MM Tarantula

MM Tarantula

I got this MM T from a snake breeder who traded one of his snakes for a handful of Tarantulas. He was given this guy as an Arizona blonde but I’m skeptical. What do you guys think?
My guess is A. gabeli because of that dark triangle on the carapace. However i really don't know Aphonopelmas ,so good luck!
I would recommend looking at Hamilton et al. 2016 ZooKeys as the paper contains photos and descriptions of the MMs of most species of Aphonopelma found in the United States.

While it is true that A. chalcodes MMs are much darker than females and immatures, those I’ve had have had an all-over golden carapace, rust-colored setae on the abdomen, and black legs. Ex:
Yep, looks like an Aphonopelma Chalcodes MATURE Male to me
It’s stated that it’s an MM, yes, but I think it looks much more like A. eutylenum. They are darker overall and have a darker triangle at the front of the carapace as this one does.
you are right tho, the abdomen sees way too dark for a chalcodes perhaps....
The chalcodes also got a triangle when mature
I wouldn’t have described either of mine that way, but it’s possible it varies regionally or individually. I haven’t looked up the official description in Hamilton.

you are right tho, the abdomen sees way too dark for a chalcodes perhaps....
The carapace especially, I was thinking. Going by photos, other possibilities might be A. gabeli, A. vorhiesi or even A. anax, depending on size and other measurements. It may not be possible to definitively ID without knowing it’s history and I certainly wouldn’t breed it without being certain.
I wouldn’t have described either of mine that way, but it’s possible it varies regionally or individually. I haven’t looked up the official description in Hamilton.

The carapace especially, I was thinking. Going by photos, other possibilities might be A. gabeli, A. vorhiesi or even A. anax, depending on size and other measurements. It may not be possible to definitively ID without knowing it’s history and I certainly wouldn’t breed it without being certain.
I definitely have some research todo! I really appreciate your input!! I have no plan to breed this guy, just too much uncertainty around him haha I just want him to live a happy little life :) he seemed pretty stressed when I first brought him home, he was in an enclosure too small and was sensitive to everything. Now that he’s in one appropriate for his size he’s calmed down quite a bit

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Tarantula Identification
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