Blondi in trouble


Old Timer
Jan 15, 2006
I dont really know about the feeding stuff, but i am very sorry for your loss. At least you tried to save her.

thanks thomas. personally the death of this spider is dissapointing but what is worse is knowing that this animal simply starved to death, maybe it would have been kinder to have put it in the freezer a long time ago. what this episode does is at least more experience on managing this condition that blondi sometimes develop.


Old Timer
Mar 25, 2007
thanks thomas. personally the death of this spider is dissapointing but what is worse is knowing that this animal simply starved to death, maybe it would have been kinder to have put it in the freezer a long time ago. what this episode does is at least more experience on managing this condition that blondi sometimes develop.
maybe it was for the best. But if you never tried to save her, then you would have been annoyed by NOT trying to save her. So i think it was good you tried ;) Just feel good about you put in the effort, and along the way when you get another Blondi, you have more experience;)

I get a T. Blondi in 2 weeks. A fullgrown female, i hope i wont get this kind of trouble. But i have 3 T. Apophysis and they are all doing very well.


Old Timer
Jan 9, 2006
After 2 successful molts she is again fangless :( I'm not 100% sure, because she has molted yestarday night and as far as I can see, there is less then half the fangs left from them. Its her 13th molt and old skin is almost 8" from left rear and front legs. This time I dont have explanation why is that happening. She was 95% on crickets and one baby mouse. Will make some photos when she begin to stretch and clean herself.


Old Timer
Jan 15, 2006
After 2 successful molts she is again fangless :( I'm not 100% sure, because she has molted yestarday night and as far as I can see, there is less then half the fangs left from them. Its her 13th molt and old skin is almost 8" from left rear and front legs. This time I dont have explanation why is that happening. She was 95% on crickets and one baby mouse. Will make some photos when she begin to stretch and clean herself.
damn, thats a great shame.

at the end of the day its unlikey that we will ever know the cause of this, it could be genes or pesticides or food or any other number of things, i really dont go for the lack of humidity bit, if a Tcan get its legs out fine then i cannot see why it cant get the fangs out, its as if they stick?? to the inside of the old fang.

is this spider fat enough to get it through its next moult do you think??


Old Timer
Jan 9, 2006
Its fat, but previous molt was before 9 monts. Dont think she will make it whitout eating. By now she is doing fine, stretching her legs and changing her positions. After 1 more day will guide her to the watter dish. She was learned her lesson before when she had no fangs. When I touch her legs few times she goes to watter dish. Hope she will do the same now, instead of kicking hairs or hissing in my face. Keep your fingers crossed.


Old Timer
Jan 15, 2006
Its fat, but previous molt was before 9 monts. Dont think she will make it whitout eating. By now she is doing fine, stretching her legs and changing her positions. After 1 more day will guide her to the watter dish. She was learned her lesson before when she had no fangs. When I touch her legs few times she goes to watter dish. Hope she will do the same now, instead of kicking hairs or hissing in my face. Keep your fingers crossed.
if she is at her 13 th moult then she is an adult for sure, each moult would give her just a bit of growth so unlike a juvenile blondi she doesnt need the resources for a significant growth increment, hopefully she will moult again. its very frustrating I know, especially when sheer bad luck plays a part like this.

afre my loss of 2 spiderlings to 'white mouth paste infection' (not nematodes) and the death of my fangless juvenil i almost want to stop even keeping bliondi, my present female is 8 inches, close to adult at 3 years old, she also got white paste disease 3 moults ago and was very sickly until i changed from crickets to roaches and shes now as healthy as any ive seen. ive never had a problem of illness/bad moults with any other species, only goliaths, the problem is they are by far my favourite spider species, i simply adore the armour plated almost crab like appearence!!


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2008
Why would you give a tarantula with broken fangs food with bones in it?

If it can't even handle a cricket, how would it take down a bigger, bonier vertebrae?

In situations such as this,I'd stick with mushed crickets or pre killed, boneless food.

Sorry to hear of your loss.


Old Timer
Jan 9, 2006
Will figure it out somehow. I have little experience with previous problem with her fangs, and know how to feed her. This time fangs are even shorter then first time, when she had bad molt. Can't understand why is this happening. She has 2 successful molts after the bad one and she recovered her fangs fully. Maybe is some kind of genetic problem or? This is the picture from today, she isnt skinny after the molt, even is still fat I think. She havent forgot the lesson and still crawl to the water dish to drink when I touch her rear legs. Thats the only good think I can say from 4 days ....

After ~10 days will try to feed her with crickets. She is big enough to crush any size of crickets. Hope she will make it as previous time :(



Old Timer
Feb 2, 2008
Haven't read the entire thread...but I think this fang problem your blondi is having in this case is genetic. I had the same problem with my male blondi and his sister which was in care of a experienced friend.
Sad to say that my male had a sudden death when he was subadult and his sibling couldn't malke it while she was young.
Good luck!
