This is my newest T. She is a B. emilia, and her name is Lynka. I got her yesterday, and right now she's spending a lot of time huddled up in her hide. Good night was it hard trying to get her into her new enclosure! I got haired at least 4 times! Which, is understandable. I got her from an expo, and she was very scared. I also had to poke at her a little bit to try and get her into the enclosure (poor thing).
The first thing she did was take a big, long drink of water from the water cup I had placed into her enclosure previously. The second thing she did was poop in it. She's been in her hide since later last night. I got scared when I couldn't find her this morning, then I noticed one tiny leggy sticking partially out of the shade of her hide. She hasn't eaten, yet, but I don't really expect her to eat until she's more comfy. I have a prekilled superworm in there right now, just in case she gets hungry.
Also, I apologize for the crummy lighting. My office's lighting is pretty bad, lol.
Such a beautiful species, dont worry too much about feeding just yet, they have very low food requirements. It will most likely need some time to settle before it starts accepting food as well.
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