I had my suspicions when I checked in on her earlier... And it now looks like A. purpurea "T" has indeed completed her ninth molt with us.
Obligatory terrible photo:
That's the fourth molt this month... which probably doesn't sound like much, but my whole collection is only 8, so half of them molting within three weeks is pretty wild!
And in particular, this girl is the first one I got, as a .75" sling, so it's definitely rewarding to see her continuing to grow can't wait to see the newest shade of purple
One of my big girls moulted behold Daphne (best pic I could get she's in her burrow.) Sericopelma sp Bouquete af.
She was already pushing 7 n a half inch dls before she moulted can't wait to see how big she is now she will probably be my largest girl
Well done my Lady you smashed it
My 6 inch adult female T. vagans finally popped the carapace and has begun the process of pulling herself out right now.
She's been on her back sometime this morning.
Recent molt completions are my adult female P. irminia beginning last week previously 5 inches and my B. baumgarteni a few days ago looks to be 2 inches now but it's a rough guess.
She has successfully freed herself from the old exoskeleton and her fangs are massive. They are bigger now than her previous ones at 6 inches
Photo is bad but you can see the white fangs. That's the best I can do without disturbing her, she's in a very low light area had to use a small flashlight.
Caught my Pseudhapalopus sp blue molting. Looks to be about halfway through but it's hard to see in the burrow. Might make it from 2.5cm to 2.6cm with this one if we're lucky
Well my GBB Ingrid (Pitt, it’s the fangs) has done a moult. She looks amazing but also seemed quite wiped out by the whole process so I’m watching her gently get used to her new form and stretch out her legs, she’s eating well now. But I had to laugh as my Chilean Flame sling moulted yesterday. It’s third moult in my care and yes it still looks the same size. I love watching slings moult. they’re like little ghost spiders.
Aspinochilus rufus molted within the last 10ish days. I saw a leg of her molt sticking up from a gangle of webbing that looked like she gave up trying to take out the trash. I only got a brief look at her, but her legs are so fuzzy and bright orange. Can’t wait to get a full view. Such a fun and beautiful spider.
After the longest premolt I’ve ever experienced, my gorgeous P. Regalis, Visenya, has finally molted! It hasn’t even been a year since I got her yet and she’s so big She’s due for a rehouse once she recovers
Babe, my Chilean Flame. Demonstrating truly astonishing growth for the third molt in my care. Am prepping daughter for future spider care though yesterday she told me she wants her own Tarantula! She is studying animal care at college.
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