

Old Timer
Dec 8, 2005
I didn't analyze the setting with these specific questions in mind, but I will recall to the best of my ability.

How much real estate did each female have control over?
About 1 square foot

Were there definate neutral zones between the webs of different females? Or was there any overlap?
I never saw any adjacent webs

How high are those green plants sprouting from the leaf matter?
About 6-8"

where were the males found in relation to the females "den"?
The males were off to one side in their own smaller web adjacent to the female's web


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2006
I didn't analyze the setting with these specific questions in mind, but I will recall to the best of my ability.

About 1 square foot

I never saw any adjacent webs

About 6-8"

The males were off to one side in their own smaller web adjacent to the female's web
Great info, I appeciate it VERY much. :cool: Studying a widow (any invert for that matter) while it resides in an enclosure is almost as bad as locking a single wolf in the bathroom and expecting to apply the data to a pack running wild. (ok...not THAT bad...but... :rolleyes: )

Still a bit cooler there? I suspect that 1 square foot number will increase ...probably double or triple as it warms up and/or when they are fully mature. (??)

The males were off to one side in their own smaller web adjacent to the female's web
Good... hoping to hear that.
BTW...those males look mature. Do you ever collect? Do trades? :? ;)


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2005
The males are mature. I distinctly remember the boxing gloves.

No can do on the collection of these pretties. My spouse would beat me with a stick if she caught me messing with widows let alone bringing them into the house. She already puts up with a lot re: inverts.

BTW...those males look mature. Do you ever collect? Do trades? :? ;)


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2006
The males are mature. I distinctly remember the boxing gloves.

No can do on the collection of these pretties. My spouse would beat me with a stick if she caught me messing with widows let alone bringing them into the house. She already puts up with a lot re: inverts.
whaaa? :? :D Males cant hurt you!

Ok... I'll work with you on this one...i've been married once and I got fairly good at this sort of thing... at least 'til a day or so before she filed for the divorce... :D ...anyway, first: prepare some 2oz cups for shipping. (Ill give you my preferred method when you're ready to go collect ..;) :D ) ...and a small shipping box (8"x8" for example) along with some packing paper, newspaper or bubble junk. Also, grab a artist paint brush... oooh..better yet, grab one of your wife's makeup brushes. That'l make things even more exciting! Now, inform her that you need to run some errands. (or whatever excuse you normally get away with) Grab the stuff and drive away..feeling free like a man should feel! (at least once a month or so) ;P :D
Collect my spiders and ...ooh.. damn forgot about the packing tape... whatever, you can use some at the post office... ok, pack everything up, nice and snug and drive to USPS and send them via priority mail. 8 bucks max.
Meantime Ill prepare your package for the trade. Course, all I got are widows..and maybe some stink bugs ...eitherway pretty damn cool. {D I'll send you some species that are native to lands that dont refer to them as "widows", but call them "buttons". If she thinks they are widows, you'll just say "no, they are button spiders." She'll probably not fall for it, but its worth a try.

..:D :D ;) Anyway... bummer. Too bad you can't keep some Latros. Really neat spiders to keep and extremely easy to care for. My girlfriend doesn't let me bring "bugs" into the house. Though, I sneak jars in and hide them when I want to keep some at a steady 68F or so for a spell. :D


Old Timer
Feb 21, 2007
I was crawling around on the forest floor collecting millipedes last night and found several of these. I left them where they were. Picture pulled from Bugguide.net

That actually sounds kinda spooky!:eek:

My girlfriend doesn't let me bring "bugs" into the house.
So, where's your bug room?


Old Timer
Jul 14, 2006
listening to buthus might get you into trouble!

however, padkison, let me add my address to your list of recipients when you plan this little "outing." Joking - but seriously, it is so hard to be at a distance and hear about these very cool specimens and to be powerless to get them into the mail for yourself!


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2005
Tell me about it! I drool everytime someone talks about finding Ts in the wild.

however, padkison, let me add my address to your list of recipients when you plan this little "outing." Joking - but seriously, it is so hard to be at a distance and hear about these very cool specimens and to be powerless to get them into the mail for yourself!


Old Timer
Mar 19, 2005
latrodectus variolus

wow, what a beautiful theriidid, sounds like L. variolus (Walckenaer) to me from your description.I sure wish I had a chance to buy some alive.Cheers Tom.


Old Timer
Nov 22, 2005
I just thought I'd add to this thread. I went herping yesterday to a good spot for reptiles, but also happens to be a great spot for many L. variolus. Oh yes, they were out in full force too! I think I located 10 adults just by noticing the random dangling debree adorning their webs about 18" off the ground. I also found about 4 or 5 more slings under rocks. I also found 5 L. mactans at this spot yesterday. I collected one gorgeous L. variolus to add into my breeding stock. I may put a pic of her up here soon...


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2005
Now that I have an idea of where widows hang out, I have been seeing quite a few of them in different places. Pretty spiders. Too bad their venom is so potent.