Ant help please


Old Timer
Jun 14, 2006
The people I know aren't just teachers at a local college or w/e. They are myrmacologists and since I'm not getting that email from zinto I won't mention there names to be fair.

LOL desert. Gosh you ever been on ant farms message board whats your user name there if you have one. And no you'd be a waste of my time to meat. I bench 350 lbs and I'm a blackbelt in jujitsu. Your not in a position to make threats towards me.

Admin, sure np, waiting for someone to finally say something lol. But the fact is I know more about ants than all of you.

lOL @ calling me a script kiddie. lmfao
And so the rant continues.:) This day would've been a total disaster had it not been for the humour you provide.

Ant Worker

Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
lol desert I was just in arizona a few weeks back lol too late now im not going back for awhile.

LOL I'm not giving names or addresses or any information to you sorry. Your opinion of me matters nothing.


May 23, 2006
Lee...if that is even your name

You don't have names of myrmecologists that you know because you do not know any. Once again no credentials of yours.....not even listing McManager at McDonalds, I'm shocked.

Feel free to email me when the fine state of Arizona will be graced by your presence again, perhaps a meeting then. Or let me know where you hail from and on my travels I'll drop by, being an academic genius we could have alot to talk about right? Or at least swap ninja moves.



Old Timer
Jun 14, 2006
Wow, your are quite the jack of trades. First a expert in ants, and now a hacker.
... and a ninja and a powerlifter. Truly we are in the presence of greatness :)


Old Timer
Jul 7, 2005
Script Kiddie said:
The people I know aren't just teachers at a local college or w/e. They are myrmacologists and since I'm not getting that email from zinto I won't mention there names to be fair.

LOL desert. Gosh you ever been on ant farms message board whats your user name there if you have one. And no you'd be a waste of my time to meat. I bench 350 lbs and I'm a blackbelt in jujitsu. Your not in a position to make threats towards me.

Admin, sure np, waiting for someone to finally say something lol. But the fact is I know more about ants than all of you.

lOL @ calling me a script kiddie. lmfao
So let me get this straight, you're not going to give us your sources. I've proven you were wrong on a major number of your gloating points wrong with credible sources and you are STILL gloating about your percieved knowledge.

I'm sure you're the toughest person on the internet, buddy. ;)

Arietans said:
... and a ninja and a powerlifter. Truly we are in the presence of greatness :)
Chuck Norris personified, he is :rolleyes:

Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002
Ant Worker said:
Admin, sure np, waiting for someone to finally say something lol. But the fact is I know more about ants than all of you.
So let me get this straight, you were expecting this behavior to warrant moderator action, and you did it anyway? And you think it's funny? You're not scoring any points with that little revelation. You derail one more thread, and you can watch from the sidelines.

And only the most arrogant person would assume they know more than anyone else about a certain subject. In corollary, only the most egotistical would think more of himself because of it.

Ant Worker

Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
Yea I did it to piss people off knowing I'd get in trouble. Ask me if I care?

Nope not one bit. LOL watch from sidelines I'll come back with new ip. Your not in a position to make threats toward me.

Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002
Ant Worker said:
Yea I did it to piss people off knowing I'd get in trouble. Ask me if I care?

Nope not one bit. LOL watch from sidelines I'll come back with new ip. Your not in a position to make threats toward me.
I don't care if you care. I DO care about the integrity of AB though, so we'll solve that problem right now, enjoy your 1-month vacation.

And you have a dim view of the world if you consider enforcing the rules "threats" ... however, if you do make good on YOUR threat to come back with a new IP, your ban will be permanent. Don't flatter yourself that you're the only one here who knows how to "hack". :rolleyes:


Old Timer
Feb 9, 2006
Wait a sec, so let me get this straight. This guy calls people who can accurately use spelling and grammar "nerds" (I always thought knowing how to spell was common sense..), yet he claims to be all hack-happy? Uh, do I smell a nerd?

On another note, I forget how I stumbled onto this specific thread...but it never ceases to amaze me when I realise any little insect or other creature I see around the house or yard is probably the distant cousin of someone's favourite pet. Weird, yet awesome.


Old Timer
Jan 2, 2005
Ant Worker said:
The people I know aren't just teachers at a local college or w/e. They are myrmacologists and since I'm not getting that email from zinto I won't mention there names to be fair.

LOL desert. Gosh you ever been on ant farms message board whats your user name there if you have one. And no you'd be a waste of my time to meat. I bench 350 lbs and I'm a blackbelt in jujitsu. Your not in a position to make threats towards me.

Admin, sure np, waiting for someone to finally say something lol. But the fact is I know more about ants than all of you.

lOL @ calling me a script kiddie. lmao
WOW! I can only do 349. I guess I'm still not good enough.......Would you like fries with that?