Doesn't look like an emilia to me? Looks more like a Nhandu vulpinus... Shot in the dark, but doesn't look like an emilia... i have a 1.5cm emilia which already has the triangle on the carapace........B. emilia, 1.5"
Doesn't look like an emilia to me? Looks more like a Nhandu vulpinus... Shot in the dark, but doesn't look like an emilia... i have a 1.5cm emilia which already has the triangle on the carapace........B. emilia, 1.5"
Ho! Where do You found this name? "Digging some old graves"?Female B. Pallidum:
This might be a dumb question but one of my Smithi slings has those same black spots on the abdomen, albeit in a slightly different spot and a tad larger. Is that a possible premolt sign or is that something else I don't quite recognize?B boehmei sling, .5"
thanks!!Gorgeous vagans, Cyanea! They are one of my faves, very pretty and good display animals. Congrats!