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  1. R

    Vietnamese centipede help??

    Is that Louisville ,KY.? If so I'm also from KY, and I have a Vietnamese pede. My room stays about 70-74 deg. and I have no problems with mine without a heating pad. She or he is about 7 inches and I keep it with about 3 inches deep of moist, not wet Eco Earth, and I feed either 1 dubia or 2...
  2. R

    Comment by 'RB40' in media 'P. metallica M. or F. ?'

    JC, TomM, and ZergFront, thz for your suggestions on the sex of the 4" P. metallica being female. It's been a few years now, and it turned out to be a MALE. Just thought I'd let you know.
  3. Phormictopus Sp. "purple"

    Phormictopus Sp. "purple"

    Mature Male
  4. R

    Comment by 'RB40' in media 'Brachypelma Boehemi'

    After she molts it has the colors of the boehmei other than the carapace being to dark.
  5. R

    Which of these Brachys is better?

    For the red colors it's hard to beat the boehmei, and the auratum has beautiful red knees, but as dispostion goes I've had some with good dispostion while others of the same sp. with defensive dispostions, but for color the boehmei is very colorful!!
  6. Rhysida Celeries Andina

    Rhysida Celeries Andina

    It's a female a little over 4 inches, and is the same one from the picture in 2009 in this gallery.
  7. Hadrurus Arizonensis Pallidus

    Hadrurus Arizonensis Pallidus

    I don't know if it's a male, or female.
  8. Avicularia Geroldi

    Avicularia Geroldi

    She is a little over 3 inches in size
  9. R

    Comment by 'RB40' in media 'B Boehmei? Or Baumgarteni Or Hybrid Of The Two?'

    I see you have no replies to your question. I have the same T. and I put up a pic of mine too. If you find out any info please let me know. Mine was purchased as a female boehemi, and it's not.
  10. Brachypelma Boehemi

    Brachypelma Boehemi

    Sold as female B. boehemi at 2", now over 4" but dont look like boehemi. Help what is it?
  11. Pseudhapalopus Sp. "blue"

    Pseudhapalopus Sp. "blue"

    1.5" Unsexed
  12. R

    Slings..for a first timer

    Great advise astraldisaster, for people wanting a blue T that don't stay buried, or mean!!! The Homoeomma's are not a very common sp., and they are quite rare. My adults are super easy to take care of, room temp with a water dish, and I feed once a week, and they very rarely ever use their...
  13. R

    Species Pamphobeteus sp. "araña pollito" (a.k.a. "chicken spider")

    I have 2 female P. antinous, and mine have red satae on the abdomen, but they're not quite full grown yet. Do they lose it after reaching full maturity?
  14. R

    Unusual T found at my work

    That's cool, what an amazing find. The only thing that comes close to that for me was I was at work one night, and I went out to smoke one, and looked down, and found a nice 2" red centipede, but they are here in the eastern US. It's not like I found a pede from another country though. Good luck...
  15. R

    Dwarf Tarantulas?

    Paraphysa Agreed Paraphysa are pretty much chilled. I have 2 female Paraphysa called Paraphysa sp. (blue form) Chilian Tiger that stay out in the open all the time, and they hardly ever use there hide out. I also have 3 slings that don't even seem skittish when I open there vial to feed them. I...
  16. R

    Blue arboreal

    Thrixopelma Ockerti Try looking for pictures of Thrixopelma ockerti in the A-boards gallery. I have 2 females and they're beautiful with blue legs, green carapace with a pink abdomen!! RB40
  17. R

    Comment by 'RB40' in media 'Avicularia-something'

    I clicked on "view all of JAG's83 images", and I was kinda disappointed!!
  18. R

    [Inquiry] Crazy Daves Inverts???

    I was wondering if anyboby out there could tell me who or what happened to Crazy Daves Inverts. I can't remember his full name and I lost all my info in a computer crash and I would like to contact him or get in touch with. If anybody can help I would appreciate it. RB40
  19. P. metallica   M. or F. ?

    P. metallica M. or F. ?

    4"+ Unsexed, somebody help me determine sex
  20. R

    blue tarantulas? (and handling)

    For a calm blue T. I would suggest a Homoeomma sp. blue. I have several of them. Also most of my collection (75+ T's) are blue, and these are the most docile. The only dealer I know that has any right now would be Exoskeleton invertrabrates. The adult picture of the Homoeomma sp. Exoskeleton is...