Are we weird or are they narrow minded?


Old Timer
Dec 26, 2004
So many viewpoints here! It's kind of interesting how so many people here have different viewpoints on a subject we are all too aware of. The conclusion I've come to is that nothing is really weird. If people think keeping exotics is sick then I suppose it's ignorance. My boss always complains that his dog does it's business on the floor every day. But he thinks I'm weird because he's seen my Leopard Geckos. I'll clean a cage before I pick up dog poo on my new carpet on a daily basis. :) I may be weird, but at least I was able to train my dog! :wall:

You know what? I feel better. Thanks guys (and gals) :clap:


Old Timer
Jan 18, 2005
Very active forum at the moment. Good to be able to talk to so many people. I think ill go buy a T today. Gonna be my first one {D


Old Timer
Sep 3, 2003
I really, genuinely dont give a fig what other people think.
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Old Timer
Dec 29, 2003
Of course we are weird.

Why deny it? Generally, keeping distance from T's, insects, snakes, etc is a well honed self-preservation instinct.

It doesn't bother me if people think it's odd, if they think I am a freak, because it is, and I am.

It doesn't hurt me that they don't understand... it doesn't sadden me. It is what it is. There are far worse things to be concerned with than how someone reacts to my hobby. If I ever spend more than 2 minutes considering this a problem, than let the P. metallica god strike me down with bolts of (not really) potent venom.

And generally, most people show an interest in it anyway... they will ask a few questions, I will disperse the most vital information, and that's it.
And the people that are SO rigid that they are not even interested? Well, that person is a write-off anyway - in terms of being of value to the human race - curiosity is part of our fundamental make-up. If they've lost that then I hope they choose not to breed and foul up the gene pool.


Old Timer
Jul 3, 2004
well when i grew up i wanted a guinea pig and wasn't allowed since they eat as much as a rabbit but you couldn't eat them (grandma kept rabbits that were ment to be eaten). so i had gerbils years later. then i had chinchillas, and when i got to california i kept rats as pets (yes i know, i am on an downward spiral and now resorted to keeping tarantulas). my own family had fits about the rats, and they freak about the T's. but since where i live we aren't allowed cat's or dogs... well a T is a good way to keep ppl out ;) . well i also keep two kids and believe me they are more likely to bite then my T's (and they make a bigger mess also.
and i kinda understand of ppl freaking about T's - i myself did a few years before. but i decided to face my fear and get over it by keeping a rosehair, and the "evil thing" got me hooked and addicted so i had to get more.



Old Timer
Jun 8, 2004
I also say both.

We're unconventional for keeping T's and Scorpions and god knows what else. But we've learned what we need to know to keep them safely (and we've also learned that most of them aren't a huge threat, anyway), so we're pretty smart, really.

They're narrow-minded if they have *that* strong of a reaction to keeping inverts. I used to have a friend who was so phobic of spiders that he wouldn't go in the same room as a well-enclosed T. :rolleyes: Whatever, his problem, really. Most people are curious and pose a few FAQ's. But they also trust that if I'm keeping them in my house it can't really be all that dangerous.


Old Timer
Nov 8, 2004
I'm used to being thought of as weird, and uses it to my advantage whenever possible. ;P


Old Timer
Jan 16, 2005
I get enjoyment from watching and caring for my T's, and my friends and family accept my pets as part of me being me. In the end, that's all that really matters to me. If somebody asks questions, I'll do my best to educate them. As for the die hard spider-haters, I consider it their loss and not my problem.

'Sides, it's my coworker with the pet cow who's the wierd one. ;)


Old Timer
Dec 26, 2004
See, my biggest issue with the whole thing is how is keeping a T, Scorp, Snake, Lizard, Gorilla, etc.. any different from a dog or cat? (of which we have several) They are all just animals. At one point dogs and cats were something else and not domesticated, so did weirdos take wild beasties into their homes at one point in the past? A dog or cat is WAY more dangerous if it actually wants to hurt you. Ever find a feral cat and try to touch it? I'll wrestle ALL my T's at once barehanded before I'll do that again. :( So in theory, it's not in the least bit weird or different. An animal is an animal. At least that's the conclusion I've drawn after this thread.


Old Timer
Dec 4, 2004
Almost anyone has the knowledge to keep cats and/or dogs, just not to keep them to the best of their pets existance. As owners of T's, herps, reps, amphibs,etc... we've had to learn more about these creatures, and in doing so, have enlightened ourselves to the more obscure aspects of nature. So no we're not weird, just more enlightened. Remember, "Genius will always encounter violent opposition from mediocre minds"


Old Timer
Nov 8, 2004
chris73 said:
See, my biggest issue with the whole thing is how is keeping a T, Scorp, Snake, Lizard, Gorilla, etc.. any different from a dog or cat? (of which we have several) They are all just animals. At one point dogs and cats were something else and not domesticated, so did weirdos take wild beasties into their homes at one point in the past? A dog or cat is WAY more dangerous if it actually wants to hurt you. Ever find a feral cat and try to touch it? I'll wrestle ALL my T's at once barehanded before I'll do that again. :( So in theory, it's not in the least bit weird or different. An animal is an animal. At least that's the conclusion I've drawn after this thread.
Hehe that made me think. Perhaps a long time ago all the "normal" cavemen laughed at the one weirdo who decided to keep a wolf pup to help him hunt, or the other freak cavemen who kept wild bison/auroch calves and tried to get the domesticated adults to mate, instead of hunting like everyone else. :D


Jan 25, 2005
I have experienced these difficulties a lot. Keeping t's is just one "expression" of my fascination by all of nature; I also keep a lot of carnivorous plants and enjoy maintaining a vegetable garden. Many people are bored by the plants and scared of the bugs. Now I just don’t bring my hobby up in conversations. People who get to know me are not affected by my hobbies. If they hang out at my place and ask, I tell them, and then they are usually interested. I had a fellow staying with me for the summer; for the first month or so he wasn’t interested in my carnivorous plants. Only when he actually saw a venus flytrap shut on a cricket did he actually care. Since then he has built up a collection of 30 plants. As long as I'm not acting obsessed, people think i'm as normal as anyone else.



Old Timer
Nov 22, 2004
Many people fear what they don't understand. Some people fear a thing and learn to overcome it. Some do not fear a particular thing at all, and embrace it for what it is. Hence a hobby owning inverts or reptiles. I am amazed by the animals I own. You should not feel weird about a hobby you have. So long as you aren't shoving it down someone's throat, they should accept it...


Dec 16, 2004
I'd say Yes.

Even if they aren't really dangerous, they CAN harm you if they want to.

They aren't cuddly and often don't like to be handled; even constrictor snakes are cuddlier. They can't be taught tricks, and with the exception of Avics & Pokies aren't social and will eat each other, which I think anyone would consider macabre and frightening. It can be argued that the same applies to aggressive fish, and that both the fish and tarantulas are "living art", but then you face the problem that fish are more often visible, while many Ts hide all day.

And, as much as I'd rather not admit it, most casual tarantula owners who picked up a g. rosea at a pet store just own it because "it's so cool and scary", and will (mis)use it for the express purpose of freaking out guests.


Old Timer
Nov 19, 2004
NYCspiderGuy said:
You go ahead and keep whatever you want... at least you HAVE an interest!
I'm forgetting the song it comes from, but "Don't let the bastards grind you down!" It takes a particularly unhappy person to be bothered by your fun.
The song is by U2, it's called Acrobat. I used to listen to that a lot when I was depressed and much younger.

Yeah, we're weird, and they're a bit narrow minded. I'm just tired of explaining stuff to one of my co-workers...but about half of the time, I think he's an idiot when it comes to other things.

I explained that all tarantulas are venemous, and he responded with "you're smart". I think he ment that in sacrasm or in disbelief. Maybe if I'd said bees were venemous, he'd take it into context. Obviously, I'm not going to explain a Pokie bite to this person...and I doubt I'll even explain the Chaco bite I had.

He asks me questions about the animals I keep about once a week. I'm just getting sick of being looked at like I'm nuts as I answer his questions.

Good thing I've never mentioned the millipedes in a box under my bed ;P
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Old Timer
Dec 16, 2004
Weird?I prefer "eccentric".
I say the hell with em all that judge us,and that goes for my family as well.They think its strange and unconventional to have Ts.Would they rather I follow the rest of the sheeple into the slaughter house just to fit the norm?


Old Timer
Nov 26, 2004
we're not weird I think ... ppl dont know whats the animal, they did'nt even saw one in their life and they hate 'em, thats what I call weird

this is one of the oldest animal on earth, he's the most impressive , im on earth just for spider's hehe they are more then my hobby, I live for that :rolleyes:


Old Timer
Jan 8, 2005
i am definately not "that" weird, but i love it when people say tarantulas arent they poisonous, dont they kill people. now thats weird. then they say that they must be "defanged" in order for you to keep them in captivity. and when i tell them that you cant defang a tarantula or it will die they think im keeping an illegal animal. in my opinion being ignorant and not even giving Ts a chance is "weird"


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2005
everyone has different views or opinions. ever since i got into collecting inverts all i hear is "ohhhhhh thats a waste of money?" like it was weird or a stupid idea!!!! but i see collecting them as a passion or some what of a hobby just as other ppl collect stamps or penny's everyones differnet. there just isnt enough ppl collectin them to be considered the norm. your doing something different, you have a love for something different. which makes you different, in the eyes of the ignorant.