Topic 1: Well a few weeks ago I posted my new P.emp / P. Cav tank as you can see below. Well after progressive mold on all the wood, and getting tired of nuking,cooking,boiling, cleaning it. In addition to having changed the entire substrate twice. I finally gave up on it. I had a ton of floorscape rock and decided to build hides using this material. It wasn't till I finished placing the last of my scorpions back; that I asked myself. Is this a bad ideas? I don't know is it?
Topic 2: Well I purchased a new scorpion over the weekend a Flat Rock, but I want to make sure I have the correct scientific name for it. So after googling it and searching I came to the conclusion that its a Hadogenes Troglodyte, I'm still a noob. Any help is appreciated.:worship: :worship: :worship:
Topic 2: Well I purchased a new scorpion over the weekend a Flat Rock, but I want to make sure I have the correct scientific name for it. So after googling it and searching I came to the conclusion that its a Hadogenes Troglodyte, I'm still a noob. Any help is appreciated.:worship: :worship: :worship: