I know that I've seen some old threads on the topic via google searches, but instead of reviving a 10 year old thread, why not create a new one ?
Let me start by saying that an overwhelming majority of spider flicks aren't exactly blockbuster quality, with very few exceptions.
Without further ado, here are my personal top 5, from worst to best. You might actually be surprised by my picks. Here goes.
5. The Giant Spider Invasion (1975)
This is one of those bad movies. So bad it's actually laughable. The titular giant spiders are actually VW Beetles, clothed in black fur and have mechanical legs on their sides, operated by a crew inside the vehicle. Other than that, there was a handful of WC B. hamorii and possibly A. chalcodes as extra props. I think two were visibly killed on-screen, one being chopped in half by a shovel, the other passed in a blender to make some sort of alcoholic drink. My major complaint about the film is that some scenes are just too dark to make out what's happening.
4. Tarantulas : The Deadly Cargo (1977)
Here's one that actually ain't too bad. Some of the acting is just ok, but it has its cringy moments. The biggest issue I have is that they mistakenly (and dangerously) identify the harmless B. hamorii as Phoneutria nigriventer ! Other than that, the bit about the sound of buzzing wasps putting tarantulas into paralysis was pretty silly. If there's one thing I'll praise, it's the jazz-based musical score. At times, the music really doesn't fit the scene, but it is nice.
3. Kingdom of The Spiders (1977)
Another of those '70s films which helped to give Ts a bad reputation. This time, because of overuse of insecticides, tarantulas begin to prey on larger animals, including dogs, cows and people ! William Shatner gives his best acting, which really is hilarious at times and downright cringe on others. Loads of B. hamorii are seen, along with what looks like T. vagans and T. albopilosum. The ending is surreal. In my opinion, it's definitely worth looking into.
2. Arachnophobia (1990)
This is easily the most mainstream spider film on the list, if not of all. A Venezuelan spider is discovered and is seen to possess incredibly potent venom. It hitches a ride inside a coffin to the US, in which it mates with a House Spider and creates a deadly strain of offspring. Other than the Venezuelan spider, which is probably based on either Theraphosa or Pamphobeteus, the offspring are actual Huntsman spiders, Delena cancerides. I thought that was a nice touch and added some creepy moments. Odds are if you've been keeping Ts over the '90s, you've seen the film. And for once, we get great acting from Jeff Daniels and John Goodman. It's always a pleasure to revisit his classic from time to time. Now that I think of it, this film is one of the catalysts that got me into keeping Ts.
And for the #1 spot... Are you people ready for it ?
1. Kiss of The Tarantula (1975)
This is a guilty pleasure of mine. The acting for the most part is abysmal, but I really LOVE the setting. Most of the film takes place in a mortuary. The girl, Susan, around 17-18, keeps a lot of WC B. hamorii in steel cages, like those they would have used for hamsters and such. Eventually, some of her classmates barge into her home and kill one of her prized spiders. How does she react ? She sets them loose on the wrongdoers, creating panic and having themselves killed on accident. There's also a subplot of her creepy uncle that wants to have her in bed. The film delivers one of the best, if not THE best synthesized-based scores for any film. There is no way that today's synths could reproduce what was made back then. The ending is so unexpected and downright satisfying. Once again, worth a look in my honest opinion.
I know there's some that I left off, such as Eight-Legged Freaks, which is SO goofy, Tarantula! from 1955, which is THE classic spider movie and Ice Spiders, which is plain horrible. I've also heard of Big @$$ Spider, which seems absolutely ridiculous and Lavantula, which makes me wonder what substance the movie makers were on...
So, what are your favourite spider movies ?
Let me start by saying that an overwhelming majority of spider flicks aren't exactly blockbuster quality, with very few exceptions.
Without further ado, here are my personal top 5, from worst to best. You might actually be surprised by my picks. Here goes.
5. The Giant Spider Invasion (1975)
This is one of those bad movies. So bad it's actually laughable. The titular giant spiders are actually VW Beetles, clothed in black fur and have mechanical legs on their sides, operated by a crew inside the vehicle. Other than that, there was a handful of WC B. hamorii and possibly A. chalcodes as extra props. I think two were visibly killed on-screen, one being chopped in half by a shovel, the other passed in a blender to make some sort of alcoholic drink. My major complaint about the film is that some scenes are just too dark to make out what's happening.
4. Tarantulas : The Deadly Cargo (1977)
Here's one that actually ain't too bad. Some of the acting is just ok, but it has its cringy moments. The biggest issue I have is that they mistakenly (and dangerously) identify the harmless B. hamorii as Phoneutria nigriventer ! Other than that, the bit about the sound of buzzing wasps putting tarantulas into paralysis was pretty silly. If there's one thing I'll praise, it's the jazz-based musical score. At times, the music really doesn't fit the scene, but it is nice.
3. Kingdom of The Spiders (1977)
Another of those '70s films which helped to give Ts a bad reputation. This time, because of overuse of insecticides, tarantulas begin to prey on larger animals, including dogs, cows and people ! William Shatner gives his best acting, which really is hilarious at times and downright cringe on others. Loads of B. hamorii are seen, along with what looks like T. vagans and T. albopilosum. The ending is surreal. In my opinion, it's definitely worth looking into.
2. Arachnophobia (1990)
This is easily the most mainstream spider film on the list, if not of all. A Venezuelan spider is discovered and is seen to possess incredibly potent venom. It hitches a ride inside a coffin to the US, in which it mates with a House Spider and creates a deadly strain of offspring. Other than the Venezuelan spider, which is probably based on either Theraphosa or Pamphobeteus, the offspring are actual Huntsman spiders, Delena cancerides. I thought that was a nice touch and added some creepy moments. Odds are if you've been keeping Ts over the '90s, you've seen the film. And for once, we get great acting from Jeff Daniels and John Goodman. It's always a pleasure to revisit his classic from time to time. Now that I think of it, this film is one of the catalysts that got me into keeping Ts.
And for the #1 spot... Are you people ready for it ?
1. Kiss of The Tarantula (1975)
This is a guilty pleasure of mine. The acting for the most part is abysmal, but I really LOVE the setting. Most of the film takes place in a mortuary. The girl, Susan, around 17-18, keeps a lot of WC B. hamorii in steel cages, like those they would have used for hamsters and such. Eventually, some of her classmates barge into her home and kill one of her prized spiders. How does she react ? She sets them loose on the wrongdoers, creating panic and having themselves killed on accident. There's also a subplot of her creepy uncle that wants to have her in bed. The film delivers one of the best, if not THE best synthesized-based scores for any film. There is no way that today's synths could reproduce what was made back then. The ending is so unexpected and downright satisfying. Once again, worth a look in my honest opinion.
I know there's some that I left off, such as Eight-Legged Freaks, which is SO goofy, Tarantula! from 1955, which is THE classic spider movie and Ice Spiders, which is plain horrible. I've also heard of Big @$$ Spider, which seems absolutely ridiculous and Lavantula, which makes me wonder what substance the movie makers were on...
So, what are your favourite spider movies ?
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