Brazilian Black Wooly SUPER hungry.


Nov 23, 2018
This will be my last post on this forum as everyone is so negative about handling T's. Do I handle my for fun no I dont, I very rarely handle them. I understand they do not get anything from it but handling in a safe manner close to the ground to limit injuries to the T can also in the long run show to people who hate spiders that they arent aggresive killing machines that are out to bite us so many people think they are trying to do . Do people hold their T's all the time yes they do and they do so at their own risk but instead of judging or chastising them saying you should never hold T's I think educating on safe ways to do it but still advising that it's best not to ever handle them.


Arachnosupporter +
May 27, 2017
This will be my last post on this forum as everyone is so negative about handling T's. Do I handle my for fun no I dont, I very rarely handle them. I understand they do not get anything from it but handling in a safe manner close to the ground to limit injuries to the T can also in the long run show to people who hate spiders that they arent aggresive killing machines that are out to bite us so many people think they are trying to do . Do people hold their T's all the time yes they do and they do so at their own risk but instead of judging or chastising them saying you should never hold T's I think educating on safe ways to do it but still advising that it's best not to ever handle them.
I'm sorry you had a bad experience on here. I hope you reconsider leaving the boards (it has such a wealth of knowledge that you can't get from most other sources), but I understand it. If by chance you decide to stay on here, you can send me a PM if you ever have any questions and I can help as best as I can. I always try to be objective in my responses.


Oct 9, 2016
I have a G actaeon which is nowhere near as high strung as the G iheringi.
Well, my G. iheringi is not high-strung per se. True, it used to be a bit skittish, but it has become more bold now it has a decent size. What concerns me more is the feeding response of the tarantula I have (as have most of my tarantulas). I can't imagine that G. iheringi and G. acteon are that different when attacking prey (or fingers).

to me it does go a long way in helping people scared of spiders tarantulas to over come that fear and I have now got a 4 year old interested in the hobby and is now not afraid of spiders.
I used to be scared of spiders, but I am not anymore. And I did not need to touch my spiders to overcome my fear. Most people visiting me are intrigued by my tarantulas and some want to keep tarantulas themselves. Again, accomplished without handling any of my tarantulas.

All Ts have the ability to bite. Some are more prone to do so than others. On top of that, most NW species have urticating hairs. No matter how calm you think your tarantulas are, you cannot guarantee that it will not do anything to the child you allow to handle your spiders. An adult getting bit or haired is one thing. After all, they are responsible for their own actions. But you as a keeper are responsible for what happens to a 4-year old. I think handling tarantulas and children are not a good combination, but that's just my opinion.


Grammostola Groupie
Mar 12, 2016
Advising a new person to handle a skittish species, yes they are fast and skittish, just because you have not had a negative experience is irresponsible. Yes, people are going to handle them, but you don't have to encourage them - especially with a species who is just not an appropriate one to handle.
I am not 100% against handling, and I have done it myself, but the last thing I would be doing is encouraging people (especially brand new people) to handle species who are high strung and have a propensity to bolt. My actaeon and iheringi are the same in temperament and I would not consider handling either and I certainly wouldn't encourage a brand new person to. I wouldn't encourage a brand new person to handle any of them - let alone this particular species.
The OP got this handling thing from somewhere - people handling tarantulas are all over social media. However, this forum has decided that it is not going to encourage it for the sake of promoting what is in the best interest of the animals. People just don't know where to draw the line and that is why you have tarantulas on faces, heads, in mouths and medically significant species being handled. It is best just to go with not advocating handling altogether.
You got the responses that you did, because you just don't get it and insisted on arguing... something lots of people before you have done and not been successful at either.

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
handling in a safe manner close to the ground to limit injuries to the T can also in the long run show to people who hate spiders that they arent aggresive killing machines th
See, that really does zero for fact, and we see it all the time, it instead gives the person the complete wrong idea about the animal, about its safety, about its makeup and about how to treat them

I equate it to a drivers ed teacher teaching burnouts and doughnuts as part of their educational process....sure it might get the person into cars, but it will give them the completely wrong idea about how to drive a car on city streets.

These handling demonstrations are why every non t person asks every t owrner, "do you hold them".

You arent alone, these demonstrations arent uncommon, i just see them as very misguided.
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Nov 23, 2018
I'm not here to argue you may not agree with my point of view secondly my G actaeon is calmer and more docile then the my B albo whether you believe me or not that's fine. Maybe having a 4 year old to handle it was not a great idea I agree but he has not done so again and has not asked to again . But like I said i wont post here again and wasnt my attention to piss people off. Please if anyone has the ability delete this account do it as I respect you guys saying I'm wrong in what I did. Thx all have a good day


Oct 9, 2016
Please if anyone has the ability delete this account do it as I respect you guys saying I'm wrong in what I did.
Leaving this forum because people don't agree with your handling is a bit weird, IMO. This forum is about keeping and breeding tarantulas and other animals. It does not have the sole purpose of discouraging handling. I don't think a lot has been said that was offensive in any way either. Just people trying to make a point using arguments.

Leaving this forum now only denies you the opportunity to become more knowledgeable. It would be a shame to miss out on all the information and experiences people share with each other on this platform.


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
While I would say giving a second or third brush on the legs to see its response while it's alert would be the solution (and would hopefully prompt a response that would deter handling), I can't argue with your logic when you put it like that.

Ultimately I was trying to dissuade from handling, but offer a possible precursor to doing so. I might not have been able to express it correctly, but I was hoping that based on the reaction of the tarantula, the chances of handling would be decreased or eliminated altogether. Since I can't make anyone not handle their pet, the best thing I can do is try to deter it but still teach them safety tips (which in this case might help deter handling), and make sure they understand that they're at fault if any negative consequences occur. It might not be the steadfast opposition approach that many people on here take (not that I disagree with the opposition), but I've noticed it tends to prevent people from immediately shutting me out and it can even get through to them at times and make them decide against handling.

I still don't think I'm properly expressing exactly what I'm trying to, but hopefully you understand where I'm coming from. But like I said, you're not wrong.
With that explanation, I do understand now what your intentions were :)

Our views on how to handle something we don't want people to do just differ, is all. If you say to someone, "You really shouldn't handle, BUT if you're going to here are on some tips for doing it safely..." ALL that person is going to listen to is everything *after* the "BUT." People are very selective about what information they absorb... usually, the selection process has one criteria - "Does this bit of information agree with me?"

Leaving this forum because people don't agree with your handling is a bit weird, IMO
It's a pretty typical attitude that I noted when I was on Facebook... people want to exist in echo chambers where people tell them they are correct and their ideas are brilliant. Anyone who disagrees has to go. On social media, people can remove others from their little bubble. On here, the offended has to be the one to leave.

Arachnid Addicted

Apr 16, 2019
About common names, as much as I dont like them:
G. actaeon (Hobby) - Brazilian Wooly Black
G. iheringi (Hobby) - Entre Rios Tarantula

These are the ones I'm aware, of course, there might be others.

That said, since they are visually similar when slings/juvies, and OP got it in a PetCo, it can be either one of them. Lol.

Nothing to say about handling.


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
It is more than likely G. iheringi, as that is what PetCo is selling as "Brazillian black wooly tarantulas."
Don't power feed it like that, and don't expect to handle it.
Yeah especially if you don’t want to become allergic to hairs .
Do these Grammys kick hairs often or just bite ? When angry and disturbed.
Ive never seen g porteri kick hairs not ever .
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Jun 19, 2019
Except that isn't how it works :rolleyes:

Picture it...

.The spider is just hanging out, doing spood things, when suddenly... a poke to the leg! What the heck was that?! The spider is now on alert. Then a huge fleshy, multi-pronged object (a hand, to us humans) comes lowering down from the heavens... OH NO, I'M UNDER ATTACK and the spider defends itself.

That would be like me going up to my Malinois and poking him with a stick before getting him out to see if he is in a bitey mood or not... or a big cat keeper poking a cat before entering the enclosure... it just doesn't make sense to *poke* or *prod* or otherwise *harrass* something to "test the temperament."
I know this post is months old but...
The few times I've done it (usually to lure her out so I can throw in some feed), my Albo always gives a feeding response, then once it realizes it's not a super worm or dubia, gives a very half hearted threat pose to signal "Really?". Usually throwing in the feed I am instantly forgiven.