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  1. Inuleki

    Live Plants & G. rosea behavior question.

    just thought I'd throw this in. In my experience I've had a few rosehairs. Two which wouldn't eat for months on end, and one that was a complete pig and would try to kill anything that came near it. So really that is all based on the temperament of the individual spider. I'd say just try...
  2. Inuleki

    OBT dieing or molting? please help, picture!

    could be. the same sort of thing happened with my big female P. cancerides a few years back. but I have also seen situations like this where for no reason the T was fine a few days later, so it's all just touch and go.
  3. Inuleki

    post pics of your loyal or not so loyal feline

    Here's my kitties :D the first picture also has my wonderful fiance and my super cool puppy dog
  4. Inuleki

    Post a pic of your loyal canine

    here's my boy, his name is merlin :D he's super sweet and very well behaved.
  5. Inuleki

    Who's behind the computer - Part 1

    ok, i haven't been on here for a while, because, well.... i finally went and joined corporate america >.< /sigh Before...................... and after.
  6. Inuleki

    Who's behind the computer - Part 1

    well, it's been awhile.... a VERY long while, so here's another pic of Indigoeyes and myself.
  7. Inuleki

    Anti-Cat thread.

    lol, yeah, he's a cat. Another one of my cats will sit on command and balance on his back legs for treats.... it's all about the bribery with cats. I can respect the dislike of birds, i have one myself. I just had an issue with the whole cats not being able to be trained or show emotion...
  8. Inuleki

    Anti-Cat thread.

    I'd like to share something with the guy who says cats cannot show emotion like a dog can and all of the BS. My cat, Demitrius, can and does act like a dog for me. He comes when i call him, he rolls over :) and has never ONCE gone after any of my other pets, 70+ tarantulas, corn snake, leopard...
  9. Inuleki

    new spider pics

    Jamn deanna.... those robustums must've set you back a bit, lol.... how big are they?
  10. Inuleki

    Name the spiders that are at the top of your wish-list

    Poecilotheria subfusca Pamphobetus ultramurinus.
  11. Inuleki

    Pic of Cat tasting some Tarantula! yeah, the first couple are my boys... :D
  12. Inuleki

    Pic of Cat tasting some Tarantula!

    yeah... my kitty has a thing for Malibu rum.... whenever he even sees it he follows me everywhere :rolleyes: gorgeous cat btw. (looks exactly like mine :D )
  13. Inuleki

    Really, really BIG rabbit.

    yeah, there is a giant breed of rabbit called the Flemish Giant... look it up, you'll see some huge bunnies.
  14. Inuleki

    Pamphobeteus ultramarinus

    that's funny..... I've only seen a Pampho sp. on his pricelist once in the last year.... I know he has a thing for Pamphos, so do I, but to say he's the guy for them... (I have nothing against Todd I've ordered from him before, this is in no way an attack, just an observation)
  15. Inuleki

    A new Poecilotheria species

    I', just curious as to what Rick, Volker, and Martin all think....
  16. Inuleki

    my termite, er..I mean, tiger rump..

    :( awww... looks just like my little guy that i had pass away afew months ago from a bad molt... *sniffle* but now i have a bigger one :D
  17. Inuleki

    Fun at school

    Well, everything was taken care of before we got there, we just had to come and set up. The kids did not need permission slips that I know of, and I guess the next day, all they could talk about was how cool it was, and how all the other kids that were absent missed the best assembly... things...
  18. Inuleki

    Fun at school

    We were in what would be their lunchroom, completely cleared of tables, except the one for us and our spiders. there were then about 60-70 kids in chairs all aorund us as we talked. We brought in our male P. cancerides, male B. albopilosum, our P. fasciata, a little A. avicularia, and a baby...
  19. Inuleki

    Post Youre T Blondi Pics

    must have something for strangling us redheads.... :D
  20. Inuleki

    Fun at school

    yeah, we brought in 5 different spp. and a whole bunch of molts. Our big male P. cancerides stole the show though... what's not to love? he's an 8 inch purple spider :D