment. Haha, at least in a cage, they dont have to compete for food and have a chance of getting eaten by something else.


Old Timer
Apr 9, 2006

For me, I enjoy T behaviors, watching them catch prey, eat, or sit still on a piece of bark. Its not a matter of wanting to 'repopulate' them to destroyed habitat, I simply like them, but whats the harm in that? Maybe some day, a T from someones collection WILL help to reintroduce them to the wild. Nothing wrong with that either. No, the Ts dont care, but we should.