Search results for query: lividus

  1. NMTs

    Comment by 'NMTs' in media 'Please help'

    The scientific name of the Thailand blue tarantula is Cyriopagopus lividus. I suppose that could be what you have, but a pic with better lighting would help. Like you said, it seems to be in rough shape, so hopefully you'll be able to feed it up and get it to molt soon, then identifying it...
  2. IntermittentSygnal

    Who molted today?

    We can get attached to any animal whose company and care we are committed to. The loss of a beloved pet it hard, regardless of how many legs it has. I'm sorry for your loss.
  3. ScorpionEvo687

    What Ts would you classify as beginner/intermediate/advanced? wrong on that though. The only Ts I'd rule out for myself as a beginner would be the truly advanced ones. Very feisty and fast OW species like H. maculata, S. calceatum, OBTs, Pokies, C. lividus etc. and then also species that are just a huge pain to take care of. I don't want my Ts dying...
  4. Dementeddoll

    Who molted today?

    ...this molt. It seemed fine. Temp, and everything was to par. Then I just doubt myself when this happens. 😔 I had my other H. Pulchripes sling, P. Metallica, Ephebopus Murinus, and one of my C. Lividus molt since I last logged in here and my o.violaceopes. All have been fine except my...
  5. curtisgiganteus

    First old world fossorial.PterinochilusChordatus

    My C lividus took 2 months to start excavating the premade burrow. Just be patient
  6. Ultum4Spiderz

    Haplotank (feat. Haploclastus devamatha)

    Dang I really need some of that genus someday , freakin prices keep rising I need a job soon before they get out of hand. But I can’t sleep , .. I had a burrower once but it got stuck in skin or something. B vagans burrowed & KB neither I have anymore .
  7. curtisgiganteus

    Haplotank (feat. Haploclastus devamatha)

    I would increase the amount of substrate to within 2-2.5” of the lid and offer a starter burrow. Other than that. Spot on my friend! Here is mine I made for my C lividus
  8. curtisgiganteus

    Best Psalmopoeus for a beginner keeper (poll)

    My Hati Hati have character. I get threat poses from my 1” slings and my big females. My C lividus is just shy. She may give me a slap but then she just bolts for her hole. I personally don’t like how Tarantula Collective keeps a lot of his tarantulas tbh. If you give a C lividus 10” - 12”...
  9. ScorpionEvo687

    Best Psalmopoeus for a beginner keeper (poll)

    ...or your Cyriopagopus sp. Hati Hati? Lol. I could get a sling as a freebie if I spend over $100 at this one in-state dealer of mine. I know C. lividus is known to have a nasty temper and I doubt the Hati Hati is much different. Tarantula Collective ranked C. lividus #1 on his "most defensive...
  10. Y

    MM Pamphobeteus bald and bleeding ? Help :(

    Thank you for your answer, it reassures me. I overreacted because I already lost an adult female C. lividus due to a leakage of hemolymph from the abdomen, so I directly applied the cornstarch this time. But he eats and drinks well, is still very active in the enclosure, and makes spermwebs...
  11. Shinn

    Send butt pics ;)

    Cyriopagopus lividus, huting for prey in front of burrow with the wrong end.
  12. IntermittentSygnal

    Guess that spider Pt. 2

    C lividus?
  13. Dementeddoll

    Who molted today?

    ...molt outside it’s enclosure. Then my Avicularia Sp. Peru Purple This pic is of my GBB sling that had a rough molt so lost a leg but lil fella is doing fine and color looks pretty now. Waiting on 2 of my C. Lividus, O. Violaceopes, C versicolor, Chilobrachys Sp Electric Blue, and a P. Metallica. 🥹
  14. Dementeddoll

    Who molted today?

    Oh my! oh my! oh my! I think one of my C.Lividus and Avicularia Juruensis is molting. We shall wait and see in the am. Fingers crossed 🤞
  15. curtisgiganteus

    Who molted today?

    How big is your O vio?
  16. Dementeddoll

    Who molted today?

    ...waiting on more since I see little grape looking booties on a couple. Waiting on Chilobrachys Sp.Electric blue, juvie and sling, Cyriopagopus Lividus (Emerald Femur) and Cyriopagopus Lividus, C. Versicolor, Aviculiera Juruensis, and O. Violaceopes. All have been in premolt for a couple weeks...
  17. curtisgiganteus

    Ornithoctoninae sp Malthai growout project

    ...they hadn’t done too much expanding if they’re premade burrows. I decided to “flood” the substrate much as you would do with something like C lividus and that seems to have triggered them into expanding. Most of them have now burrowed extensively toward the side of the vials with more...
  18. TechnoGeek

    Serious questions on starting OW

    The short answer: If you need someone to give you information on keeping "expert" creatures then you're not ready. The long answer: when you spend enough time with a beginner T, you become more confident, and if you feel like you wanna keep more than 1 or 2 (which is most people) you pick a...
  19. T

    Serious questions on starting OW

    You should know that this comes with a much higher risk than keeping new worlds. A bite from a old world may not be forgiving. Not trying to scare you but this is fact. Everything else depends on what you feel comfortable with. I started off with Poecilotheria regalis. This may not be ideal...
  20. curtisgiganteus

    Ornithoctoninae care and info

    1” Cyriopagopus sp malthai. I’m labeling them as Cyriopagopus because after the revision, it was supposed to contain terrstrial/fossorial species with all arboreals being assigned to ornithoctoninae. These images also show the trap door structures they build.