When you say sling we need sizes as it could be smaller than 1cm and if so they are far too big, and you will be waiting a year or 2 before they are any use.
Here is a photo of a Nhandu Coloratovillosus sling in a 25ml pot so what you're seeing is only 2cm wide which is less than an inch and the...
...a temp reader as well because it's very cold where I am rn.
5gal- 18 holes on top, front 15 holes, sides 6 holes each, back 5 holes. For a G. Pulchstripes sling
Small- 6 holes on top, 4 on back , 4 on front, 3 on each side. Tenp home for giant whiteknee sling.
We are first time T owners. :>
Mold comes because too much humidity, the sub looks too wet in parts there. A B Harmorii/Smithi should have dry sub.
Just remove the mold and don’t panic. Search the forum, there are a million threads on mold here.
Hello, so i’ve had my mexican red knee for a little over a year and a half. I’ve been dealing with this white speckle mold for awhile now. It’s gettin super annoying and i don’t want to harm my spider, i haven’t noticed any stress signs on her she’s all normal but this damn mold always pops back...
Truly an unfortunate tale, understandable though. I started with a pair of V chromatus twins and they bring me much joy to this day. Although, I wanted V chroma when I got them. I can totally see them being wannabe A genic, V chroma are like the budget version 🤣. Something about the colours though.
...This is before the growth of Internet sales and you had to wait snd hope your local pet shop would get your dream spider. "Brazilian WhiteKnee" sling (tiniest sling I had ever had at that stage) was how described so thought I had finally got my dream T.
Nope! It was a Nhandu chromatus and...
I have a juvenile (5 months since I got it and it’s only 3” across) webs up both entrance to its hide (upturned log) every month or so for no apparent reason.
The tarantula in the first pic is Vitalius chromatus, commonly know as the Brazilian Red and White.
Giant whiteknee is (usually) the common name for Acanthoscurria geniculata. This is why common names are useless
The 2nd tarantula does not look like a Cyriopagopus lividus (Cobalt blue) at all.
Second photo looks very much like a Tliltocatl vagans. It's definitely a red rump not a C. lividus count your luck.
If it was a C. lividus I would urge you to sell it asap. Those T's are not for the inexperienced.
The other one Acanthoscurria geniculata are awesome. I have a mature male over...
Very good to know thanks. I will practice and learn my scientific terms. I'm starting to remember some, I recognize them when I hear them. Just hard to remember. Will be easy to learn what I have though and go from there
Yeah, I asked my pet shop for scientific names. They didn’t have any for anything that was on display in the store. I wouldn’t buy any spider without a picture and a scientific name..
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