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Other Cupiennius salei

Common Names
Tiger Wandering Spider

Reviews summary

Overall rating
3.00 star(s) 1 ratings
Bite/Sting Date
Pain Level
Moderate pain.
Was rehousing a 1.5" individual, and if you've ever owned these you know they're extremely fast. Spider jumped out of vial and I scooped it up (gently of course) in my fist. Felt a pinprick like feeling, so knew I was bitten. Bite was on the first segment of my middle finger.
Very tiny puncture marks, reddening and a little swelling.
Mild pain lasted for about six hours. The bite was red and slightly swollen for just a few hours. After about a half hour, my arm became a bit tense. This lasted only a few hours.
Medical Attention
No medical attention sought.
Lingering effects
All symptoms disappeared after about eight hours. Bite occurred at about 11am and by 9pm I was able to sleep without any real discomfort.
On Thursday May 26, I was rehousing my Ctenids and was working with a 2" C. salei. Being that they are lightning fast, it took me a while to do this. At one point the spider jumped from its vial and onto the floor. I gently coaxed the spider into my hand and made a fist. That was when I felt a prick on my middle finger. The only immediate symptom was a bit of pain at the site. Over time it became red and swollen, but with a diameter of maybe 5mm. About a half hour post bite, my arm felt a bit tense and cramped. This lasted for a few hours but I was able to go on with my day without seeking medical attention or taking Tylenol or other painkillers. All symptoms were gone for the most part by the end of the day, eight hours after the bite. Perhaps this would've been a more painful experience had the spider been fully mature. If I had to rank the pain on a 1 to 10 scale (4 being bee sting), I would rate this at a 3 or 4. So not too bad compared to other known Ctenids.
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