A couple of people have asked about how my L. violaceopes sling died, so I figured I'd type it out.


Outlaw Valkyrie
May 20, 2015
For the record, it was about 1.5" and living in a locking-lid GladWare container.

I live in an apartment by myself. Before this incident, I was paying one of my great aunts $75 to come clean my apartment once a month. When I first started keeping tarantulas, I mentioned the fact to her, and told her I'd be storing them in my bedroom closet with the door shut when she came to clean so she wouldn't have to see them (and also to protect them from any cleaning product fumes - I tightly stuff a bunch of old towels under the full length of the door).

A couple of weeks ago, she came to clean, and this time she brought along my five-year-old cousin. While she was cleaning my bathroom, for reasons the universe itself can't fathom, she opened the door and let my cousin play in the closet. Again, don't ask me why - it's a tiny space taken up by the laundry basket, bag of coir substrate, shoes, telescope, etc. - he could have played in the bedroom and been within ten feet of her, but I guess she really felt like she had to be able to see him directly.

In any case, he was fooling around, trying to use the wire shelf slightly above his head as monkey bars or something, and he pulled the LV enclosure down onto himself. My aunt heard the noise, saw the enclosure fall onto his head, freaked out about "the spider hurting him," grabbed it, and threw it across the room. It hit the bathroom wall hard enough to slightly dent the enclosure.

She called me at work to let me know what happened. I don't know whether the sling died instantly or lingered for a while, but when I came home I found it in its burrow with a very much smashed and leaking abdomen.

I fired my aunt from her cleaning lady job, and have installed a lock on my closet door. I asked her to reimburse me the $45 I originally paid for the sling, which she refused, and I really have no way to contest it. She's broken other stuff, and I really wish I'd have fired her over one of those incidents rather than letting it get to this point. It really bothers me that a fierce predator like L. violaceopes died with absolutely no chance to defend itself. It was a voracious eater and heavy webber, and yet always very cooperative during rehousings/enclosure maintenance.

For those of you who weren't too keen on me getting an L. violaceopes while I was new to the hobby...I'm probably not going to replace it, mostly because my heart isn't in it anyway.
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Old Timer
Jan 25, 2011
Honestly if someone In my family did this to one of my pets I would probably not talk to them ever again. I mean talk about overreacting. Sorry to hear this.
Your aunt should at least give you whatever you paid for the spider. To kill someone else's animal, that they paid money for and cared for, especially when it was minding its own business, is just wrong.
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Outlaw Valkyrie
May 20, 2015
That's awful. I hope your aunt at least apologized!
Her attitude is basically "you endangered my grandson by having a tarantula; I just did the natural instinctive thing to save him, so you did it to yourself."

My family in general are bigoted white trash, so no surprise there.


Jun 4, 2014
"you endangered my grandson by having a tarantula; I just did the natural instinctive thing to save him, so you did it to yourself."
Wow. Just...wow. *SMH*

So much broken logic...it's physically painful to read this.

She's supposed to be going to your apartment to clean it, not to babysit in it, correct? If that's the case I'd be pointing out to her that if anything, she's the one who put the kid in danger by bringing him along. You never asked her to, and the fact of the matter is that you were paying her to perform a service. If she were working as a professional house cleaner, had she brought the kid along she would likely be canned on the spot.

So sorry this happened to you. :(


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2009
I'm not condoning her actions, and I'd do the same thing(or worse) given your position, but I think people have to realize that she's likely extremely ignorant about Ts and how dangerous they actually are. I think most adults would react in a similar way after having a container containing an animal they have no knowledge about fall on a young child's head. Maybe throwing it that hard was unnecessary, but again she likely doesn't give a crap about a little spider. It's not like she walked into the room, took the enclosure, and chucked it for fun.

Don't let this get you too down, it was out of your control. The only sling I have ever lost in this hobby was a Lampropelma violaceopes as well.


Dec 25, 2014
Uhm, i remember that hell of a thread back then, lol.. and people here was worried about > you < being bitten by that poor OW baby Theraphosidae (ok, still not the best for a beginner, especially because they are very delicate, btw) or about "papillon" escapes or what else.

Those scenarios didn't happened. Now after months, we know that the victim, the real victim, was that poor eight legged Asian spider and he/she only.

What i can't stand is this: to have others cleaning my home. Drive me crazy. I do that, always-- even at late night, if i can't during the day. Never let others (no matter if they are friends or relatives) clean your home.

Beary Strange

Aug 30, 2013
I'm not condoning her actions, and I'd do the same thing(or worse) given your position, but I think people have to realize that she's likely extremely ignorant about Ts and how dangerous they actually are. I think most adults would react in a similar way after having a container containing an animal they have no knowledge about fall on a young child's head. Maybe throwing it that hard was unnecessary, but again she likely doesn't give a crap about a little spider. It's not like she walked into the room, took the enclosure, and chucked it for fun.
Except that this person allowed the child to play in a closet where she'd previously been told there was a tarantula. The whole thing is 100% the fault of this woman. Why is she bringing children into someone else's house on a job? Why is she letting said child play in her closet? And of all closets, the one she's been told the tarantula is in. Nothing excuses this woman's actions and the fact that she won't at least recoup Radium's loss is messed up.

Radium, I'm so sorry this happened to you. It's unfortunate you had to lose an innocent spider because of someone like that.

Side note: This has done nothing to help my concern about housekeepers. The boyfriend is always wanting to hire one to come once a week and concern for my Ts is one of the reasons I'm so adamantly against it.

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Honestly if someone In my family did this to one of my pets I would probably not talk to them ever again. I mean talk about overreacting.
Anyone else see the irony here? :laugh:


Radium, that's a real bummer...I don't know what else to say...it just really sucks.


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2011
Anyone else see the irony here? [emoji23]


Radium, that's a real bummer...I don't know what else to say...it just really sucks.

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Old Timer
Jan 25, 2009
Except that this person allowed the child to play in a closet where she'd previously been told there was a tarantula. The whole thing is 100% the fault of this woman. Why is she bringing children into someone else's house on a job? Why is she letting said child play in her closet? And of all closets, the one she's been told the tarantula is in. Nothing excuses this woman's actions and the fact that she won't at least recoup Radium's loss is messed up.

Radium, I'm so sorry this happened to you. It's unfortunate you had to lose an innocent spider because of someone like that.

Side note: This has done nothing to help my concern about housekeepers. The boyfriend is always wanting to hire one to come once a week and concern for my Ts is one of the reasons I'm so adamantly against it.
Of course, I'm not saying her actions are excusable at all. All I was saying was that her immediate reaction to the enclosure falling on the kid's head shouldn't be surprising to anyone, and people are always going to make dumb justifications when a kid is involved.


Outlaw Valkyrie
May 20, 2015
As a footnote, my girlfriend (who I've gotten into the hobby information-wise, although she refuses to be in the same room as the spiders) offered to buy me my favorite pokie for Christmas. I decided that while my interactions with the LV sling had gone well, it was pretty useless to tempt fate twice in a row. I've discovered since getting into the hobby that I just really love Avics much more than I ever expected - my A. geroldi sling is a daily source of adorableness and comedy, and I don't feel the need for any other arboreals with it around.

Don't get me wrong - I'm sad and angry the LV died, and I miss it, but I'm not in any hurry to acquire a new Speed Demon McBiteyouhard to replace it.


Apr 18, 2015
Man that sucks, can't believe your own aunt will not pay for the pet that she KILLED!!!! Next time you go to her house (if ever), you should take one of her prized possessions and hurl it across the room.


Oct 31, 2015
that's the worst! I am so sorry to hear about that but keep your head up you sound like one of us so don't go giving up on a wonderful hobby that you had a deep sense of respect for because of a catastrophic incident like what happened. A hobby like this needs a guy like you and there are some spiders out there that do too! My condolences and best of luck to you


Jan 7, 2015
Aw man. That's awful, I would never forgive that either - don't give up, but don't dive in for a replacement till you'll feel good about it. Maybe start again with a completely different species.

Sent from my C5303 using Tapatalk


Oct 9, 2014
Weeeeoooow.... she was told there was tarantulas being kept in the closet? Why did she let the child play in it? And then blame you and told you that you put the childs live in danger? She's the one who put the childs life in danger. She allowed the child to play in the closet AFTER being notified that your Ts are in there :?


Outlaw Valkyrie
May 20, 2015
Weeeeoooow.... she was told there was tarantulas being kept in the closet? Why did she let the child play in it? And then blame you and told you that you put the childs live in danger? She's the one who put the childs life in danger. She allowed the child to play in the closet AFTER being notified that your Ts are in there :?
Logic is really not a strong point with anyone in my family.


Old Timer
Jan 30, 2012
Weeeeoooow.... she was told there was tarantulas being kept in the closet? Why did she let the child play in it? And then blame you and told you that you put the childs live in danger? She's the one who put the childs life in danger. She allowed the child to play in the closet AFTER being notified that your Ts are in there :?
That was my thought...why the hell would she let the kid play in there? It's like tempting fate! *shakes head*

Logic is really not a strong point with anyone in my family.
Obviously not in this example. Otherwise I can't understand someone would let their kid play in an area where tarantulas are housed, basicly inviting desaster.


Outlaw Valkyrie
May 20, 2015
That was my thought...why the hell would she let the kid play in there? It's like tempting fate! *shakes head*

Obviously not in this example. Otherwise I can't understand someone would let their kid play in an area where tarantulas are housed, basicly inviting desaster.
It just goes to show that, as the famous American comedian says, you can't fix stupid. I really thought I was protecting my tarantulas because, by anything even remotely approaching logic, people avoid the things they're afraid of.

I should add that my great aunt (and my grandmother, and their nine siblings) grew up on a farm in northeastern Texas where there were tarantulas (and garden spiders, and barn spiders, and proverbial god knows what other spiders), and I don't believe it's an actual phobia. A. hentzi is endemic to our area, and she lives out in a rural area with lots of hummocks and shady spots perfect for tarantula burrows, so if she's afraid of tarantulas after 60 years of routine exposure, she's kind of crazy on top of being stupid.