xgrafcorex pic thread


Thread Killer
Old Timer
Aug 16, 2005
my aureostriata molted the other day..here are some pictures

and the male and female rosea i'm going to pair up this weekend.

i'm hoping for some pretty nice rosea :D
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Old Timer
Aug 26, 2005
man awesome pics of that chaco molting.i like how u can see the little claws


Thread Killer
Old Timer
Aug 16, 2005
g rosea mating #1

first off..once again heh..i know about the sand ;P i received the t like this, and have had no issue in the slightest. however, i do have a bricks worth of coco fiber drying out, and i will be completely cleaning out her current home and dumping the sand.

this was my first ever mating attempt so i must say i'm pretty excited. :D definetly one of the more memorable moments for me since i've been in the hobby.

well i FINALLY paired my male rosea with one of my females. i have two females and decided to try it first with the female that is a little more docile. at first they didn't seem very interested..the male stayed where i put him in her enclosure...after a bit he made his way towards her cave entrance. i think she moved towards him which caused him to go around the side (as seen in one of the pics)..then she began tapping and he turned around. they slowly joined and started doing their thing.

the whole process (once started) lasted a few minutes...then they sort of lost their grip and she had her chelicerae spread out, so i thought that was a good que for me to get in there and rescue him. hes doing fine..gonna wait for another sperm web and introduce him to the other female. its been a few months since the females last molted, but that shouldn't happen again for a long time. anyway..here are the pictures.

at first he wasn't very happy to be there..

found the cave entrance

i think she startled him a little so he moved around the side

she did a little tapping and he wasted no time responding

couldn't really get a great angle for a photo of any insertions..but he had a good firm hold on her, so i'm hoping he had some good ones.

starts to lose a good grip after this photo

virgin no more, and lived to tell about it


Old Timer
Oct 25, 2005
Hey man what's up? Great pictures and good luck with the G. rosea breedin'.


Old Timer
Sep 12, 2005
Grat pics man,

1st attempt to mate is a very special moment for everyone in the hobby,
good luck!


Thread Killer
Old Timer
Aug 16, 2005
Skypainter said:
Hey man what's up? Great pictures and good luck with the G. rosea breedin'.
hey, not too much..back to the daily grind...yourself? thanks...i'll keep everyone posted on how it goes. maybe i'll have some slings to get rid of at arachnocon 2007 :D

TheNatural said:
Grat pics man,

1st attempt to mate is a very special moment for everyone in the hobby,
good luck!
thanks...yea it was awesome...something i'll never forget. :D and i can't wait till he makes another sperm web.......maybe i'll just surround his kk with pics of female rosea to get him in the mood {D


Thread Killer
Old Timer
Aug 16, 2005
well i have been keeping the male rosea above the female (his kk is the weight holding her lid down) for some time now. but after mating them, she seems a bit more active. i took this pic today :D

she loves the palp!! :}


Thread Killer
Old Timer
Aug 16, 2005
did a bit of feeding today and snapped some photos in the process.

p cambridgei "foot" pads

male g rosea waiting for a meal {D

p pulcher

p reduncus

x sp. white

made a better burrow for my a seemani female, she took to it pretty quickly and has done a little diggin of her own in the back :D

closer cropping

best shot i could get of my p murinus :rolleyes:

p murinus enclosure

not tarantulas..but...

my okeetee corn trying to be sneaky

a "rat snake" we found in our front yard that turned out to be a baby black racer! it was pretty quick, not very friendly and had rejected food twice, so AFTER we mowed the lawn..we released it in the backyard.

last but not least, my latest pet store impulse buy
s subspinipes


Thread Killer
Old Timer
Aug 16, 2005
happened to catch the tail end of this tonight :D

haven't seen it stretched out yet..but i would guess its roughly an inch in legspan.


Thread Killer
Old Timer
Aug 16, 2005
well thanks to mike (nerri1029) i found out my aureostriata is a girl. :D thanks again!



Thread Killer
Old Timer
Aug 16, 2005
tried to pair my male rosea with the same female again. she was not interested at all. does anyone think this may be because she is gravid? either way, i removed him and put him in with my other female. they got to it pretty quick, he got a decent looking insertion, and then it was over almost as fast as it began. so fast in fact, i decided to put him back in to see what would happen (not right next to her though) neither seemed interested at all so i removed him pretty quickly. i placed him in his large kk and he started climbing up the side and out before i really had the lid there. so i figure, like the time i handled my versi sling, this would be a pretty good time to put my hand in front of him and let him just climb onto me. so i did and he climbed on. :D this was my first time handling a large t. hah i know its a rosea, but so far i have just left all my ts to themselves aside from the time i was initially rehousing my half inch versicolor. :rolleyes: here are a few pics.

weird pose he took in the first females tank.

on his way to female 2

him hanging out on my hand after leaving his home

my hand has decent contrast against its legs and this is the best shot of the leg spines on the male that i've ever taken.


Old Timer
Oct 25, 2005
Cool pictures! Hope you end up with two sackfulls of spiderlings.


Thread Killer
Old Timer
Aug 16, 2005
well its been some time since i posted some pics here so i figured i'd put some new ones here for you all.

B. emilia post molt

C. cyaneopubescens after putting down a bit of webbing

X. sp. "white"

same spider in pre-molt. notice the MUCH darker bald spot on the abdomen.

molt sequence

missing half of a fang :(

few days later


Thread Killer
Old Timer
Aug 16, 2005
X. sp. "white" molted again, but i wasn't around to see it.

got its fang back in full :D

couple random ones

C. fasciatum, just molted but i haven't gotten any good pictures of it yet.

G. aureostriata, actually looks pretty dark, so i'm expecting her to molt again shortly.

A. versicolor

got this big female P. cambridgei from skypainter jeff.

her blind date.

he got a little bit of an attitude after he matured, first threat pose i've received from him, or any of my larger ts.

P. pederseni i just picked up from a local pet store


Thread Killer
Old Timer
Aug 16, 2005
last ones for now.

P. irminia

she was very cooperative for this photo shoot. first i took some pics through the glass..but she didn't freak and run into her tube web when i moved her tank down off the shelf onto my desk, so i took the lid off and stuck the camera in her face. even then she was almost stationary. she took a few steps towards me..but after she got so close, i decided that was it. since she was being so nice, i was tempted to put my hand at the edge of the tank to let her just walk onto me..but it was late, and the last thing i wanted to do was chase her around my very cluttered room instead of sleeping.


Old Timer
Oct 10, 2006
Nice Pics. I'm glad your X. sp. white got it's fang back and keep the molt pics coming.


Thread Killer
Old Timer
Aug 16, 2005
thanks! i'm glad it got its fang back in full too. i had heard and read talk of spiders molting faster in situations where a regeneration of a limb or fang was necessary, but i don't think the next molt came any faster than it would have normally.

heres a few more..

Pterinochilus murinus 0.0.1

Brachypelma albopilosum 0.1

Theraphosa blondi 0.0.1 note the pattern in the distribution of the hairs on the abdomen.