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- Oct 2, 2004
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A little about my breedingattrmpt with Xenesthis immanis.
I was in Hamm in mars last year and bought a adult male. I have three females, two of the adults. 22/3 the male spun a spermweb, and the next eavning i desided to try to mate them. I started whith my smaller female because she where freshly moulted. The male where very neorvous and run for it, the female where receptive though! But that eavning was not good hehe! I tried a couple of nights but with the same results!
Then i desided to put him in with the female a couple of days in a so called shark cage. When he had benn in that way for 2 days i opend the shark cage in the eavning, and a mating took place.!!! I could see one good insertation. i let him spin another spermweb and put him again in a chark cage with the same female and they later mated again. This time i saw two insertations. After that they didnt wanna mate again so i tried my largest female. They mated alright but the female moulted a couple of weeks later. In the meantime the other female become fatter and fatter, and about 4 month later she dropped a sac!!!
I was very thrilled!!! I tried my best to keep the humidety high and not desturb her to much, but sorry to say the female one day ignore the sack, and when i opened it, i saw that it was infertile. CHEERS!!!///Johan
I was in Hamm in mars last year and bought a adult male. I have three females, two of the adults. 22/3 the male spun a spermweb, and the next eavning i desided to try to mate them. I started whith my smaller female because she where freshly moulted. The male where very neorvous and run for it, the female where receptive though! But that eavning was not good hehe! I tried a couple of nights but with the same results!
Then i desided to put him in with the female a couple of days in a so called shark cage. When he had benn in that way for 2 days i opend the shark cage in the eavning, and a mating took place.!!! I could see one good insertation. i let him spin another spermweb and put him again in a chark cage with the same female and they later mated again. This time i saw two insertations. After that they didnt wanna mate again so i tried my largest female. They mated alright but the female moulted a couple of weeks later. In the meantime the other female become fatter and fatter, and about 4 month later she dropped a sac!!!