Blondi in trouble


Old Timer
Apr 17, 2006
Reminder to self....this is why I don't think I want a blondi :rolleyes: Good luck with it.


Old Timer
Jan 9, 2006
Hi friends. Before three days I've moved her very careful in bigger 12gal. tank.(pic1)
The wound is 100% from scratching before molting. Now its look dry but from time to time she scratches a little.(pic2) Yeastarday I've tried a white(molted) cricket and she grabs it. Its 12-th day from the molt. She is going good for now. None visible problems with her fangs or any leak from the abdomen. They are dark red and that is why I'll give her only freshly molted fat crickets in nearly a week or more.
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Old Timer
Jan 9, 2006
Final update. Today she has molted again. For now everything seems to be okay. I'm little bit surprised. Last molt was before 2 months and 10 days and this is 7" blondi. Now is more then 8", but will try to mesure her when she begin to stretch good. As I expect the difference between the old bad fangs skin and this one is almost none. Thats from me for now.:)


Jul 16, 2006
i undersatnd

Wish_mastera said:
Hi all. I've big problem with my blondi. Before 10 days she molted. But I see that the fangs are in half. They are like cuted. I looked carefully the old skin and saw in the holes of the fangs fluid. I think the helicels couldnt form rightly. Now she is about 6'. You can see the picture below. Have anubody any ideas why is this happened?? Will she live or die? How can I feed her? What can I do to help her? How she is like handi. I think she couldn't inject venom or enzyms in her food if she continue to live. Can she regenerate her helicels in the next molt( maybe in 4-5 or more monts)? I cnow about regenerated limbs but never about fangs. Please give mi advice what can I do now.
After how many days shuld I give her crickets? I really hope that she will be ok. I want to know why is this happened? temperature is around 27C, hummidity is high(almost all the time the torf is wet). The tank has two nets for ventilation on the backside and on the lid. What is wrong to correct it and that never happened again?

Today I offered my blondi small cricket. It passed underneath her and she run out of it. None attention. It's 12 days since the bad molt. Should I wait more, or she will probably die starving. What kind of food should I offer her?
look iam so sorry but listen the trantula may fast:? :confused: :embarrassed: just not only the fangs will repair them selves listen get your hands on a book called the trantulas keepers giude and it says how they may fast and that a fang may be repaire when it molts


Old Timer
Jan 15, 2006
blondi fangs same problem.

one of my blondi young females (6.5 inches) moulted this morning to reveal a much grown spider but with the half fang issue. THis is the same animal that early 2006 had 'white mouth paste' and sickness possibly from eating infected crickets (once i switched to roaches she fed and moulted and this last instar has been greedy and behaving normally).

ironically I didnt overfeed her which might have been a good thing as she would have had more reserves to get her through what now will have to be a fast before her next 'emergency' moult. I'm NOT going to try and feed her, i cannot see how a spider with 1/3 fangs can feed. For those who have seen this before do the spiders tend to moult earlier? (i wonder how the body recognises the useless fangs? Its interesting that natural selection obviously favours those that remoult after a fang loss just to get them through by the skin of their teeth (literally!).

Her abdomen was quite fat prior to the moult but of course at this growing stage the abdomen does shrink after the moult. Im sure she will have reserves, I remember in the late 80's when there were lots of imported spiders and i had some that moulted despite having very tiny abdomens on arrival. wish mastera, how is your blondi now???



Old Timer
Jan 15, 2006
On second thoughts in about a month I'll attempt to feed her. she has approx half a fang and the other at about 40% so assuming the venom ducts arent blocked she could probably masticate a newly moulted roach somewhat. Even if she can only ingest 20% of what she normally could it would be a boost to her. I suppose another way is to totally macerate a roach into a ball, throw in a small live one and once its got it add the ball near the spider, she will then in the process of feeding probably pick up the pre mushed ball too. I dont know if the pre digestion? is required prior to ingestion but even if just one venom duct is open i figure she could do some external break down.



Old Timer
Jun 8, 2005
u shud be ok to just prekill, and maybr.. if needed.. squeeze the crix guts onto the mouthparts, im sure even without the venom, most will be able to be eaten. i would say its at least worth a try


Old Timer
Jan 15, 2006
today i fed the fangless blondi.

i took a large recenlty moulted orange head roach, it was still pale and soft from the moult and without any pleasure I quickly dispatched it by crushing the head, I then immobilised it by jabbing the midline with a small screwdriver to damage the thoraic muscles/nerves (the insect was of course still walking prior to this). I chopped the body up roughly and then tied a leg to a piece of cotton. i dangled it infront of the spider which took it immediately. Its shortened fangs can still probably oppose some of the cheliceral teeth and hopefully its venom ducts are still open/functioning. Anyway after a few hours most of the roach seems to be gone, sections are on the floor and i guess that the spider has managed to ingest some of the insect. Hopefully with this repeated long enough it will get enough food to moult and regrow its fangs.


Old Timer
Jan 15, 2006
Ive had variable success with the dead roach feeding to the fangless blondi. twice now shes taken the crushed up roach but then dropped it and left it on the floor after a few minutes of trying to eat it. I left the body on the cage floor just to see what happened (the tanks are dry so no mite/fungus issues). the roach body began to dry out but this morning after 3 days the spider has got it again and seems to have brioken it down further. pure specultion but post death tissue breakdown many be allowing the spider to more easily deal with this 3 day old meal. The spider is in a state of hunger as the abdomen is small but it does prove to me that T's are opportunists and will take dead prey when hungry.


Old Timer
Jan 23, 2006
Feeding Damaged Fanged T's

Ok, this just hit me and i dont know if it would work or not BUT
I had a sling that would eat water jell if you dropped any in the container. what if you had a Blondi that had broken fangs and instead of straight water you hydrate the jell with some nutrient rich liquid. It would be easy to eat with no fangs i would think and give moisture and nutrients. ...just a thought
also there is a small amount of nutrition in the jell to begin with


Dec 28, 2006
feeding broken fangs

My Blondi had the same problem. Her and I both noticed it at the same time while she was trying to eat a mealworm. Her fangs slid over its skin and we were both surprised to realize what had happened. Since then, I have been cutting the heads off and slicing them down the center to get the juices flowing and allowing her to eat inside out. It seems to work as she will take her time eating as much of them as she can. I had to start with the worm on the string trick to get her to eat the "live" worm. Hope that helps...


Old Timer
Sep 17, 2006
YES. I've feed her with 2 little mice and 3-4 small lizards.

Thats probably why her fangs broke! A lot of verterbrate prey causes too much calcium,and can cause fangs to break during a moult. Keep her on crickets as a staple diet, with a mouse or lizard every 6months or so.


Old Timer
Aug 13, 2005
Thats probably why her fangs broke! A lot of verterbrate prey causes too much calcium,and can cause fangs to break during a moult. Keep her on crickets as a staple diet, with a mouse or lizard every 6months or so.
That is nothing but speculation. My blondis get a mouse a week, some get two a week once a month. The statement is not a proven one.


Old Timer
Sep 17, 2006
Their systems don't digest verts as well as they digest inverts. They have high calcium levels, which do cause damage. Feeding too much vertebrate prey isn't good for them. Once in a while fair enough, but my T's do great on crickets, locusts and roaches.


Old Timer
Jan 9, 2006
Hm, my blondi is okay for now. Has 2 molts after the bad one and now there are no signs of problems. Fangs are again at full lenght after 2 molts. After the first one, they were shorter and thicker. Now there are about 1/2" and soon she will molt again. Hope everything goes whitout problems.
She was realy realy fat before the bad molt and that helps her to get trough with lots of water and few crickets. Jelly from crickets or superworms were not aceppter by her.
About the vertibles diets.... read lots of stuff about this theory. The fakts is that bad molts are often by blondis which eat more invertibles. Cant be sure about that, but from then now dont give her more then one mouse per 2-3 monts.


Old Timer
Jan 15, 2006
its been about 6 months since my blondi lost the fangs. i was feeding her mashed roach innards with water added, holding her in a bag and dripping it into the mouth, the very thin mush was going somewhere but it was more like a very dilute solution of roach haemolymph. it took ages and her abdomen wasnt geeting any bigger. anyway ive just resorted to using a pestile anf mortar to totally liquefy the roach innard/muscle (i eat first!), then with water added ive been dropping into mouth with a pipette, she makes pulsing movements and its going somewhere! this seems a more effieient way, theres more stuff pasted tis way into the mix, i'll see how she fares after a few feeds. otherwise shes still alive and well.

if she does manage to get some food inside her im hoping her physiology isnt waithing for her to get to full size prior to the moult otherwise this will take forever, i wonder if a poorly fed spider will moult if it recognises the time interval since the last moult is longer than it 'ought' to be, ie i wonder if they can moult just for the benefit of a renewed skin even if growth is minimal.
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Old Timer
Jan 15, 2006
unfortunately this blondi has curled up and died.

I wonder if more frequent feeding would have helped? my only concern with frequent feeding was forcing it to ingest non 'envenomated' material with lots of water added. In recent years ive tried not to oversuff blondi juveniles but in this case had she has more food she may have had enough to get her through another moult. I guess part of the problem is having a fanglass juvenile spider that is 'trying' to grow unlike an adult in the same condition which with enough reserves in the abdomen could manage to grow a new skin.


Old Timer
Mar 25, 2007
I dont really know about the feeding stuff, but i am very sorry for your loss. At least you tried to save her.