I need to figure out what my pink toe is.

I need to figure out what my pink toe is.

I have had 3 friends tell me "I believe that is a female".
I have been calling it female just for the sake of ease but I would like to ask you lot.
My pink toe was against the glass. I cant tell if I took a good pic or not. Can you all take a look and tell me what you think?
Thats what I was worried about. my phone cam isnt great and the room is dark. Ill try to get a better one but what am I looking for exactly?
@PhilMcWonder You're trying to get a clear image of the epigastric furrow - a slit that runs horizontally between the first pair of booklungs (the pair closest to the T's legs/ carapace). It tends to be far more pronounced on females than males, though some species/genera are harder to ventral sex than others. IMO, Avics are generally harder, but there are likely keepers on here that are well versed with Avics that could give an educated guess with a clear image.

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Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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