Wolf spider care questions


Nov 22, 2023
So, she disappeared again, and not to her burrow as far as I can tell. The egg sac is still in there, and it hasn't quite been a month since I discovered it. But the "door" has been left open.

I've been misting the surface almost daily. I'm afraid to flood the place if I can't see her. I also wanted to add some live moss for better moisture retention, but I can't do that either if I can't see where she is.

She's dug a couple secondary pits (not full burrows as far as I can tell) that she would lay in during the several days she was above ground.

Her last big meal was a bluebottle spike, and that was on January 3. It was almost the size of her body, so I'm hoping it'll hold her over for a while. I'm considering going out and buying *tiny* pinhead crickets to leave in there. I left two in last time, and they roamed around uneaten for over a week.

Or, I can throw some fruit flies in there and put a screen over the top to keep them in. Or, I could do nothing until she surfaces again. Any thoughts?

Hopefully, she's okay, and just doing weird spider stuff. Can't imagine what it's like to have a fossorial tarantula you don't see for months.


Nov 22, 2023
Well, guess who decided to show up? Guess I'm going to give her a tiny mealworm and moisten the substrate.

EDIT: Refused the mealworm, but is drinking the water.


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