All Maryland Reptile Show?


Old Timer
Apr 11, 2007
In havre De Grace tomorrow. It seems they have them almost every month there. Has anybody ever been to this show? If so how is the t selection? I've never been to a reptile show so forgive my ignorance.

Do reptile shows usually have a decent arachnid selection or is that more of the exception? What else should i know going into one if i intend to buy a t or two?

This is what i'm talkin about:

worm's girl

Old Timer
Jul 13, 2007
When we went to PA for a reptile show we called a couple of the different vendors ahead of time to ask them what they might be bringing...


Old Timer
May 17, 2007
I dont know if you saw the other post my girl had but. Usally its alot of reptiles.....stupid reptiles.. But i have herd about this show from a local pet shop,when i was looking for a cobalt blue and they said its pretty good. THis pet store usally has some cool t's there all the time. To be honest Todays pet in columbia always has a p.murinus and sometimes a golith bird,and even some cobalt blues. I found out that usally if its something you want make shure the guy selling it to you knows whats going on,see if he knows the scientific name and look at the abdomen and see if it looks small...this could be dehydration or not been feed well. Also see if the guys knows if its male or female. Some of these guys are morans and have no clue they own a pet store and brought some of there

anyway im going to try to be there i want to see what they got as well,im moving into a new apartment and got lots of room for some crazy ass pets:D

worm's girl

Old Timer
Jul 13, 2007
its was outside of pittsburg, Hamburg sounds right, it took us 4 hrs (in the snow up hill both ways, literally) and they had a small, small collection. 5 t's max.


Old Timer
Apr 11, 2007
I hear so much about Arachnocon. They only have 1 show per year right? And they change the location each time? Are there any other strictly or at least primarily arachnid shows in the country that anybody knows of?

It seems the east coast has a whole lot less of this kind of thing. Maybe cuz we have no native t's and only a couple of scorps in the south.


Old Timer
Nov 5, 2005
Hamburg is Northeastern, PA. Up the northeast extention of the PA turnpike. You get off at the same exit as for Dorney Park. It is the same town as Cabelas (sp); the big hunting supply store & Hawk Mountain Sanctuary.

There is also a western PA version of this show that is held the same weekend but always on Sundays, Hamburg on Saturdays, other on on Sundays so the same dealers can go to both. I know nothing else about the other because it is further for me. When you say Pittsburg, I think you mean that one. These shows happen at least 4 times per year. I keep the link in the above post on my desktop because that is how I keep track of the up coming dates.

Living near Philadelphia, it takes me almost 2 hours to get to Hamburg. I think it would take almost that long to get to the Maryland show too. The one I go to the most is the New York one at White Plains... that also takes me 2 hours... they all are just different directions. There was one on Long Island, NY but I missed that one and another in northern NJ (thought I heard no T's there) Supposed to be one in Lancaster, PA too a few time a year.

worm's girl

Old Timer
Jul 13, 2007
yeah it was a sunday, i think your right...either way they didnt have much of a selection, the people working the tables didn't care enough to get they're feet off the table for five seconds and help us answer a couple questions unless you were interested in a crocodile :( so hopefully the maryland one is better... we'll probably see you there etown


Old Timer
Apr 11, 2007
Cool. I'll post an overview of this show when i get back. Since it's monthly throughout the summer i figure peeps may want to know if it's worth it.

See ya there Mr. and Mrs. Worm.


Old Timer
May 3, 2005
I live in the boonies... I have to drive about 1.5 hours to get to havre de grace.
Can anyone sell their inverts or do you have to get a spot?


Old Timer
Feb 25, 2007
In havre De Grace tomorrow. It seems they have them almost every month there. Has anybody ever been to this show? If so how is the t selection? I've never been to a reptile show so forgive my ignorance.

Do reptile shows usually have a decent arachnid selection or is that more of the exception? What else should i know going into one if i intend to buy a t or two?

This is what i'm talkin about:

It varies month to month. Some of the bigger reptile vendors there will have some small selection of T's and other inverts. Once in a while Corner Critters will have a nice selection of T's from their pet shop for sale there. And then there is the occasional T selection from the everyday hobbyist looking to offload a few odds and ends. I think most of the Brazilian blacks I've picked up over the years have come from the All MD show.

However, I think you would likely be much better off waiting until September (15 & 16) for the MARS show in Timonium MD at the state fairgrounds (4H building).... Tom Agosta from 8 legs plus will have his spiders there and he has a pretty good collection of slings, juvies and adults. Most people are familiar with him from the Hamburg PA show. Some of the other reptile vendors at the MARS show may have spiders, but none with as good a selection.


Old Timer
Apr 11, 2007
Thanks Wyvern. I think, in fact that i shall attend both shows. But I'll most likely refrain from buying anything remotely high dollar until the Timonium thang. I've got a fever for the flavor of a fuzzy little Avic that shouldn't wait 2 months.

Michael Jacobi

Old Timer
Mar 17, 2003
I hear so much about Arachnocon. They only have 1 show per year right? And they change the location each time? Are there any other strictly or at least primarily arachnid shows in the country that anybody knows of?

It seems the east coast has a whole lot less of this kind of thing. Maybe cuz we have no native t's and only a couple of scorps in the south.
Yes, ArachnoCon is an annual event. As for changing locations each time, next week is the second A'Con and it is being held in San Antonio, at the same facilities as last year. So, two shows, one place. We are exploring changing to a new city for #3, but it is premature to even think about a third event until we get through this one. Our ArachnoCon planning committee conducted research, primarily through a poll on this forum, and confirmed what we believed: that our attendees consider the opportunity to see tarantulas and other arachnids in the wild to be a priority. Therefore, you can expect future ArachnoCons (assuming there are any) to remain in the southwest US.

People travel from all over the country for ArachnoCon. Some come from Canada and Mexico and last year we had Germans and if there is a #3 we expect some Brits. So the question is not whether the ultimate gathering of arachnid enthusiasts is coming to your area, but what you need to do to travel to it. Remember, A'Con/Arachnopets/Arachnoboards owners Debby & Scott Scher live in New York. So they are east coasters that head west to an area appropriate for a convention for arachnid lovers among whom the overwhelming majority are primarily interested in tarantulas.

We hope you and others from wherever will join us next year. It's never too early to start planning and saving.

To answer your question directly, the only other "primarily arachnid show" in the US is the ATS Conference, which was formerly held in Carlsbad, New Mexico and has been recently held in Phoenix, Arizona. Same reasons... tarantula habitat.

I should mention that there are those, like me, who are much more interested in the educational (lectures) aspects, with a secondary interest in the expo's exhibits and sales. The thought of having an arachnid conference of sorts in 'non-tarantula' country has crossed my mind more than a few times. But, as I mentioned above, we have listened to the people and they want to trek around the desert, so what type of attendance a conference without field trip opportunities could draw is a big question mark.

Cheers, Michael


Old Timer
Feb 25, 2007
How much is a table?
Honestly I don't know. When you check the show info, it just says to call for information and table reservations. (410) 526-4184 With the show information hosted on MD Reptile Farm's website, I think that more or less means that Larry Kenton is the one who runs the show and would be the person to talk to.

worm's girl

Old Timer
Jul 13, 2007
hey the show was pretty good....i ended up buying a skeleton that they had on display. shes about a year old and awesome. while we were there we saw one of the vendors was selling a "rose hair" that looked nothing like a rose hair, it looked like togo starburst or something like it but because the guy had no idea what it was (he said it came to the store labeled "rose hair") he was selling it for $10. we almost grabbed it to save some poor soul from discovering their $10 rose hair was an aggressive crazy a$$ spider but we got so caught up in the skeleton we forgot all about it.

did you see it there etown? what did you think it was?


Old Timer
Apr 11, 2007
Hmmmmm... not sure which one you mean. I got there a little late (1:00) and one guy with inverts was already packing up. The only table i spent much time at was J and S's. I bought a sub adult skeleton and an asian fawn sling. He threw in a couple of TINY curly-slings as well.

There was a table with mostly lizards and dart frogs that had some rosies and avics. I'm pretty sure at least the avics were wild caught and everything was on bark chips so i kept on moving. Joe (JnS) had a rosie that was labeled G capa (crapa, carpa?) which is apparently the new taxonomical description of what we all know as a G rosea. It was a nice specimen too. Maybe that's the one you mean cuz it was so coppery-pink all over it did almost look like it could have been something else.

I looked for you guys. Did you leave early? I didn't see a cammo john deere hat.


Old Timer
Apr 11, 2007
Michael, thanks for your detailed reply. It would be cool to see the t's in their native environment. I guess I didn't realize the scope of this event, are there group excursions with guides or what? Also, when people fly there how do they deal with getting purchases back home?

Anyways, i hope this year goes really well and is profitable for all concerned. If it wasn't so soon i'd try to go but I'll definitely make it next year!