Definitely an eggsac :) Her abdomen is sooo much smaller now! It had gotten large in the last few weeks and I'd feared I was over-feeding her but I think she in fact needed it. I wonder how soon I should feed her again? I don't want the eggsac disturbed.
Hi Erin, awesome pic! I recommend waiting a few days before you attempt to feed her, as I do with my Phidippus Audax and Orbweaver species I keep. From my experience, some of them may even refuse to eat for a few weeks as the female "stands guard" over her eggs.
If you are worried about her eating, you can always do the same thing I do with my old world tarantulas and that's basically "Toss in a small prey item, wait until it gets near the T and if there is no feeding response, just remove the item and try again in a week or so" xD.
Also, another piece of advice I keep near and dear to my heart regardless of species is "The spider knows what it needs better than you can ever know it!" So with that mind, attempting to feed her is never a bad option as she'll decide ultimately <3
-coming from an anxiety-ridden enthusiast - samantha
<3 hope the sac is a success and best wishes to all the little ones :3!
@Ciri Thank you and thank you so much for the advice! It looks to me like she is not interested in eating or anything but standing guard over her eggs as she is never out of contact with them. One concern I have about attempting to feed her is that she has brought her eggsac in close contact with the container lid and I always felt this particular lid was disruptive in general when to open and close and so I'd planned to move her once I'd figured out the ideal setup... Hmm, perhaps I shall improvise a lid within the lid and carefully cut out a portion on the opposite side that I can use to offer prey. The only remaining problem is that I wouldn't be able to remove them if they remained uneaten, but I suspect that my Kukulcania wouldn't be too disturbed by dispatching a small cricket, even if she wasn't yet interested in eating.
@ErinM31 Ahhh, the proverbial "she made her silk cocoon right next to the lid, of all places" XD that's happened to me soooo many times. Yeah that sounds like a good plan make another entry for the time being. Yes, most definitely she'll probably tackle the cricket as they get very protective in that stage, haha its kind of adorable really how much courage they can have with respect to their size!
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