aphonopelma Seemanni 4" m/f?
This pic does look more female to me than the other one. So I think I was probably wrong and I revoke my previous conclusion and say instead that Vanessa sounded confident and capable in her assessment and I bet she's right!
Did you delete your other photo? Because you shouldn't have. It was a much clearer shot that would have helped someone else out that uses this gallery as reference. People use this gallery to help to sex their own before posting and the other photo was the better one.
She's a female. This species has a very distinct moustache of hairs at the furrow. There are other photos of this in the folder to compare to. This is a fairly common species with lots of reference photos.
Other females around the same size.
Here is a 4" male.
@Vanessa thank you for the info, this is my first time posting here and I couldn't figure out how to add additional photos to my post or in the comments. once I figure it out I can add the other photo here lol.
I need more practice seeing light colored epiandrous fusilae surrounding by light colored setae with a light colored exoskeleton. The dense looking quality of the fusillae patch on specimens with contrastingly colored fusilae and exoskeleton is especially nice, but I need more practice where all the structures in the area are monotone and the density is less defined.

But I'm glad Tarantula Cove got their answer!

Media information

Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
Added by
Tarantula Cove
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Image metadata

samsung SM-G960U
Focal length
4.3 mm
Exposure time
File size
5.9 MB
Date taken
Sat, 12 October 2019 11:56 PM
2268px x 4032px

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