Well........honestly your wife's "friend" sounds like a jerk....
Though I can kinda relate....people think my boyfriend's hobbie is odd so I don't bring it up too much at random...but I find comfort in places like arachnoboards and other folks that seem to understand the obsession. Most my friends may find it strange but.... they know it's just a matter of preference and don't diss me for it
Weird? Yep. I have had that label for as long as I can remember and I have only had Ts for a few weeks. My friends all tease me about being weird but I have never had anyone stop being friends with me just because some of my hobbies and interests are a bit freaky. If I had a list of weirdest pets I ever owned Ts wouldn't even make the top two spot. I figure anything you can walk into a pet store and buy is pretty mainstream.
As for the narrow minded people out there-those that refuse to learn or accept anything new- Where would we be if that thinking was 'normal'? Cowering in a cave afraid of fire, thats where.
You get tired of explaining to new friends about your Ts being in the house? Try explaining to a house guest why there is a badger raiding your fridge for strawberries and bacon.
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