B. Smithi/Hamorii?
If you could get a clear, well-lit photo of the chelicerae from the top or a direct front angle, species can be determined pretty reliably.
@kerplunk I saw the thread that had two photos. I'm fairly confident this is B. hamorii based on some of the characters in the second photo (although the specimen seems in need of a moult as the colours are pretty faded).
@Drea I've requested for a clearer and more well-lit shot of the chelicerae from the top or from the front to get a better look at the banding.. Definitely agree with dangerforceidle that it would be one of the better ways to identify properly
@kerplunk better to be a little sad about something that isn’t time yet then upset that you were taken advantage of. That is what I believe anyway.
Update: Here are some additional pictures..

Not much more helpful but thought I'd share them anyway

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