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  1. C

    it gives me great pleasure to introduce...

    Beautiful baby! But, I have to warn you, chondros are like potato chips. You can't have just one...:)
  2. C

    Chondros or Morelia viridis

    I have ETBs and Chondros and they are all very gentle and handleable. They appear to really enjoy getting out of their cage and exploring. We got them all young and handled them frequently, so I think that makes a huge difference in their attitude.
  3. C

    My new BCIs (info and pictures) enjoy!!!

    We purchased a salmon female BCI from JimiSnakes, and it is as sweet as can be. Very gentle and handleable from day one. Good eater, too.
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    Red Tail Boa Question

    In my experience, the 20L should last a year, then move to a 40. This should last until the boa is almost 3. If if is a female, you will then probably need to check out some boa cages (4'x2').
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    I either use aspen shavings or Carefresh Pet Bedding, that is recycled paper. I also feed my ball pythons F/T rats in a separate plastic container. (The only snakes that I feed in their cages are the green tree pythons and emerald tree boas, and they have a completely different set-up.) I...
  6. 2 Year Old Green Tree Python

    2 Year Old Green Tree Python

    Darlene, a 2 year old Jayapura Green Tree Python.
  7. Bella, a baby Emerald Tree Boa

    Bella, a baby Emerald Tree Boa

    Bella, an Amazon Basin X Northern Emerald Tree Boa female baby.
  8. Bella, a baby Emerald Tree Boa

    Bella, a baby Emerald Tree Boa

    Bella, an Amazon Basin X Norther Emerald Tree Boa female baby.
  9. C. crawshayi female

    C. crawshayi female

    Bertha, a King Baboon female, drinking from her water dish.
  10. Cornelius, ETB

    Cornelius, ETB

    Cornelius, our yearling Amazon Basin X Northern Emerald Tree Boa male, is experiencing his ontogenetic color change from reddish brown to green.
  11. C

    getting first snake

    Also check out Dumerils Boas. They usually get around 6' long, are docile and usually good feeders. They are built chubby, so they look larger than they really are. I think they have a cool pattern, too. You can usually find some on
  12. C

    New Additions...

    The sand boa may just be terrified, new home and all. Give it a few more days, and hopefully it will settle down. Most people I know that have them describe them as pretty gentle. I know all snakes need a little time to settle into a new home. I usually don't handle my new ones for the...
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    and it's always 1 week after they move in...

    Yeh, out of all of mine, the avics poop more frequently, and sling it all over their walls like...ARTISTRY!
  14. C

    New little Skunky

    Congratulations! She is so beautiful! I love her cute little face. How old is she? Do your skunks eat cat food?
  15. C

    kingsnake or milksnake in 29 gallon

    I have met some bitey cal kings, and I have met some bitey honduran milksnakes. Every snake is different. Keep in mind that babies move fast, often musk on you, and occasionally get defensive. An older one, say a yearling, will move slower and tame down quicker. Most desert kings, mountain...
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    GTP won't eat

    We always feed our GTPs about an hour after "lights out". We feed the babies every week and the adults every two weeks. They usually poop after every third feeding. Some will go a few weeks without eating if stressed, like after changing cages or perches. They are prone to "stress out...
  17. C

    Snake reccomendations

    The adult Brazilian Rainbow Boas I have seen have been around 6 feet long, and generally docile, depending on if they are accustomed to being handled. Check out this site:
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    kingsnake or milksnake in 29 gallon

    How about a grayband kingsnake. Docile, attractive, easy to keep. They feed well if you get an established one.
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    How many is too many??

    I am up to 30 now. I recently considered downsizing, but changed my mind, because I enjoy them all too much. I am still adding to my collection, but only the ones I REALLY want, so I am adding more slowly. I enjoy their care, so it doesn't seem like work to me. I think that is the key. When...
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    Hardcore Shedding

    My bird has been moulting, too. Does that count? (I know it isn't fur, but it does create a feathery mess on the floor...)