Whoa, in total? You got a major steal and I'm very jealous.Craigslist purchase yesterday
A fresh MM P murinus
about 3" each
B albopilosum
G pulchripes
C cyaneopubescens
Total. 50 dollars would be a good price even if they were all males. I jumped on it. The pulchripes was thin, but nothing 3 roaches couldn't fix last night.Whoa, in total? You got a major steal and I'm very jealous.
Someone call the police; that sounds like a steal.FIFTY BUCKS!
ahh very nice!. A. Chalcodes are a great species, especially if you got a Confirmed Female! mines always out and aboutI AM FREAKING OUT.
I just picked up four new babies at the NW Reptile Expo. I am so freaking happy.
A. chalcodes - 3.75"-4" - female
A. avicularia - 4.5" - female
E. truculentus - 3" - unsexed
P. scrofa - 1" - unsexed.
Bravo, sdsnybny!
Hehehe. I strolled in a little late, actually. Later towards noon. Trying to find parking was fun, but by the time we did, the line was gone!Before the doors were open
I think I saw you at Adam's table but wasnt sure
you only wanted the fuzzy avics LOL?