Salut!hi fellow
Its been a long time I took picture and I was bored so I decided to takes 2 random shot
Ceratogyrus marshalli environnement
Heterothele villosella
Hey Cedrik it's been awhile! Wow, It's still alive and at this rate it looks like it'll make it to adulthood. Have you seperated the slings from where they hatched yet?Thx Natural
little update of the 2 abdominal Pterinochilus murinus
Hey Cedrik it's been awhile! Wow, It's still alive and at this rate it looks like it'll make it to adulthood. Have you seperated the slings from where they hatched yet?
Oh sweet, hows that going? What instar/size are they at now?Hi, thx.
Yes, they're all separated from the mother tank's, but i've a groupe of 15 individu living together.
Awesome, do you find any sharing hides or eating the same prey item? How about some pics of the enclosure, would that be possible?Hi,
3rd molt on the spiderling phase. about ... 1 1/2 cm or so, some bigger, some smaller of course.
Its going very well for the moment ... Good cohabitation
I am working -->A LOT<-- and I dont have much time for myself, and I dont have much time for observing them. This said, they're all sharing the same hide
I'll be taking picture soon for you