@cold blood Eh eh, no, ain't one at all my man (I know you are joking, eh)
I'm simply an Italian (Lombardy) man reaching his 40 that is in love with pure 'beauty' at 360°. For me names are very important, and Cora sounds lovely.
I like the name: not so often used; reminds to me of the 'gentle' remnants of a past that, sadly, today is forgotten; in that name, Cora, there's an 'hint' of genuine rebellion, but not 'screamed'... a very kind 'rebellion'.
Overall I will give an hug, in no time, to Cora's mother.
I'm Chris LXXIX, and I'm one of the last 'Romantic' remained in Europe
In Irish, there is a word "cora." It's not a name; it means "salmon weir." Not terribly poetic, I know! It's pronounced more like "curra." The name Cora was actually invented by James Fenimore Cooper for his novel "Last of the Mohicans"-- as such it has never been translated into Irish. JF Cooper probably based the name on the Greek Kore meaning "maiden"-- you could use another name meaning something similar to translate. Colleen comes to mind-- this name isn't used in Ireland as it is an anglicization of the word "cailín", which means "girl," but Colleen is used in most other English-speaking countries. Also: Ainnir ("young woman"), Femhe ("girl"). If you were to spell the name out in Irish, it would probably be Córa /KOE ra/.
I knew I’d heard Cora as a name somewhere in an Irish-ish setting. Great book and film by the way... I’m sure I can wangle something into the Fun Movie Name thread!!!
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