Why so scared of old worlds?


Mar 16, 2017
As the title states why are so many keepers on here scared to keep old world tarantulas? I get the venom is worse than new world tarantulas and all. My point is most of us drive cars and a crap ton of people die in car crashes every day and some also get seriously injured and have to be amputated. Never heard of anyone dying or getting amputated from a bite of an old world tarantula. Some of you smoke cigarettes as well, lying in a hospital bed hooked to a breathing machine with lungs black as night sounds worse than any old world bite as well.

Dogs kill and hurt a fair amount of people each year and almost everyone I know keeps a dog as a pet.
Point I am trying to make is there is a crap ton of things out there that kill people everyday or send to the hospital for surgery that we use or do everyday, old world tarantulas are not part of this so why so scared of them?

I read a post the other day someone has been keeping for over 13 years and and has no interest in keeping old worlds, to each his or her own but I find this to be odd and see this type of attitude on the boards daily yet most of you drive cars every day and other drivers are as predictable as any tarantula.

Also hear that it's a cool factor for some to keep old worlds, well let me say that zero and I mean a big fat fricken ZERO people in my family or friends even like my tarantulas old or new. You guys are the only ones I talk to about tarantulas, I have never even had a conversation outside of this forum where I use scientific names to anybody when talking about tarantulas.

I started this hobby in 2007 with an old world tarantula and 90+% of collection is old world and i haven't had any issues at all and never even have come close to being bitten, they ALL disappear to burrows when disturbed.

So let's hear it why so scared of old worlds????
There is nothing to be ashamed of for not keeping old worlds and I am not trying to be rude or think less of you for not keeping one to each his or her own just curious as to why most on here don't keep or want one in there collection. Thanks for your replies in advance.


Mar 19, 2020
Wow this was a long post. I started skimming about halfway through. I did like 7 or 8 rehousings the other day, about half were ow and half nw, including a p irminia. The h pulchripes was my most stubborn rehousing, which usually people say is a good beginner OW. I think it’s because you won’t see them as often, then when you do rehouses the OW are more “fun”. I didn’t have any major issues, but I get why some people would rather deal with aphonopelmas than baboons


Mar 16, 2017
Wow this was a long post. I started skimming about halfway through. I did like 7 or 8 rehousings the other day, about half were ow and half nw, including a p irminia. The h pulchripes was my most stubborn rehousing, which usually people say is a good beginner OW. I think it’s because you won’t see them as often, then when you do rehouses the OW are more “fun”. I didn’t have any major issues, but I get why some people would rather deal with aphonopelmas than baboons
lol my bad on the thesis but I appreciate your response.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
As the title states why are so many keepers on here scared to keep old world tarantulas? I get the venom is worse than new world tarantulas and all. My point is most of us drive cars and a crap ton of people die in car crashes every day and some also get seriously injured and have to be amputated. Never heard of anyone dying or getting amputated from a bite of an old world tarantula. Some of you smoke cigarettes as well, lying in a hospital bed hooked to a breathing machine with lungs black as night sounds worse than any old world bite as well.

Dogs kill and hurt a fair amount of people each year and almost everyone I know keeps a dog as a pet.
Point I am trying to make is there is a crap ton of things out there that kill people everyday or send to the hospital for surgery that we use or do everyday, old world tarantulas are not part of this so why so scared of them?

I read a post the other day someone has been keeping for over 13 years and and has no interest in keeping old worlds, to each his or her own but I find this to be odd and see this type of attitude on the boards daily yet most of you drive cars every day and other drivers are as predictable as any tarantula.

Also hear that it's a cool factor for some to keep old worlds, well let me say that zero and I mean a big fat fricken ZERO people in my family or friends even like my tarantulas old or new. You guys are the only ones I talk to about tarantulas, I have never even had a conversation outside of this forum where I use scientific names to anybody when talking about tarantulas.

I started this hobby in 2007 with an old world tarantula and 90+% of collection is old world and i haven't had any issues at all and never even have come close to being bitten, they ALL disappear to burrows when disturbed.

So let's hear it why so scared of old worlds????
There is nothing to be ashamed of for not keeping old worlds and I am not trying to be rude or think less of you for not keeping one to each his or her own just curious as to why most on here don't keep or want one in there collection. Thanks for your replies in advance.
Lots of reasons

People can’t control their T, they can control a car.

Ts are not as predictable as dogs.

Short ideas here, but tons of reaons why some
don’t want OWs

Also some don’t want the hassle of keeping them. It’s easier to get a Emilia or Avic to move A to B than an H mac or Ceratogyrus


Mar 27, 2020
I don’t particularly want to keep them in the first place so it’s like what is the point. I love Aviculariinae so I mainly keep those. I have a lot of true spiders too and would rather save tarantula space in my collection for the tarantulas that really interest me. My collection isn’t diverse but it’s made up of my favorites, mainly NW arboreal.

I’ve never understood the obsession with Old worlds. That you have to get them and it’s a natural progression of the hobby. For me it just isn’t. It doesn’t even come down to fear but a lack of interest. As I know I could safely keep old worlds if I really wanted to, I just don’t want to. The desire isn’t there. I get tired of the assumption that I must be scared or not ready. Or that I’m not an experienced keeper without old worlds. It’s just not my cup of tea. It’s like me assuming that if someone doesn’t keep an Aviculariinae then they must be a crap keeper with no experience. It’s not true.You can have lots of experience with certain types of tarantulas and not others. Doesn’t make you less than. That just isn’t your ‘specialty’.

Edan bandoot

Sep 5, 2019
Not a fan of most of the obligate burrowers and don't like heavy webbing, I like old world arboreals though.

I personally couldn't care less about the venom (save maybe S.cal) and would prefer to have the spider be defensive rather than skittish.


Old Timer
Jan 22, 2009
Yeah, I'm the guy that has 0 intention to get OWs even after almost 12 years of keeping Pet Rock Ts without incident. Even though the risk of a bite is low, there's also the higher likelihood of a bolt during a rehouse. I just don't want to deal with that and I don't need to find out if I'm one of these sensitive people via a bite the hard way. In fact, even the majority of NWs I would shy away from. Nhandu, Pamphobeteus, Phormictopus, Xenesthis, Theraphosa, Ephebopus, etc... No thanks. Avicularia/Caribena/Psalmopoeus ? Not feeling the need to have those either, sorry.

I know I can have a nice collection comprising mostly of Aphonopelma, Brachypelma, Grammostola and Tliltocatl. There is Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens and Acanthoscurria geniculata that I plan on acquiring as well because I really like the look of those two.


Mar 27, 2017
to preface, i quit the hobby for some time but recently returned with a completely different perspective and greater appreciation for tarantulas.

prior to quitting, i viewed old worlds as unappealing animals bc they generally aren’t as visible as new worlds. i didn’t fear old worlds at all. mind you i was given a 3” P. ornata given as a freebie within a month of starting the hobby in a package with OBTs among some other old worlds in the box. i didn’t feel any different when i unpacked them, rehoused them, or fed them. it always intrigued me seeing posts of newer keepers expressing their stance against old worlds and likewise when i see experienced keepers not recommending them but rather advising newer keepers from getting them. don’t get me wrong, i understand why they do, and it’s justified.

also, many are just plain, brown spiders with a tendency to rear up compared to new worlds. i thought their behavior and (especially) appearance doesn’t justify in keeping them. in short, they were boring to me. since coming back, my fascination towards old worlds is greater than new worlds. apart from a handful of african and new world species, my favorite type of tarantulas are asians. i love their behavior, and i love how they look - even the ones i thought were just plain, brown spiders. obligate burrowers used to turn me off, but i love them now. to each his own 100%


Dec 25, 2014
Ts are not as predictable as dogs.
Depends. A Pitbull can attack you without giving too much of a 'warning' sign. Happened here in Italy (and still happens, sadly) since Pitbulls (and the AMstaff) are the stars of the illegal, underground betting dog Vs dog fights-to-death circuit (owned by the Italian and ex Jugoslavia Mafia).
A couple of those dogs when rescued, basically never recover from that torture... Unpredictable killing machines.

Btw no hate for Pitbull, I love those. But in Italy said breed is used in that 'gladiator' way, very very often, sadly.

People can’t control their T, they can control a car.
But they can't control other drivers. Driving is probably the most routinely-dangerous thing we do everyday on a normal basis. You need to have 200 eyes, like those eye-flying monsters of cartoons, since you'll have to watch always other drivers actions.
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Mar 3, 2021
Perhaps it's similar to some people like to go to the gym a couple times a week and some want to be pro bodybuilders. Its however far you would like to take your hobby. I am personally not experienced enough to take on an OW yet, and it is something I'd like to do in the future.
It just varies from person to person what they would like to get out of T keeping. I don't think it helps the countless clickbait videos on YouTube of people goading their OW into striking and slapping for the views and likes; it creates a reputation that perhaps is not deserved of them, particularly when spiders in general are some of the most feared creatures by people.

That said, all T's, especially old world's need to be treated with respect and if you aren't confident, you shouldn't be looking after a pet you are frightened of. Why turn the pleasure of T keeping into a nightmare in that case.


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
i no longer keep any tarantulas, but I used to have a vast collection. It included both new and old world species. I adored my OBTs for their never back down mind sets, but honestly, it got a bit old when needing to clean or rehouse or pack to ship any of the old world species. I am not fond of the adrenaline rush of a totally ticked off spider that has reflexes and speed so high it is like they teleport from the container to you or the wall or the counter.

I was always afraid that I was going to hurt them in trying to catch them or stop them - not to mention the fact that every time I was doing a rehousing and my husband would hear a stream of foul language, the next thing I would hear was the front door slamming behind him :) Yes, my husband is severely arachnophobic yet still put up with me having over 500 (including slings) at one point in time. He is why I finally gave up on the spiders entirely, it just was not fair to him. Fortunately, my new passion - isopods - are something he loves too.... and I have yet to see one of my trundle bugs rear up, venom dripping from it's fangs with a stridulating hiss ;)


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
Depends. A Pitbull can attack you without giving too much of a 'warning' sign. Happened here in Italy (and still happens, sadly) since Pitbulls (and the AMstaff) are the stars of the illegal, underground betting dog Vs dog fights-to-death circuit (owned by the Italian and ex Jugoslavia Mafia).
A couple of those dogs when rescued, basically never recover from that torture... Unpredictable killing machines.

Btw no hate for Pitbull, I love those. But in Italy said breed is used in that 'gladiator' way, very very often, sadly.

But they can't control other drivers. Driving is probably the most routinely-dangerous thing we do everyday on a normal basis. You need to have 200 eyes, like those eye-flying monsters of cartoons, since you'll have to watch always other drivers actions.

Everyone brings up pits. The worst example.

But with car they are in control of SOMETHING, with Ts you aren’t


Mar 19, 2020
I’ve never understood the obsession with Old worlds. That you have to get them and it’s a natural progression of the hobby. For me it just isn’t. It doesn’t even come down to fear but a lack of interest.
I don’t think it’s a right of passage, but aside from Australians it makes sense to do a nice handful of rehousings of different species before you hop onto working with a poecilotheria. I don’t think it’s a necessity at all, but you’ll miss out on keeping some really beautiful spiders if you stay away from old worlds.
That said, all T's, especially old world's need to be treated with respect and if you aren't confident, you shouldn't be looking after a pet you are frightened of. Why turn the pleasure of T keeping into a nightmare in that case.
This too, a lot of people start off as tarantula owners while still arachnophobic. It’s easier to grow confident when all you have to rehouse is brachypelma and grammastola rather than Asian arboreals or other OW that can clear a room in the blink of an eye.

Depends. A Pitbull can attack you without giving too much of a 'warning' sign.
In my experience dogs usually bark or growl before biting

Yeah, I'm the guy that has 0 intention to get OWs even after almost 12 years of keeping Pet Rock Ts without incident. Even though the risk of a bite is low, there's also the higher likelihood of a bolt during a rehouse. I just don't want to deal with that and I don't need to find out if I'm one of these sensitive people via a bite the hard way. In fact, even the majority of NWs I would shy away from. Nhandu, Pamphobeteus, Phormictopus, Xenesthis, Theraphosa, Ephebopus, etc... No thanks. Avicularia/Caribena/Psalmopoeus ? Not feeling the need to have those either, sorry.

I know I can have a nice collection comprising mostly of Aphonopelma, Brachypelma, Grammostola and Tliltocatl. There is Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens and Acanthoscurria geniculata that I plan on acquiring as well because I really like the look of those two.
Different strokes, so no disrespect, but a lot of those NW species you say you don’t want are really amazing spiders. No caribena versicolor? I would get every xenesthis available if they weren’t so expensive


Mar 27, 2017
a lot of people start off as tarantula owners while still arachnophobic
interesting you bring this up. i think keepers that start of as arachnophobic will view old worlds as a “rite of passage” (clever phrase btw). i may be overgeneralizing, though. i’ve always been fascinated by spiders since i was younger. in the philippines, i was as young as 5 y/o when i would wake up at five in the morning to collect orb weavers. i would do this until i was 15 when i eventually got bored of it. it was only natural for me to be in love with tarantulas


Mar 19, 2021
The only thing that would hold me back is the venom. I have a number of tarantulas currently, and my overall wish list contains as many old worlds as new worlds. But I want to get more experience with rehousing and general maintenance of flightier T's due to the risk the old worlds can pose. I have an active, outdoor focused job and if I'm cramping from venom for half a week work is going to suck.

Matt Man

Jul 4, 2017
I like certain OWs for the same reason I like certain NWs, they are cool looking, and do some cool stuff. I get people's hesitancy as there is increased risk, for a varying level of reward. Rehousing any T has its issues, it is when those issues flare up that the potential for harm occurs. Agreed that rehousing OW fossorials is a pain but I just like having a couple.


Feb 15, 2020
Personally, I have little interest keeping old worlds. I can see myself getting some of the 'Beginner OWs' in the far future, but even with that short list, none of them are Ts I look at and think "I must have that". Aside from disinterest, I feel like I have a pretty good idea on what my limits are, and right now OWs are not in the picture for me. The last thing I want to do is push those limits too far and take on an animal that I am not ready for, and I would grow to dislike dealing with.


Oct 13, 2020
I like OWs they're not ichy and i don't put myself in the position to get bitten so why would I worry about something that unlikely to happen when as stated before, there's so many other more dangerous regular activities we all do everyday much more likely to cause more harm.