Ant help please

Ant Worker

Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
1v1 ant knowledge and keeping contest????

LOL !! I'm not a friendly person by nature. I don't believe in internet friends so there is no friendlyness I want information straight thats all not to make cyber friends and go on cyber dates and that crap.

Don't waste my time with that kind of bull crap.


Old Timer
Feb 7, 2006
Now you're wasting my time with your strange interpretations of what I say. Cyber friends...dates??! I never said that or even hinted it. Your pride is pretty funny to observe!

And the topic is away from ants now, and I leave the thread.


Old Timer
Jul 7, 2005
thisgal said:
Yo, King Antworker. You can't spell.
You're right. It is kind of funny...this one guy coming in and bragging that he's smarter than everyone and doesn't even realize that individual is spelled with an I.

Large part of why I'd rather PM waspman than ask advice from you.


Old Timer
Aug 26, 2005
back on topic im gonna say your queen is most likly infertile.ive never had one drop eggs that still had wings.(not that its not possible)if i were u id go and find a new queen with some workers and start them off in a ant farm or some kind of jar.
@ antworker im gonna say alot of your info is correct but no need to be a dick to people on here man.if you dont have anything nice to say dont say anything at


Old Timer
Feb 9, 2006
Evil Cheshire said:
You're right. It is kind of funny...this one guy coming in and bragging that he's smarter than everyone and doesn't even realize that individual is spelled with an I.
Oh, geez, I've counted at least a half a dozen retarded spellings.

Ant Worker

Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
LOL if you count the spellings of words for exactness then your a pretty pathetic low life nerd. Who needs a friend a hobby, or something in your life other than a computer. Seriously your one screwed up cookie...

Yea I don't care about my spelling here as long as its understandable thats as far as I care to go. I rush and I don't play to take my time spelling things out for you..

No but really nerds, go outside it wont kill you.

LOL syndicate don't call me another name in your life or you will really regret it.

EvilCh, lol wasp doesn't know as much as me so if u want a small ammount of information and what is most likely to be false be my guest I have no need to bother with pathetic individuals like yourself.

-End topic.


May 23, 2006

What exactly are your creds? Where did you recieve your PhD?

95% of blacklit alate queens have been unmated you say? I must be VERY fortunate and collect the entire 5% that have. I commonly find queens via blacklighting that have been mated or will in fact mate on the sheet. More often then not these BL'd queens are successful in colony foundation.

Perhaps before spouting factless venom pick up some publications yourself, not just the ones with pictures. Oh yeah, switch to decaf.


Ant Worker

Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
My facts have come straight from a few professors that I've talked with sorry.

LOL never said blacklit queens dont mate on the sheet, but commonly queens with wings dont found colonies because they are ussually unmated. Thats a fact that cant be argued sure some may come to the blacklight at night and you may get a few lucky mated queens. Congrats never said its impossible. What I'm saying is it's unlikely.

decaf? Lol I don't drink coffee you pathetic nerd. God lucky for a few of you I quit all forms of hacking over a year ago so I wont kill you all.


Old Timer
Jun 14, 2006
I love the friendly manner in which this topic was approached :confused:

Antworker, you didn't get many hugs as a child, I see. Do you really think its necessary to be so aggressive?


Old Timer
Jul 7, 2005
Ant worker, I have sent you a PM and reported most of your posts as well as informed the site owners of your past and present actions.

I fully expect you to make a crack about running to mommy and daddy (Scott and Debby) however, I am not a moderator and can not really do anything but that.

Mr.Deranged said:
Absolutely NO flaming, deliberate personal attacks, or excessively antagonizing posts!
They don't say anything about threats made by overzealous script kiddies, but I'm fairly certian that's in there somewhere ;)

You are now on my ignore list, and I strongly encourage all the other people who have replied to this thread to do the same.

This child has nothing to offer us.
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Ant Worker

Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006

First lets address the lack of "hugs". LOL I get plenty of hugs as a kid, and I'm an aggressive person piss me off you get an earful thats how I roll im not gonna kiss ass.

LOL Evil report me lm<edit>ao do It I'll change my IP and return you nerd. And no I'm not a script kiddie, I did far more than anything related to being a script kiddie. I'm a far better hacker than you think..

<edit - language>
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May 23, 2006

Perhaps you didn't read my prior questions.

I would like to know what your credentials are.

Where did you earn your PhD?

GED if you are lucky?

What are the credentials of these expert profs you spoke of? Are they Myrmecologists? Or teaching at some simple little community college?

I as a pathetic nerd as you so pointed out, would like to meet up so we could further discuss this matter. There are many very remote mountain ranges here in Southern Arizona where I go anting, consider this an invite of sorts.



Old Timer
Jun 30, 2003
Ant Worker said:
LOL Evil report me lm<edit>ao do It I'll change my IP and return you nerd. And no I'm not a script kiddie, I did far more than anything related to being a script kiddie. I'm a far better hacker than you think..

Wow, your are quite the jack of trades. First a expert in ants, and now a hacker.


Old Timer
May 12, 2006
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks this guy is a little rude, to put it mildly. I too noticed the spelling errors, another reason I didn't believe what he was saying. Lack of intellect or care to look professional dissuades me from taking him seriously. I am also quite interested to see where this guy got an education and why he is claiming to be "Mister Know-it-all." Without anything to back it up, we have no reason to believe anything he says. And as I've stated before, I've caught plenty of fertile queens while blacklighting just like desertdwellr. Thanks for all of your support guys.

Whether you believe me or not about the winged queens, I've chosen not to give you (Ant Worker) the email address of the guy at UofA. I wouldn't wish you upon my worst enemy.
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Old Timer
Jul 7, 2005
Guys...stop responding to his posts and he will go away

Click on the link to add our script kiddie friend to your ignore list.

Ant worker...stop bragging. We're hardly impressed.

Come back with your sources (which I, as well as the rest of the AB community doubt you have), and maybe even prove that you don't need somebody to log onto AB for you and maybe we'll tremble in fear at your very name.

You'll probably just have to settle for a little giggle, though.
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Old Timer
Jul 7, 2005
I found a major chink in Ant Worker's credibility. Apparrently, carpenter ants DO nest in drywood.

They probably don't eat the stuff, but they definitely will chew holes smooth in it.

University of Kentucky

Carpenter ants nest in both moist and dry wood, but prefer wood which is moist.
Even though caprenter ants prefer moist wood, they will nest in drywood which is the exact opposite of what you said.

Ant Worker (AKA script kiddie) said:
Workers are of good size, and they don't need wood at all, I hate people thinking all Camponotus sp. are carpenter ants. Which is complete bull. Most of them are perfectally content in soil and only use wood when its already decaying and theres spaces already in it, they dont eat wood, carve the wood, or do anything of that nature. Ants are not termites.
It does seem that they use wood and do things in the nature of carving it.

I know crap about ants, BTW.

Let's see what else I can find, shall we?

I love putting my odd news talents into action for the good of humanity.

Article about Camponotus pennsylvanicus which debunks what you said about them nesting in wood near the bottom.

This is a very common ant that nests in live and dead trees, rotting logs and stumps, and in wood products such as fences, telephone poles, and buildings .
Again...screwed by your own words by the University of Mississippi.

script kiddie said:
3.Yawn.... Camp. penn is NOT a carpenter ant, some people find them in rotted wood in their houses, so lets jump to conclusions that all wild ants are carpenters. In the wild they nest in the soil just as much as in wood, if not more in soil. Sorry your wrong I've never seen a Campo colony in the wild in wood, all in the soil. Please, shh..
I have seen a carpenter ant colony in a tree before, nesting in the dead wood at the center of the tree. The tree was cut down, exposing the nest.

Not that I'm a credible source, or anything. The incident happened while I was clearing out some brush for a summer camp I worked at at the time. Personal experience, counts for crap in your eyes. But it's how I know you don't know what you're talking about. That's why it's important.


Two posts...a pair of fallacies. Big ones, too.. Let's go on.

I actually ran out of informational posts to read through. The rest were basically flaming and other fecal wastes of bandwidth.

Script Kiddie said:
Back up your information with a myrmacologist and maybe you'll get respect I've talked to/worked with more myrmacologists than you know sorry..
How about you go first? Most of the sites run by credible universities seem to dispute a lot of your claims.

I personally find it hard to believe somebody who writes with the grammar skills of a 14 year old D student has worked with any credible scientists.

I'm sorry, but a state university beats a community college professor any day.

How long did it take you to google for the term for ant scientist, BTW?

Beyond this point, I doubt you can do anything to save your credibility.

So...again, Ant Worker...I defy you to come up with credible sources to defend your claims. You obviously don't have the education to have a PHD and judging by how almost EVERYTHING you say is crap, I'm guessing you don't have the sources to back up your claims.

Oh, and I'm going to quote you as script kiddie from now on ;)
Think of it as your pet name

I translated this page into something you can understand. It's sad, but your spelling and grammar doesn't change much in this translation.
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Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002
Ant Worker,

I'm one of the few mods available during the 'Con, and you're pissing me off. I'm not in the mood to tolerate children who get off on their own perceived superiority, and if you keep it up, you can find another forum to "learn about spiders", because you won't be welcome here any longer. If you have the creds you claim to have, state them plainly and move the heck on with the topic, nobody here is impressed, so get over yourself. I don't believe you're anything more than a maniacally egotistical research assistant by the way you're acting, because there's no possible way ANY Masters/Ph.D jury would have passed you if this is truly how you defend your views.

I believe EC did a fine job of detailing why people suspect you're full of crap. I suggest you count to 10 next time you feel like giving us some more of that "I know more than you, so shut up and don't speak again", or it will be the last post you make here.

There is plenty to be learned here about all kinds of other invertebrates if dealing with the knuckle-dragging 'ant idiots' is too much for your fragile soul to bear... I suspect, however, that you are not the type who cares as much for learning as showing off. If you were TRULY interested in these animals, you'd go out of your way to make sure people were educated and wrong views were fixed... you would NOT act this way.

Just because you live near NYC doesn't automatically mean you have to be rude... many here, including the owners, live in the NYC area and manage to relate to people without sounding like an egotistical maniac.

This will be your only warning. If you have a problem with anything I've said, PM me.

Ant Worker

Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
The people I know aren't just teachers at a local college or w/e. They are myrmacologists and since I'm not getting that email from zinto I won't mention there names to be fair.

LOL desert. Gosh you ever been on ant farms message board whats your user name there if you have one. And no you'd be a waste of my time to meat. I bench 350 lbs and I'm a blackbelt in jujitsu. Your not in a position to make threats towards me.

Admin, sure np, waiting for someone to finally say something lol. But the fact is I know more about ants than all of you.

lOL @ calling me a script kiddie. lmao
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May 23, 2006

So who exactly are these myrmecologists? They have names or are they as non-existant as your credentials, which you have neglected to state.

If you are quick you may get some paperwork online at one of those internet degree mills, I heard you can make it say whatever you wish ie. "myrmacologist"....misspelled just the way you like it.

Also anyone can SAY they bench 500# and have a blackbelt in hong kong fuey, if that is the case come say Hi in person, after all you have nothing to be afraid of. I'll be out anting all weekend in the sticks, let me know where we can speak in person. Maybe while showing off some ninja moves you can point to which ant species you actually can identify.

If you can't do that send me a private email with your address and I will mail you a couple bucks, perhaps that way you can afford to buy a clue.
