You'll probably get some good advice regarding this, but it will be helpful if you specify which species.Hi,
Whats the best way of telling if both male and female widows are mature enought to attempt breeding them? Is it mainly based on size?
mature hesperus males...typicalThanks for the replies, Cacoseraph had noticed that in some of my males, it's a pain, far easier with tarantulas to know when they are mature!
Buthus, I've got gravid female revivensis and 13guttatus and sub adult couples of hesperus and variolus. I'm not to sure if the variolus and hesperus are mature though and don't want to risk loosing my males!
The hesperus and variolus females I have are arround the same size as my gravid females but I'm not too sure with the males. I've only got one hesperus male who has gone quite 'leggy' and a few variolus males so could risk one of them but again I am not sure if they are ready!
When introduced to the females web should mating be quite a quick occurance?