Who's behind the computer - Part 1

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The Red Queen

Mrs. TarCan
Jan 19, 2003
Mr. Rourke said:
OK, a few people have asked questions in threads or PMs about my appearance, so maybe it's time I post some pictures of myself, to avoid further confusion. Wouldn't want anyone getting the wrong impression, you know. Someone--and I won't mention any blonde women who might post under the name of a Greek philosopher--actually thought I might appear "clean-cut" and " like an Oxford English professor!" Can't have THAT. The intellectual conservatives on the boards will perhaps be most satisfied by the one where I'm holding the book.
Mr. Rourke, I think I have a similar problem... I have had people PM me asking if I look like Morticia Addams or something, like they are expecting me to look super creepy because of my job, because I like Metal, and/or beacause I have a fetish for The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (and horror movies in general). They seem a little disappointed when they find out I look like a sweet little red-headed Mama's girl who should be selling girl scout cookies instead of caskets:D


Old Timer
May 10, 2004
The Red Queen said:
Mr. Rourke, I think I have a similar problem... I have had people PM me asking if I look like Morticia Addams or something, like they are expecting me to look super creepy because of my job, because I like Metal, and/or beacause I have a fetish for The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (and horror movies in general). They seem a little disappointed when they find out I look like a sweet little red-headed Mama's girl who should be selling girl scout cookies instead of caskets:D
Hi Amanda, I've just gone back through the thread, and looked at your pics...I gotta say, if YOU showed up at my door trying to sell me Girl Scout cookies, I would have to.....wellll--I mean---it's just that you're.....OK, never mind....let me re-direct my thought patterns and just say it might occur to me that Thin Mints weren't your primary avocation. However, if I saw you walking down the street with a dog collar and black lipstick, I might not give you a second thought. Now, if you're wondering what I mean by any of that, I'm sort of wondering the same thing! At any rate, you're a hottie. Perhaps a bit young for me, but I would happily buy a casket from you, should the opportunity arise....

And I think I understand what you're saying. And I don't see why anyone would be disappointed with such a striking juxtaposition as a "sweet little red-headed Mama's girl" selling packaging for corpses. I find it refreshing! You have to keep people guessing, though, or it all gets boring, right? I mean, it's reasonable to post pictures of oneself to head off misconception or mythology....but if we resort to this, we always need to retain some secrets in reserve....
sheri said:
Very satisfied - thanks!
Come now, Sheri! I wasn't talking about THAT kind of satisfaction. {D

The Red Queen

Mrs. TarCan
Jan 19, 2003
Well Mr. Rourke, I guess I should say thank you, lol! I'll give you a great deal on a Batesville Casket:D

I just turned 25... you think I'm too young, but some others on the boards seem to think I am getting old... yet the lady at the theater carded me to see an R rated movie??? WTF!


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 15, 2002
The Red Queen said:
yet the lady at the theater carded me to see an R rated movie??? WTF!
Ask Debby (Satanika) about that sort of thing. She gets carded all the time. That being said, I've carded women who were substantially older than you at the bar (drinking age is 19, our visual cutoff is 25). Some women just don't look their age. Often it is the hands that will give them away, though. Anyhow, I'm your age and it is just starting to feel unusual to be carded entering a bar.

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She Who Rules AKA Thread Killer
Staff member
Jul 17, 2002
Oh yeah, "carded" is my middle name by now ... lol {D

If only I had a dollar for each time I was carded for anything, I might actually have had enough money to be in my own house by now. ;P I get carded for rated R movies, lotto, liquor, etc. ....

The worst part of being carded was when I went to this entertainment/bar/restaurant place called Jillians (similar to Dave and Busters); and they carded me (no problem, right?) and they insisted it was not real and was a fake ID. :eek: Well, here in NY we have barcodes on the permits/driver's license's (thanks goodness) and the guy actually scanned it. However, he STILL did not believe it was real. So he started testing me and asking me questions and he still thought I was lying. Unbelievable I tell you, what a hassle he gave me. But his manager said that if it scanned, then it must be real and they had to let me in.

I just got carded 2 weeks ago at the movies. The girl who sold the tickets did not ask for ID. I always bring my ID with me, but we were running late and I left home without it this one time. So we go to show our ticket stubs to the guy that takes the movie tickets and he stops us for ID for the movie Harold and Kumar go to White Castle (very funny movie, btw). So Scott showed his and I told him, you are kidding right? And I proceeded to tell him that they did not have a problem taking my money for the movie .... Anyway, Scott told him that I was his wife and we showed him our wedding bands and then he made some excuse like his job was on the line or something. LOL!

Don't worry Amanda, by the time you hit my age, you will be flattered and annoyed at the same time. A very unusual feeling .... ;P




Scarlet O' Hairy
Old Timer
Aug 20, 2002
The Red Queen said:
Well Mr. Rourke, I guess I should say thank you, lol! I'll give you a great deal on a Batesville Casket:D

I just turned 25... you think I'm too young, but some others on the boards seem to think I am getting old... yet the lady at the theater carded me to see an R rated movie??? WTF!

I went to a lounge in a video arcade in Calgary, and I decided to order a Smirnoff Ice, JUST to see if I would get carded, and heehe, I wasnt. I also just turned 25, in May! ;P I still look younger than I am, but nope, not carded! :D


Old Timer
Sep 18, 2002
Mr. Rourke said:
OK, a few people have asked questions in threads or PMs about my appearance, so maybe it's time I post some pictures of myself, to avoid further confusion. Wouldn't want anyone getting the wrong impression, you know. Someone--and I won't mention any blonde women who might post under the name of a Greek philosopher--actually thought I might appear "clean-cut" and " like an Oxford English professor!" Can't have THAT. The intellectual conservatives on the boards will perhaps be most satisfied by the one where I'm holding the book.

The one about Transformational Marxism? Or is it Dialectic Immaterialism? Actually - and I mean this as a compliment - you look like a john in a Babylonian whorehouse.


Old Timer
May 10, 2004
Tranz said:
The one about Transformational Marxism? Or is it Dialectic Immaterialism? Actually - and I mean this as a compliment - you look like a john in a Babylonian whorehouse.
Actually, the Leninist Revisionist manifestation of Atypical Theoretical Marxism never really nudged my Woodrow Wilson into action. I'm more of a Magical Surreal Trotskyist Clem Kadiddle(Dennis)hopperist. In theory, that is.

But the Babylonian whorehouse thing may qualify as the most flattering compliment which has ever been bestowed upon me, rivaling even a two-time comparison to Anton LaVey! I'm absolutely beaming right now!! :D


Old Timer
Sep 18, 2002
Mr. Rourke said:
Actually, the Leninist Revisionist manifestation of Atypical Theoretical Marxism never really nudged my Woodrow Wilson into action. I'm more of a Magical Surreal Trotskyist Clem Kadiddle(Dennis)hopperist.
I'm not too fonda Lenin, either. Although, before he met Yoko, he did display a humanly heartfelt Marxism, even bordering on the Harpo.


Old Timer
Jan 13, 2003
Mr. Rourke said:
...never really nudged my Woodrow Wilson into action.
{D(Fell Off My Chair Laughing Out Loud Tears Running Down My Face!){D


Old Timer
Mar 29, 2004
Mr. Rourke said:
{D Hey man, I live in Iowa, I grew up on farms, I have a beer gut, and I don't like suspenders. You got a better idea? {D

At least I quit smokin' the corncob pipe years ago....
Where about's in Iowa, Herr Rourke?


Old Timer
Jan 10, 2004
It's been a while....

...but I'm still browsing.

About time to post some pictures of me:

(And yes, I AM wearing a tube top... :eek: )


Old Timer
May 10, 2004
Fenris said:
Where about's in Iowa, Herr Rourke?
Why should I tell YOU, Vinnlander?? So you can send your Amish lackeys to firebomb my house?


Jun 11, 2004
Mr Rourke, after reading many of your posts and now finally seeing your picture, I realize that I think I met you once! Did you attend a reptile show in Des Moines a year or so ago? I'm not sure you would remember me but you certainly stuck in MY memory. Let's see... your pictures here don't show it but do you have LOTS of tattoos? I remember thinking you looked like a young Shel Silverstein (with tattoos and piercings). The clincher here was our conversation. You (at least I hope it was you!) were very charming and spoke with such eloquence - Plus a vocabulary that had me wishing for a pocket dictionary! LOL. Hmmmm, sounds like you but maybe you have an evil twin?

BTW, I'm a burnette and you stopped me to tell me that you liked my shirt. It said 'Bush is a punk a** chump'.
Let me know.



Old Timer
May 10, 2004
Pinktoes said:
Mr Rourke, after reading many of your posts and now finally seeing your picture, I realize that I think I met you once! Did you attend a reptile show in Des Moines a year or so ago? I'm not sure you would remember me but you certainly stuck in MY memory. Let's see... your pictures here don't show it but do you have LOTS of tattoos? I remember thinking you looked like a young Shel Silverstein (with tattoos and piercings). The clincher here was our conversation. You (at least I hope it was you!) were very charming and spoke with such eloquence - Plus a vocabulary that had me wishing for a pocket dictionary! LOL. Hmmmm, sounds like you but maybe you have an evil twin?

BTW, I'm a burnette and you stopped me to tell me that you liked my shirt. It said 'Bush is a punk a** chump'.
Let me know.

:eek: OMG! I do remember stopping you to examine your shirt….funny I didn’t even remember what it said! Perhaps it was mere pretext. You had a ferret, right? I recall petting a ferret. You are…errr…LeeAnn? No, Lynette! Wait! Lacey…….Leviticus? OK, I’m being obnoxious now; could you tell? I don’t think we exchanged names. Wow…ummm--damn. Yeah, I remember. You’re a brunette? Are you sure??

That was me alright! I can assure you, however, that I DO indeed have at least one evil twin. He sells pocket dictionaries at the airport. There may be others.

Funny thing: at the time, I didn’t have any clue that I might have stuck in your memory at all. Usually I get a sense. PM me.



Old Timer
Mar 29, 2004
Mr. Rourke said:
Why should I tell YOU, Vinnlander?? So you can send your Amish lackeys to firebomb my house?
Pure curiosity. I'm one state north of you.

I also want to send some Amish lackeys to firebomb your house. ;P


Jun 11, 2004
Mr Rourke:
Ok, your memory of me is way off (a ferret? I think it was a scarf and I'm quite sure there was no petting involved!) but I won't take offense! You are funny, Rourke - nice chatting with you again. From now on I'll go back to just reading everyone's posts and trying to learn something about the critters my son talked me into...
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