B. Smithi or B. Albipolosum more handleable?

Angel Minkov

Old Timer
Aug 3, 2014
My opinions were based in first hand experience...and yes opinions are opinions and not always fact (but sometimes they actually are)....and I can laugh at anything I see as personally funny....like someone consistently contradicting themselves (see post #62). The entire basis of a forum is to share experiences and opinions, if you can't handle that...well then I just keep on laughing.

---------- Post added 09-22-2015 at 09:22 AM ----------

Someone should start ASAP another "Handling or Not" Thread (your fav. threads) and i want to read your posts :)
More contradiction...always complains about the handling argument, yet is at the forefront of a handling discussion:?...or should I just :laugh:
Everyone can take out a few words out of context and make it sound like contradiction. Doesn't make me less of a keeper. I expressed my position on handling for education and handling for "fun". He quoted phrases from both spectres of the topic. :)

Chris, I hate "should I take out my OBT for a walk on my head'' topics, not therapeutic topics :)


Dec 25, 2014
Importing inverts into SA is impossible. Those that do get into SA does so illegally. Otherwise I would have already completed my wish list :)
But what if you spot a Theraphosidae in S.A wild, catch cup the eight legged friend, go home and transfer him/her in one of your enclosures, and no one knows? :)
I mean, still illegally. But no one would know that, o no? :)

---------- Post added 09-22-2015 at 10:48 AM ----------

My opinions were based in first hand experience...and yes opinions are opinions and not always fact (but sometimes they actually are)....and I can laugh at anything I see as personally funny....like someone consistently contradicting themselves (see post #62). The entire basis of a forum is to share experiences and opinions, if you can't handle that...well then I just keep on laughing.

---------- Post added 09-22-2015 at 09:22 AM ----------

Someone should start ASAP another "Handling or Not" Thread (your fav. threads) and i want to read your posts :)

Everyone can take out a few words out of context and make it sound like contradiction. Doesn't make me less of a keeper. I expressed my position on handling for education and handling for "fun". He quoted phrases from both spectres of the topic. :)

Chris, I hate "should I take out my OBT for a walk on my head'' topics, not therapeutic topics :)
Your reaction was funny for me :)
"Oh no.. not another threads of those" or something, ah ah.

Angel Minkov

Old Timer
Aug 3, 2014
Well of course when we get a "should I cuddle my tarantula" threads every day. If they want to cuddle, they should get a cat. I like cats more than dogs, actually. People complain their cats are devils, but my cats have always been super cool. Loved them. Now I'm stuck with a mini pinscher which was probably born in hell.


Dec 25, 2014
Well of course when we get a "should I cuddle my tarantula" threads every day. If they want to cuddle, they should get a cat. I like cats more than dogs, actually. People complain their cats are devils, but my cats have always been super cool. Loved them. Now I'm stuck with a mini pinscher which was probably born in hell.
Mine cats as well. They are very sensitive, and not interested in T's at all (nor crickets). They only love to search and hunt "those who fly". Last month they killed even a little tropical parrot.. those yellow/green ones.. still i'm guessing where they find that poor bird.

Angel Minkov

Old Timer
Aug 3, 2014
My dog sometimes barks at my regalis male, but never gets close or shows interest. I wouldn't keep a cat in an apartment, though. They're free souls and they would probably feel awful in a confined space.


Oct 9, 2014
But what if you spot a Theraphosidae in S.A wild, catch cup the eight legged friend, go home and transfer him/her in one of your enclosures, and no one knows? :)
I mean, still illegally. But no one would know that, o no? :)
There's a lot of people that does this actually, most of them unaware that it's illegal to keep them without a permit. I'm too fond of my spiders to risk them, if you get caught with any indigenous specie without permit, not only the illegal ones will be confiscated, but ALL will be confiscated, legal or not. Maybe one day I'll try to obtain a permit for indigenous genera, but permits are also not easy to obtain. Besides indigenous genera, all tarantulas are legal to keep, trade, breed, sell, collect etc. except for in the Western Cape. If you want to keep any tarantula in the Western Cape you need a permit.

And regarding importing, it literally is impossible. Import permits for inverts does not exist. It's stupid actually, you can keep legal species in South-Africa, but not allowed to import them....

Isn't it also illegal to keep native species?


Dec 25, 2014
There's a lot of people that does this actually, most of them unaware that it's illegal to keep them without a permit. I'm too fond of my spiders to risk them, if you get caught with any indigenous specie without permit, not only the illegal ones will be confiscated, but ALL will be confiscated, legal or not. Maybe one day I'll try to obtain a permit for indigenous genera, but permits are also not easy to obtain. Besides indigenous genera, all tarantulas are legal to keep, trade, breed, sell, colect etc. except for in the Western Cape. If you want to keep any tarantula in the Western Cape you need a permit.

And regarding importing, it literally is impossible. Import permits for inverts does not exist. It's stupid actually, you can keep legal species in South-Africa, but not allowed to import them....

Too risky, damn right. Not worth at all. But you can, however, keep non South African Nations Baboon Theraphosidae such Hysterocrates gigas, Pelinobius muticus etc if i'm not wrong?

---------- Post added 09-22-2015 at 12:47 PM ----------

My dog sometimes barks at my regalis male, but never gets close or shows interest. I wouldn't keep a cat in an apartment, though. They're free souls and they would probably feel awful in a confined space.
Yes. They can adapt, sure. But it's best to let them live and hunt as they wants, as their nature needs. As i'm here now, two of mines are out, wandering for pidgeons.. think that's one of the reasons why they are loved by my citizens. They kill pidgeons.
And here no one like those.


Oct 9, 2014
Too risky, damn right. Not worth at all. But you can, however, keep non South African Nations Baboon Theraphosidae such Hysterocrates gigas, Pelinobius muticus etc if i'm not wrong?
Yes, those are legal to keep.

The ones illegal to keep are:

Augacephalus spp.
Brachionopus spp.
Idiothele spp.
Harpactira spp.
Ceratogyrus spp.
Pterinochilus spp.
Trichognathella spp.

Harpactirella I'm not entirely sure about, as I've seen these for sale in SA. I heard they were legal but not entirely sure.

As far as I know it's only the genera that has spp. that are indigenous to South-Africa, and so the whole genus will be illegal to keep without permit.

Angel Minkov

Old Timer
Aug 3, 2014
Too bad I can't ship you mirandas if I get a sac. Would've gladly given you a sling or two for super cheap, as you seem to like them. Oh well... Hope all goes well, though. My female molted 2 days ago and is twice as bulkier. Her molt measured 6''. Now for her fangs to harden up and to get her fat.


Sep 13, 2015
I'm still new to the hobby ( i have 4 so far) and only handled my b smithi once and that was when I was rehousing. My curly seems chilled out most of the time but has attacked the tweezers a couple of times. Me personally I wouldn't handle I like to juat watch these fascinating creatures. Reading through I can understand whee your coming from.


Dec 25, 2014
Yes, those are legal to keep.

The ones illegal to keep are:

Augacephalus spp.
Brachionopus spp.
Idiothele spp.
Harpactira spp.
Ceratogyrus spp.
Pterinochilus spp.
Trichognathella spp.

Harpactirella I'm not entirely sure about, as I've seen these for sale in SA. I heard they were legal but not entirely sure.

As far as I know it's only the genera that has spp. that are indigenous to South-Africa, and so the whole genus will be illegal to keep without permit.
That's interesting. A Pterinochilus murinus, mighty OBT, it's a no (a T that at end of the day, lives and thrive even in nation somewhat far from S.A, like Mombasa, Kenya, for instance) but Harpactirella sp. yes.
Would love to have a female specimen of Harpactirella lightfooti btw one day.


Oct 9, 2014
That's interesting. A Pterinochilus murinus, mighty OBT, it's a no (a T that at end of the day, lives and thrive even in nation somewhat far from S.A, like Mombasa, Kenya, for instance) but Harpactirella sp. yes.
Would love to have a female specimen of Harpactirella lightfooti btw one day.
Yeah it sucks, but hopefully one day I'll be able to get myself a permit. Baboons are by far the most prettiest Ts, I especially love the look of Ceratogyrus and Augacephalus.


Dec 25, 2014
Yeah it sucks, but hopefully one day I'll be able to get myself a permit. Baboons are by far the most prettiest Ts, I especially love the look of Ceratogyrus and Augacephalus.
Baboons are also my fav OW T's. They don't have size, in general (and i love giant T's), true.. but are lovely. I'm fascinated by females Pelinobius muticus, i love "Queen" Baboons - while the males, even if extremely importants, sucks :)
Do you have a Pelinobius muticus? I found those lovely, and, for being OW'S with potent venom, not even so grumpy (except if you mess in their burrow too much of course).


Oct 9, 2014
Baboons are also my fav OW T's. They don't have size, in general (and i love giant T's), true.. but are lovely. I'm fascinated by females Pelinobius muticus, i love "Queen" Baboons - while the males, even if extremely importants, sucks :)
Do you have a Pelinobius muticus? I found those lovely, and, for being OW'S with potent venom, not even so grumpy (except if you mess in their burrow too much of course).
They are rarely available and quite expensive when they are available. If my budget allows, I'll probably order one next time along with H. gigas. I love the bulky rear legs.


Old Timer
Sep 14, 2014
And yes why I never force anything on her. I took out a molt and showed her all the interesting stuff, such as the feet and the fangs, and after showing it to her I asked if she wanted to touch it, she did so out of her own.
Yeah, arachnophobics have to go at their own pace. I am sure over the years people tried to reassure me and help me overcome my fears. Until the person is ready, probably won't help in most cases. Kudos for taking things slow and letting your Mom ask for more exposure.


Oct 9, 2014
Yeah, arachnophobics have to go at their own pace. I am sure over the years people tried to reassure me and help me overcome my fears. Until the person is ready, probably won't help in most cases. Kudos for taking things slow and letting your Mom ask for more exposure.
The last thing I want is her ending up where she started off. She has improved a lot with the phobia, so I can say that somewhere I'm doing something right, but she still has a long way to go. So I try to work in her comfort zone only. It's the best I can do.


Old Timer
Sep 14, 2014
Well of course when we get a "should I cuddle my tarantula" threads every day. If they want to cuddle, they should get a cat. I like cats more than dogs, actually. People complain their cats are devils, but my cats have always been super cool. Loved them. Now I'm stuck with a mini pinscher which was probably born in hell.
I always found my cats very affectionate.

One thing I will comment on re: this thread and similar ones we get: No one speaks for the whole forum: "We don't handle." It's incongruent since most the time when I log on AB, I see gallery pix on intro screen, and nearly daily at least one pix is of someone handling a T. Sends out a contradictory message to newbies.

There are many reasons to not handle, and most here acknowledge the risks thereof and take measures to minimize those risks. But to immediately assume anyone of the handling camp is somehow dangerous, irresponsible or lacking in intelligence is extremely insulting.

No one wants T bans (or exotic bans). We should police ourselves and I think most of us regulars on AB do an excellent job at self-monitoring our T husbandry practices and are very self-aware of the image we project to the public re: Ts and their care.

Angel Minkov

Old Timer
Aug 3, 2014
Policing is fine. I endorce responsible ownership as well, but PTX really set me off by telling me what I'm doing with my Ts or how I should treat them, also calling me an idiot exacerbated it all :) I don't handle any T, hence my 13'' long prod I keep near my collection for maintenance with SA/A tarantulas. I'd be lying if I said I've never handled, heck I've held my OBT and miranda (not exactly holding, it's a long story). But I handled when I couldn't make a difference between a regalis and a Pamphobeteus and nobody was there to tell me I shouldn't be doing it, and after the first few times it got boring anyways. I've already shared what my country's like. I was sharing experiences with the OP, after which he could decide what to do, I wasn't offering myself as food for other people's opinions, which it seems, according to them, are rules. I understand your concerns in America, as there has already been a ban in Florida if I recall correctly, but we should all be more mindful and respect other people's opinions, just as we want ours to be respected.

That's my conclusion to this topic. I think it should be forgotten/locked :)