B. Smithi or B. Albipolosum more handleable?


Dec 25, 2014
It's not bad. I've found people are scared of jumpy animals. If you have a rock, literally, like my B. smithi - perfect tool for some education. My B. smithi wouldn't move even if a nuke landed next to her. She's a juvie now so I wouldn't let anyone handle her, including myself, but she used to be perfect.

http://prntscr.com/8iu64r - after a bit of convincing from my side. It's just a matter of how you present it and to who you present it. Endorsing handling in front of immature people is obviously very bad :)
I don't have doubts about, using "pet rock" T's for education (not with the handling part of course) could help a bit, or more, some folks. Just i think it's worthless from my point of view.
But who cares? If someone isn't really interested in something, there isn't reasons for waste time.
Here folks (not me) tried in every possible way to educate "non arachnids" people, using their time, patience, best efforts (needless to say, no handling).
No valuable results.

Angel Minkov

Old Timer
Aug 3, 2014
For tarantula education, handling is useless, of course, but for getting rid of a ridiculous fear - it's sometimes good. If people just hate them rather than being afraid of them, there is little you can do.


Dec 25, 2014
For tarantula education, handling is useless, of course, but for getting rid of a ridiculous fear - it's sometimes good. If people just hate them rather than being afraid of them, there is little you can do.
Yeah, Angel. You have a point. But honestly i don't care about those people. I don't care a bit. IMO those who "managed" to get rid of their "arachnophobia" fear, weren't true arachnophobic people to begin with (i don't want to fall into 2 cents psychology now, but). Fear is normal. Fear is a feeling. Fear is life. Enjoy fear. We aren't robots. Everyone fear something (not necessary related to the animal world).
Sharks, for instance. But only and only if i am in sharks enviroment (meaning, i give a :poop: if some mafioso's here, in his Tony Montana villa, have a shark in his pool, seriously).
IMO, even if you are the new Mark Spitz, there's little you can do under water. You can't breath, you are not in your natural habitat.
I fear them a bit then, but oh well, no swimming in Australia, Indian Ocean etc.. nothing compared to Goldman Sachs not elected Prime Ministers, like happened here in Italy and Greece ;)

As for T's.. let the arachnophobic folks remain arachnophobic ones. Education is the key? Yes. Here failed.
The less in the hobby, sometimes, the better.


Old Timer
Sep 14, 2014
There's differences, let's say, even inside the arachnophobic people. The die hard ones here would prefer to face a bunch of angry hornets rather than watch (watch, not handle) a Grammostola rosea.
I owe my recovery from arachnophobia to holding a G rosea in the palm of my hand.

Doesn't mean I am pro-handling in general, but in private, one-on-one -- low to floor; well, I would be a hypocrite to deny it's how I overcame my fears. Made my whole fear seems a bit silly -- they are such fragile delicate creatures, so much smaller than me. It's turns out they really ARE more afraid of me than I am of them. Who knew? (well, all of you guys probably already knew that, but I didn't used to know that!)

Got it out of my system though and cannot recommend handling in general.

Anyway OP -- I guess I would choose B smithi if I had to handle one of your choices. Wouldn't want to though -- don't wanna be haired!
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Old Timer
Jan 18, 2011
I owe my recovery from arachnophobia to holding a G rosea in the palm of my hand.
And what if it had bitten you? That isn't an impossible outcome. What if you had a reaction to her hairs? That is even more likely.

I'm glad that you overcame your own fear, but really, who cares if the general public is arachnophobic? It's natural. Let them be them and let us enjoy our little hobby I say. Let's not be tarantulevangelists.


Dec 25, 2014
I owe my recovery from arachnophobia to holding a G rosea in the palm of my hand.

Doesn't mean I am pro-handling in general, but in private, one-on-one -- low to floor; well, I would be a hypocrite to deny it's how I overcame my fears. Made my whole fear seems a bit silly -- they are such fragile delicate creatures, so much smaller than me. It's turns out they really ARE more afraid of me than I am of them. Who knew? (well, all of you guys probably already knew that, but I didn't used to know that!)

Got it out of my system though and cannot recommend handling in general.

Anyway OP -- I guess I would choose B smithi if I had to handle one of your choices. Wouldn't want to though -- don't wanna be haired!
Education is the key, granted. But what trigger the fire, deep in the soul of people? IMO curiosity and love for knowledge. As a little Italian kid, with my dear brother, in 1985 circa, we told to Mom to draw a T for us. Was a sort of "Brachy" ah ah, but who knows. She was damn skilled, however.
I remember those days, searching for T's in my Father encyclopedia, calling those spiders, btw.. those encyclopedia were Atrax robustus was in the same page with Theraphosa (le, ah ah ) blondi. Great times :)
Hardcore arachnophobic people.. it's hard for them. You overcome the fear, IMO, because you are an intelligent and sensitive person.


Old Timer
Sep 14, 2014
My fear was interfering with my ability to lead a normal life. Too many spiders in my area -- esp in my home! My fear was such I could not even get close enough to use a fly swatter (I pictured it plotting and running up the handle and onto my face!
I was so ashamed to be afraid of spiders -- I understood how important they were in nature 'in theory' but faced with one? True story: I let a strange man from the sidewalk inside my apt back when I was in my early twenties because found a large spider in my living room when I got off of work (after midnight). Only a phobic could weigh out "stranger from sidewalk vs spider" -- phobia causes irrational decisions! I was just lucky some nice man killed the spider and left without harming me!

Now I can cup spiders and put them outside if needed. I still get a jolt if 'surprised' by a visiting spider in my home, but I don't have to freak out. I can handle it -- "I got this." :)

And now I have 11 Ts and am loving this amazing hobby! I spent way too many years afraid. If (privately and safely) handling a T could change someone else's life the way it did mine, well, I can't judge them.

---------- Post added 09-21-2015 at 05:13 PM ----------

....searching for T's in my Father encyclopedia, calling those spiders, btw.. those encyclopedia were Atrax robustus was in the same page with Theraphosa (le, ah ah ) blondi.....
There was a time I could not look at a picture of a spider without getting upset; or worse - to even just *touch* the picture. Sad but true!

That said, I don't mean to disrepect Ts by acting like their only purpose on earth is to be guinea pigs for phobics. All situations are unique and Ts do have a right to live their own lives safely and protected.


Dec 25, 2014
My fear was interfering with my ability to lead a normal life. Too many spiders in my area -- esp in my home! My fear was such I could not even get close enough to use a fly swatter (I pictured it plotting and running up the handle and onto my face!
I was so ashamed to be afraid of spiders -- I understood how important they were in nature 'in theory' but faced with one? True story: I let a strange man from the sidewalk inside my apt back when I was in my early twenties because found a large spider in my living room when I got off of work (after midnight). Only a phobic could weigh out "stranger from sidewalk vs spider" -- phobia causes irrational decisions! I was just lucky some nice man killed the spider and left without harming me!

Now I can cup spiders and put them outside if needed. I still get a jolt if 'surprised' by a visiting spider in my home, but I don't have to freak out. I can handle it -- "I got this." :)

And now I have 11 Ts and am loving this amazing hobby! I spent way too many years afraid. If (privately and safely) handling a T could change someone else's life the way it did mine, well, I can't judge them.

---------- Post added 09-21-2015 at 05:13 PM ----------

There was a time I could not look at a picture of a spider without getting upset; or worse - to even just *touch* the picture. Sad but true!

That said, I don't mean to disrepect Ts by acting like their only purpose on earth is to be guinea pigs for phobics. All situations are unique and Ts do have a right to live their own lives safely and protected.
Wow.. you were lucky, Ellen. What if the sidewalk man was a sort of John Wayne Gacy (without his First Lady Pic protection) Henry Lee Lucas, or worst, someone like me???

........ joking :) of course.

Angel Minkov

Old Timer
Aug 3, 2014
And what if it had bitten you? That isn't an impossible outcome. What if you had a reaction to her hairs? That is even more likely.

I'm glad that you overcame your own fear, but really, who cares if the general public is arachnophobic? It's natural. Let them be them and let us enjoy our little hobby I say. Let's not be tarantulevangelists.
Oh, but it didn't. It.obviously didnt kick hairs either, so no reaction as well. There is always a risk, that's why you pick a T which is the least likely to bite. I picked my B. smithi, even though I didn't really have a big choice, as my other 2 NW Ts are 6" females, completely unpredictable. Completely dissmissing handling is just unreasonable, because sometimes it has its merits :)


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2011
Oh, but it didn't. It.obviously didnt kick hairs either, so no reaction as well. There is always a risk, that's why you pick a T which is the least likely to bite. I picked my B. smithi, even though I didn't really have a big choice, as my other 2 NW Ts are 6" females, completely unpredictable. Completely dissmissing handling is just unreasonable, because sometimes it has its merits :)
What merits does it have to the spider? [emoji4] [emoji4] [emoji4]

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Angel Minkov

Old Timer
Aug 3, 2014
It's not going to die because of 15 seconds of handling. They don't have feelings, so they won't be mad at us, don't worry ;) Just handling doesn't have merits. Handling once or twice for arachnophobic people does. I never handle, just because I dont want to get bitten, but if that's what it takes to help a person overcome his fear, I'd handle for a few seconds:)
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Old Timer
Jan 25, 2011
I It's not going to die because of 15 seconds of handling. They don't have feelings, so they won't be mad at us, don't worry ;) Just handling doesn't have merits. Handling once or twice for arachnophobic people does. I never handle, just because I dont want to get bitten, but if that's what it takes to help a person overcome his fear, I'd handle for a few seconds:)
You still didn't really answer the question... :)

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cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
You won't handle because you don't want to get bit, but you will for someone already irrationally afraid:? Man, that makes so little sense it can only be described as comedy....at least I laughed. You get tagged and you are not helping anyone get over a fear, rather you would be rationalizing their fear should you get tagged.

You wanna make an arachnophobe feel comfortable....frequent viewing of the t inside the enclosure is by far the better way to go....make them feel safe during the observation and take away the freak out factor, which can easily turn a handling display into a t disaster or a panic stricken arachnophobe. The goal when dealing with a phobia should be to make them comfortable without inducing a potential freak out. Handling in front of such a person is inviting an uncontrolled panic attack. This is coming from a former arachnophobic individual speaking from first hand experience. I have had many phobic individuals that have calmed their fears, even if only a little, by simply observing on occasion as they are comfortable...just opening an enclosure around people like this is often more than enough to induce a panic attack IME.

---------- Post added 09-22-2015 at 01:31 AM ----------

"its not going to die because of 15 seconds of handling"

It will of it falls or gets knocked around by a panicked individual.
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Angel Minkov

Old Timer
Aug 3, 2014
Just because my views disagree with yours doesn't make it "laughable". This forum's mentality of enforcing opinions upon others is slowly becoming laughable. In your experience, opening enclosures is fine, in mine it's not. The tarantula won't die if you hold it low on the floor and that's why you do it only with slings - less "freak out factor" and less chance of injury. The picture I posted just a few replies earlier shows what handling did to my girlfriend who wouldn't enter the same room my Ts were in. Please, tell me it didn't help her :)

I won't handle, because just handling for my own fun and getting bit is fruitless, while handling for another and risking that small chance of getting "bit" by a 0.5'' sling is worth it if it helps the person. I'm in this hobby to help, not tell other people what to do all the time ;)


Old Timer
Mar 3, 2011
I won't handle
Except that you do.

It's irresponsible. You're supposed to be taking care of your tarantulas, but you're putting them in danger instead.
The first thought through your head when handling comes up as a potential option should be with the spider in mind, not anyone else.

Angel Minkov

Old Timer
Aug 3, 2014
Oh, now some random person on the forum is telling me what I'm doing. Please, tell me what I do with my tarantulas, as you seem to know better :(


Old Timer
Mar 3, 2011
Oh, now some random person on the forum is telling me what I'm doing. Please, tell me what I do with my tarantulas, as you seem to know better :(
I'm simply reiterating what you've told us, nothing more.
Aside from also thinking you're an idiot, but that's all.