Phlogius Sp Black

Phlogius Sp Black

Another girl that came today. So so so stunning. Both herself and the Kotzman were calm during the rehouse. I will continue to update.
Wow that dark colourarion looks awesome! Never seen a decent image of this species, I reckon they are sub sp. of Phlogius Sarina, another notoriously elusive and black species that is rarely available. Can already tell this one is gonna look amazing on it's ultimate molt.
@RezonantVoid I've been told that she's about 3.5 years old so hopefully, she has a long life ahead of her! Someone of the pages was saying that they are about the breed their Sarina pair and that means they could be back in the hobby around the end of the year? I'm excited!
@Oompoofishy oh wow the pic makes her look smaller than adult lol but they would explain the adult colouration. I think the average is around 20 year lifespans so she's got a while :) another seller near me says a few hundred Sarina were recently collected, so having some slings in the market will definitely help to keep the wild demand down a bit
@RezonantVoid A FEW HUNDRED?!:eek: That must not be good on the ecosystem...:arghh: A few owners with mature male sp black were offering them to me for breeding but I'm really not ready for that and I don't want to put my girl or the male or the babies in danger with my inexperience. That being said, some day when I'm ready, I do want to reintroduce this sp back into the hobby. It really is quite elusive. When that day comes, I'll be sure to send you some.
@RezonantVoid A FEW HUNDRED?!:eek: That must not be good on the ecosystem...:arghh: A few owners with mature male sp black were offering them to me for breeding but I'm really not ready for that and I don't want to put my girl or the male or the babies in danger with my inexperience. That being said, some day when I'm ready, I do want to reintroduce this sp back into the hobby. It really is quite elusive. When that day comes, I'll be sure to send you some.
Exact thoughts too, a few hundred? YIKES. No wonder they brought in the no collecting laws, thank Heavens for that. Doubt it stops people though unfortunately :(

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