First Pokie was an adult female P. regalis. She was a sweetheart.Just curious, what was the first poecilotheria species you got? Did it teach you anything new about the hobby?
P. subfusca "Lowland"Just curious, what was the first poecilotheria species you got?
Not really tbh, I'd kept a Psalmopoeus irminia for the better part of a year before getting it and it was just as easy to deal with as the irminia (if not easier), both were always pretty chill.Did it teach you anything new about the hobby?
This. Seriously... I had a couple pokies and some of the new worlds I've had were much worse tempered. P. cancerides anyone? P irminia anyone? Those can have such a temper it blew my old OBT's awayI kind of wish I had gotten a P. Regalis to prepare for my two P. Irminia slings. Those things are mental.
I'm going to be honest, I really want to see this!The craziest sling I've had is an O. Hati-Hati that I got recently as a freebie. It isn't particularly defensive but for a small sling it's so fast! Leaps out of it's burrow and catches worms before they hit the sub. It's pretty crazy. I can't even see it down it's burrow and when I drop in a worm from a vent hole on top of the enclosure it flies out, grabs the worm mid-air, and flies back in with one smooth move...all in less than a blink of an eye!
Dear God...I'm not ready for flies out, grabs the worm mid-air, and flies back in with one smooth move...