My Roaches


Apr 18, 2015
My collection has grown a bit since I last posted, here are a few of my new acquisitions. :)

African Bullet Roach:
Adult female

Arenivaga cf. genitalis:

Dorylaea orini: (My favorite of my new roaches, got these from the man himself, Orin McMonigle)

This species is very skittish, and I was unable to get many good pictures. Here's what most of the photo shoot was like:

Princisia vanwaerebeki "Big":



Apr 18, 2015
Those D. orinis are so striking!
I know, they really are! They also have really long antenna, unusually long for a roach. They are very interesting, I'm really looking forward to breeding them! (Or at least trying to breed them). :)


Nov 5, 2014
Very cool, good luck breeding them! Also, do you have more princisia or just the one?


Nov 5, 2014
Oh awesome! If you end up breeding them successfully would you be up for a trade?


Nov 5, 2014
Sweet. :) That's fine as my tigers and javans are no where near maturation either.


Apr 18, 2016
Dorylaea orini are so beautifull.All of your new adquisition are fantastic.Congrats man!Very good thread.
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Apr 18, 2015
Sweet. :) That's fine as my tigers and javans are no where near maturation either.
Cool, I'll be sure to let you know when I have some available for trading! :)

Dorylaea orini are so beautifull.All of your new adquisition are fantastic.Congrats man!Very go thread.
Yes they are, I'm glad to have them in my collection! :D Thanks for the compliment, I appreciate it! :)


Feb 25, 2016
Awesome collection and great photos! :D To be honest, I wondered why anyone would keep cockroaches as a pet, I guess because I associate them with infestation and was really creeped out the first time I saw one scurrying across a floor -- it was a large one too. But looking at your collection, I can see why you keep them -- at least the aesthetic. I especially like the look of the round ones! :happy: Do they have interesting behaviors and interactions? Do you breed them? Do you keep them all together or separately? How about other inverts? I realize I know almost nothing about cockroach behavior and whether any are territorial or predatory... Now I'm considering adding some to my next BIC order! :D


Apr 18, 2015
Awesome collection and great photos! :D To be honest, I wondered why anyone would keep cockroaches as a pet, I guess because I associate them with infestation and was really creeped out the first time I saw one scurrying across a floor -- it was a large one too. But looking at your collection, I can see why you keep them -- at least the aesthetic. I especially like the look of the round ones! :happy: Do they have interesting behaviors and interactions? Do you breed them? Do you keep them all together or separately? How about other inverts? I realize I know almost nothing about cockroach behavior and whether any are territorial or predatory... Now I'm considering adding some to my next BIC order! :D
Thanks, I try my best to get decent photos of my roaches! :D
They are awesome insects, and so misunderstood. Thanks to the pest species, which make up less than 1% of the roach species in the world, all roaches now have a bad name. Luckily most roaches could not survive long in a human house, let alone breed in one.

They can have very interesting behaviors, too many to list really. Some are fast, some are slow, some will run away at the first sign of danger, other will accept handling really well. Every species has it's own quirks, which makes collecting them that much more fun! :)

Yes I breed them, or at least try lol! This is my main hobby, I've loved roaches since I was very little, and they have always been my favorite animals. I keep all my species separate, ESPECIALLY species in the same genus, hybridization is very possible and very much frowned upon by the hobby. I do keep some other inverts in with them, mainly isopods and springtails for cleanup crew purposes.

Most species will do fine in somewhat crowded conditions, others not so much. There are no truly predatory species of cockroach that we know of, however there are a few that will eat soft or freshly molted insects, especially if hungry. The staple roach diet in captivity is dog food, supplemented with fresh fruits and veggies. Fresh fruit especially is important for any live bearing species, as they will abort all the young they produce without it.

Well sorry for my rant lol, I think I've just told you everything you need to know about roaches lol! It's a great hobby and you should totally get some roaches with your next BIC order, you won't be disappointed! ;)


Feb 25, 2016
Thanks, I try my best to get decent photos of my roaches! :D
They are awesome insects, and so misunderstood. Thanks to the pest species, which make up less than 1% of the roach species in the world, all roaches now have a bad name. Luckily most roaches could not survive long in a human house, let alone breed in one.

They can have very interesting behaviors, too many to list really. Some are fast, some are slow, some will run away at the first sign of danger, other will accept handling really well. Every species has it's own quirks, which makes collecting them that much more fun! :)

Yes I breed them, or at least try lol! This is my main hobby, I've loved roaches since I was very little, and they have always been my favorite animals. I keep all my species separate, ESPECIALLY species in the same genus, hybridization is very possible and very much frowned upon by the hobby. I do keep some other inverts in with them, mainly isopods and springtails for cleanup crew purposes.

Most species will do fine in somewhat crowded conditions, others not so much. There are no truly predatory species of cockroach that we know of, however there are a few that will eat soft or freshly molted insects, especially if hungry. The staple roach diet in captivity is dog food, supplemented with fresh fruits and veggies. Fresh fruit especially is important for any live bearing species, as they will abort all the young they produce without it.

Well sorry for my rant lol, I think I've just told you everything you need to know about roaches lol! It's a great hobby and you should totally get some roaches with your next BIC order, you won't be disappointed! ;)
No need to be sorry! Thank you for the info! :D Which species don't mind being handled or are least fearful of humans? Any that are particularly active or interesting in behavior that you would recommend? :)


Apr 18, 2015
No need to be sorry! Thank you for the info! :D Which species don't mind being handled or are least fearful of humans? Any that are particularly active or interesting in behavior that you would recommend? :)
Some Blaberus species, Hemiblabera tenebricosa, and pretty much any Gromphadorhina species are all great for handling, and are big as well.

Many roaches have interesting behaviors, Lucihormetica create semi-permanent burrows in which to rear their young in, and Gromphadorhina males will head butt and hiss at each other when fighting over females. Corydidarum pygmaea females and nymphs resemble Armadillidium and will roll into balls, and Dorylaea orini will leap short distances to get from one hide to another, (or one hand to another). There is an almost endless diversity to the shapes, sizes and behaviors that roaches have! :)


Apr 18, 2015
Parcoblatta bolliana:
Subadult male

Female nymph

Parcoblatta zebra:
Subadult male

Adult female
