You wont wish to be him...


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2005
B. Boehmi and fuzzies

I have a large B. boehmi that has been an eating machine since I got her 3 weeks ago. I kid you not that she stands fangs first with front legs pressed agains the glass until you feed her and she is content. A total garabage can. I finally tried fuzzy mice. No worry about damage to spider from rodent. She eats more than my T. blondi of comparable size. I only do this twice a week for the larger girls. the rest of the time I feed almost hand fulls of stuff gut crickets using cricket quincher with calcium and good cricket foods like rep-cal or flukers. My G. aureo (chaco) large female has eaten one fuzzy but sees it as threat more than food..even pinkies. She is the largest T. I have. I gave up quickly since there is no need to add undo stress to her. I have or will have sixty tarantulas as soon as Botar brings me my big crawshayi female on his way back from the show in St. Louis today. I know some of you have way more bugs but with the slings, subadults and adults it takes a long time to feed and water which is performed every other night. Takes a healthy 1 1/2 to 2 hours and some times more. Then I have a ball python and large tank of fish and cat. I have to quit adopting wayward creatures. The python is the sweetest most calm snake I have ever held. The past owner took good care and must have handled her alot but had to give her up for some reason. I had to donate 40 bucks to petco's save the animals foundation which I still got the best end of the deal for heathy, friendly and a approximately an inch over 3 ft python and I don't mind helping out other creatures.
Sorry for babble...I woke up in good mood this morning and it is a beautiful day here (at least for a few hours) its Missouri. ;)


"Craaaazy white women, always leaves one bullet in gun for self"
Nervous Elk in "The Villian"


Old Timer
Sep 22, 2002
Do live mice squeal often, when T prey?

Don't think I'd ever feed my dumb tarantulas something that can actually squeal.. regardless though, nice pictures.


Old Timer
Jan 1, 2005
er they do if they dont die fast enuff..

the mice that i feed my H.Schmidti to, squeals like a baby, but the 1 with my pokie... no chance to squeal


Old Timer
Jan 1, 2005
Vys said:
Ever try a guinea pig?
Argh>..... never... for 1 reason i know she wont have problems killing it, but it does have a problem for me! GPigs are hella expensive considering them as feeders lol!