Minatrix- only minatrix keeps the Tiger bars on the abdomen. Minatrix more or less looks the same from sling to adult compared to the other Avics. Meaning it doesn’t change too much.
Normally minatrix slings are bright orange red on the abdomen, but that could be lighting and your cam.
CEC may know. He's more familiar with the Avic slings that are grey than I am. The gray Avic slings usually come out Ecuador and Peru if I recall correctly. However that info is several years old, could be other countries have them as well. Even w/out that gray sling pic, I didn't look like minatrix. Something was "off" if that make sense. I had to look on my photos of my minatrix from years ago.
I've raised purpurea and they do not change color per se, they are gray and go to purple.
CEC may know. He's more familiar with the Avic slings that are grey than I am. The gray Avic slings usually come out Ecuador and Peru if I recall correctly. However that info is several years old, could be other countries have them as well. Even w/out that gray sling pic, I didn't look like minatrix. Something was "off" if that make sense. I had to look on my photos of my minatrix from years ago.
I've raised purpurea and they do not change color per se, they are gray and go to purple.
I agree. After seeing the pic of it as a sling it's defiy not Minatrix. No idea, either way you definitely got ripped off. Care to PM me with where you got it?
CEC may know. He's more familiar with the Avic slings that are grey than I am. The gray Avic slings usually come out Ecuador and Peru if I recall correctly. However that info is several years old, could be other countries have them as well. Even w/out that gray sling pic, I didn't look like minatrix. Something was "off" if that make sense. I had to look on my photos of my minatrix from years ago.
I've raised purpurea and they do not change color per se, they are gray and go to purple.
I responded to the FB post I was tagged in but I can respond here too.
It's certainly a purpurea... It could be Hobby sp. "Colombia" but I can't be certain but this species keeps their abdominal pattern until adult coloration and are known to fade to a copperish coloration more often than the other variants. Hobby sp. "Ecuador" is an unlikely possibility but I dont see a reason why it couldn't be a common hobby purpurea as purchased. Could just be showing some fading transitional juvie colors.
The variants are very hard to tell apart as juveniles and impossible when they are slings IME. The sub adults and adult females have the most differences by comparison but still pretty subtle. I suggest reposting after it molts or when it develops adult coloration, might help narrow it down at most.
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