Your opinions on RTB


Old Timer
Jul 5, 2007
Okay so!, my absolute favorite snake has to be the red tailed boa. They seem to have wonderful personalities and are fairly easy to keep up with. Now, I've never had a snake before besides the little one that i found yesterday LOL.
I figure, if I'm going to get a snake, I might as well get one that I REALLY want right? especially since I can only have one.
I've done my homework on them, and read as much up on them as I can on them. I also have a friend who has owned one for the past 5 years and hes been giving me advice. My only doubt about getting one of these, is their size. I have to admit that large snakes are a fear of mine only because i have no experience with them. If i get ab rtb as a baby I doubt the size will bother me as much since i will be raising it but its still a tought thats stuck in my head. Lol it doesnt help that I'm 5.9 and weigh 113lbs LOL but my fiance can also help with handling the snake when its larger.

In your opinions, is a getting a rtb a good idea?
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Old Timer
Dec 8, 2003
good idea? maybe. Mine grew to 8.5 ft and weighed 45lbs. She was fairly gentle but had a strong feeding response. I used her for several years in educational settings until she broke the lock of my elbows during a photo session while I was extending her. At that point I decided the risk with a youth was too great to continue with her so I switched to my Argentine boa. One other drawback was feeding, at that size she ate 3 adult rabbits per month unless going into shed, $12.00 per rabbit was a little much. She reached that size in just under 9 years. Maybe a good idea, definitely a great snake. One of those things you must decide for yourself.

Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002
I have a normal RTB, and in my experience, unless you acquire one of the more selectively bred for size BCC/Peruvian localities, they never really get much larger than 6-8 feet... easily handled by one person. Unless, of course, your regimen of handling includes getting wasted drunk and rubbing a rat on your neck. :)

Some of the big BCC girls get 10+ feet long, but they are a rarity, not the norm... and certainly not worth worrying about if it's a "normal" BCI/RTB. y thoughts anyway.

They are quite easy to maintain... use a Repti-bark or cypress mulch substrate, keep the humidity up a bit, feed rats only. You'll be golden. :)


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
Okay so!, my absolute favorite snake has to be the redtailed boa. They seem to have wonderful personalities and are fairly easy to keep up with. Now, I've never had a snake before besides the little one that i found yesterday LOL.
I figure, if I'm going to get a snake, I might as well get one that I REALLY want right? especially since I can only have one.
I've done my homework on them, and read as much up on them as I can on them. I also have a friend whos owned one for the past 5 years and hes been giving me advise. My only doubt about getting one of these, is their size. I have to admit that large snakes are a fear of mine only because i have no experience with them. If i get ab rtb as a baby I doubt the size will bother me as much since i will be raising it but its still a tought thats stuck in my head. Lol it doesnt help that I'm 5.9 and weigh 113lbs LOL but my fiance can also help with handling the snake when its larger.

In your opinions, is a getting a rtb a good idea?
In my opinion I definitely think you should get one because you have a friend who has one and has a minimum of five years experience with these snakes plus you have everyone on these boards and your fiance. but like you said before the size maybe a factor. however since size is a factor for you they have other boa species (that isnt red tail) that get to a size you'd probably be able to handle by your self like a hognose boa or a colcoa boa (that spelling is way off lol but i know there is a small boa species that begins with C).

If you really want the responsibility of a redtail boa I'd say make sure your fiance is willing to help you out ALL the time once it gets to 7-8 feet because once it gets this big no snake is supposed to be handled alone.

So, I say think about it some more then maybe get one if you are sure this is the right idea for you. also, if you have a chance to see one of these boas full grown in person (peferrably a female because they get bigger than the males) you should go see it and hold it and be around and see how heavy it will be and so on so you will know exactly what you are getting your self into so the snake doesnt end up on craigslist or in some adoption place. Zoos won't always take snakes just because they get too big for you remember that and let us know how you make out

:clap: :clap: :clap:


Old Timer
May 1, 2004
In my opinion I definitely think you should get one because you have a friend who has one and has a minimum of five years experience with these snakes plus you have everyone on these boards and your fiance. but like you said before the size maybe a factor. however since size is a factor for you they have other boa species (that isnt red tail) that get to a size you'd probably be able to handle by your self like a hognose boa or a colcoa boa (that spelling is way off lol but i know there is a small boa species that begins with C).

If you really want the responsibility of a redtail boa I'd say make sure your fiance is willing to help you out ALL the time once it gets to 7-8 feet because once it gets this big no snake is supposed to be handled alone.

So, I say think about it some more then maybe get one if you are sure this is the right idea for you. also, if you have a chance to see one of these boas full grown in person (peferrably a female because they get bigger than the males) you should go see it and hold it and be around and see how heavy it will be and so on so you will know exactly what you are getting your self into so the snake doesnt end up on craigslist or in some adoption place. Zoos won't always take snakes just because they get too big for you remember that and let us know how you make out

:clap: :clap: :clap:
I believe you're thinking of a HOGG ISLAND Boa, and a CAULKER CAY Boa, the latter of which stays quite small, generally under five feet. They can be very expensive, though.

For someone who has never had a Boa, I'd recommend a male, since they do not reach the 10-ft. sizes that female Colombian(Boa constrictor imperator) boas do. Colombians are often erroneously called "Red-Tailed" boas by the pet trade, but TRUE Red Tails are those in the B.c. constrictor complex, and the differences can be very obvious. True Red-Tails, like Peruvians and Surinams, are usually more costly than Colombians(unless you're talking Colombian morphs, which can run you into several mortgage payments territory), but are much more colorful, and also tend to be more slender snakes, and again, males are more manageable in size. I've had both Colombians and BCC's, by the way, and got my first boa, a North Brazilian(True Red-Tail), for Christmas when I was 12. Now, as an adult, I'm still only 5'2", but I've never had any trouble handling a boa, even my breeder females. They just have a different personality than most pythons, but of course, common sense is pertinent. Like most large snakes, they will often have a powerful feeding response, so this is something you need to prepare for. I tried to kick the "boa habit" a few years ago, and get out of big snakes completely and totally into Colubrids, but I just couldn't give 'em up. I've got three boas now, a yearling male aberrant striped BCI, an adult female Pastel who is probably a BCCxBCI cross, and most recently, a gorgeous little four-month-old female Salmon Hypo BCI. Boa personalities just seem "cut out" for living with people, and their beauty is hard to beat. They are a lot more work than most Colubrid snakes, but well worth it.



Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
I think it's great that you're asking questions. I decided against a red tail because I was afraid at full size there might be an issue with our cats. I looked at smaller boas and would highly recommend the Caulker Cay (I have a pair, the male is four years old and under four feet), the Sonoran boa (my mature male is under four feet) and the Honduran boas (under five feet.) If you'll browse the picture gallery at you'll see some good pictures of all these and others. Good luck in your search for that perfect snake. John


Old Timer
Oct 4, 2005
I have two bigger boas, a Columbian female, and a Suriname male. I agree with what has already been said. Get a Suriname male, they don't get as big, they are very pretty, and if worked with on a regular basis have nice personalities. Do be ready for the feeding response though, my big girl hits her rats HARD! She is also very strong. It probably isn't necessary, but Matthias and I have made a house rule that we both are present when she is handled.
They are fascinating, beautiful animals, and just watching them is amazing. I always feels so honored that a beautiful animal like that will allow me to touch it. Best of luck with whatever you decide.


Old Timer
Jul 5, 2007
Okay is the BIG problem..we are moving into an apartment (hopefully 2 bedrooms) and size is a problem. Whatever I get will be fairly young. How large do they get in one year and what size cage/tank would they require?
On average how much do you spend a month on feed/bedding and everything else for your boa?


Old Timer
Jul 5, 2007
Oh! Does anyone know of a reputable breeder that I can get young, 08' surinames from? I would LOVE to find someone in Fla that I can actually go and pick out my own baby though.


Old Timer
May 1, 2004
Oh! Does anyone know of a reputable breeder that I can get young, 08' surinames from? I would LOVE to find someone in Fla that I can actually go and pick out my own baby though.
How much a snake grows in a month often is determined by how much you feed it. Snakes, like goldfish, grow in relation to the amount of food they're given. If you get a baby, expect to probably feed it twice a week, starting with "hopper" mice and working up from there. My yearling male Colombian is right at three feet now, up from a baby that could easily coil up in the palm of my hand, and he has not been "power fed". Right now, he's at a growth stage where he's putting on weight and girth, moreso than length, and he's "graduated" up to small rats. How much you spend on food will depend on where you obtain it; many pet shops charge outrageous prices for mice or rats. I buy in bulk from a large-scale rodent breeder about an hour and a half from me, which means making a little road trip about ever three weekends or so. I only pay 2.00 each for large rats and .50 for mice, .25 for pinkies up through fuzzies, and buy frozen/thawed. I use newspapers as substrate, most of which are given to me by the local paper deliverer, so the cost of substrate for me is very minimal. You will need to invest in a heat lamp or undertank heater with a thermostat, and that, along with a proper enclosure, is the biggest expense.

Your best bet for finding a CB baby Suri, possibly locally(lots of boa breeders in FL), is to check out the classified here: . Most of the boas are, of course, BCI morphs, but there are almost always some nice true Red-Tails on there as well. Make sure it's eating frozen/thawed rodents, since that makes feeding a lot easier and safer. I'm having problems right now getting my Salmon Hypo baby to eat f/t, and that's a real issue because I'm allergic to live rodents, severely allergic, and there's no local source of live.


Red Eyes

Old Timer
Aug 2, 2008


Old Timer
Jun 5, 2006
Lucara, get one. I owned one at one time. She was a 6 foot Columbian. Great snake. The only problem I had was when I wanted to handle her, she thought my hand was food because I hand fed her fresh killed rats. But, I just let her start to crawl out of her enclosure and then took her in my hand. No problem after that. They are a lot of fun and very interesting, beautiful snakes.



Old Timer
Jul 5, 2007
Hehe yeah I think I'm going to get one =D. I'm going to go tank shopping tomorrow and I think I found the one that I want, I just need the guy to reply back. I'm still looking around though =D.

So here are a few that I like so far.

Okay so I'm about 95% sure that I'm going to get a rtb, now its just a matter of finding one! There are a few that I am currently interested in.

This one is straight from the breeder. The first male listed is one that I like and the last 2 males are ones that I like as well. I LOVE the silver color.

There is also a guy on Craigslist that has one that he got form a breeder that I like as well but he hasnt replyed.

There is also a reptile show coming up in about a week. Its not a very large one so I'm not sure if it will have any but I could check that out as well.
The show is in Tampa so if any of you know your snakes very well and want to help me pick one out, I would appreciate it LOL.

Also, what is the average going price for one? I honestly dont know whats decent and whats a rip off. The guy in the first post seems decent but I've seen people charge double for the same snakes. Not sure if hes just really cheep or they are just really over priced.
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Old Timer
Jun 5, 2006
Lucara, I checked out the sites you posted. Remember one thing, these guys are selling possible hets and morphs. If you get a regular Redtail, they will be much cheaper. Try the rep show. Redtails are always around and you will probably get a better price.



Old Timer
Jul 5, 2007
Yeah, I think I'm going to hold out for the reptile show. Atleast that way I can see them in person. I've always heard that you should have the owner feed the snake infront of you to ensure that its eating properly, do you do think when you purchase a snake from a show?

Also, your supposed to take the snake out of the container to get a feel for how alert it is and its type of personality (I guess?), the only snake I've ever held is the one I caught a few days ago. Would it be wise for me to try and hold one at the show? What exactly would I be looking for?

Sorry for all the dumb questions but..ya gotta learn sometime! =D


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
Yeah, I think I'm going to hold out for the reptile show. Atleast that way I can see them in person. I've always heard that you should have the owner feed the snake infront of you to ensure that its eating properly, do you do think when you purchase a snake from a show?

Also, your supposed to take the snake out of the container to get a feel for how alert it is and its type of personality (I guess?), the only snake I've ever held is the one I caught a few days ago. Would it be wise for me to try and hold one at the show? What exactly would I be looking for?

Sorry for all the dumb questions but..ya gotta learn sometime! =D
As far as I know (i've ordered from even if you do order from online when they make you pay these high prices for snakes. they usually gaurentee the snake to be at 100% health at time of purchase its implied in the price. when I brought my snake from and they came my house not only were they in great health but they were extra nippy especially the male. also included in their prices is the fact that the snake will eat once its time for you to feed it. Professional snake breeders NEVER sell a snake that won't eat because there is a chance it will die obviously...but if you feel safer doing all this at a show... by means i say go with your heart but keep thinking as you are with your mind good luck!!! :clap: :clap:


Old Timer
Jun 20, 2008
Getting an RTB is always a good idea. I love those, just wish rats weren't so expensive. I used to have several 6 to 9 footers and it got way too expensive to keep them all fed so I had to send them to other homes. But I do love the RTB's! In fact my favorite snake in existance is the Sunglow Jungle RTB There are only a few that exist but it is the most amazing snake I've ever seen.


Old Timer
Jul 5, 2007
Were going tank shopping tomorrow! I've found a couple cheeper ones on Craigslist so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can just get one of those.

I really appreciate everyones advice with this! If anyone thinks of anything else important that I should know or look for, PLEASE post it! =D


Old Timer
Jun 5, 2006
Lucara, if you do get a snake at the rep show, it's also a good idea to check around the eyes and scales for mites. Also check for any cheesy material around the mouth and any discharges from the nose. These signs make the snake a no no. Always purchase healthy animals, but you already know that.


Will Hunting

Old Timer
May 22, 2008
Lucara, when is this reptile show? Or atleast, what's the name? =p I'd be very interested in heading up to Tampa for a show, I'm in the market for a Brazilian Rainbow Boa (I'm very surprised no one mentioned them, it's a fact that they're the most beautiful snakes ever invented xD) They're very slender boas, so they stay light weight. They also average 5-7 feet in length as adults.

That's no trick, under correct lighting their scales act as prisms, hence their name.

Anyway, maybe we can meet up there and I'll help you out on your grand adventure into boas. ^_^