Yeah she was mated last October, so it's took its time!
Thanks for all the good words guys
Oh this is my second eggsac, the first being Haplopelma Lividum. I've left the mother with bith, and my success rate is 2 out of 2, so I'll probably stick with this method I'm pretty new to the breeding scene!
I'll get some more pics in a few days when more of the spids emerge and are 'proper' spiderlings
Thanks once again! I'll tell the mother "congratulations" from you all
Yeah I'm going to leave them all in there for the time being. Chuck in a few (hundred) microcrickets, then from there seperate them as I send them away really. I'll probably remove the mother too, she'll soon get annoyed with hundreds of eight-legged-spawn scuttling aroudn her
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