Not the best pic but my Tliltocatl albopilosus Nicaraguan sling Philip J Fry moulted yesterday. Suspect female but won't know this moult as the moult is deep in the burrow with fry n being chewed as I write this.
My T. albo finally did a molting web yesterday and is on her back right now after spending ~8 months underground deep in her burrow and not eating for ~4 months. Kinda glad i bought a 2nd and 3rd T. after getting her, because although im kinda patient, such a long hideway/pre-molt-phase with no other T. to look at and to care for would´ve been stressful sometimes even for me i think .
My tiny baby Fizzgig Homoeomma peruvianum sling can just see her () moult in the corner of the first pic.
Can't wait to see what Fizzgig looks like as she matures as I can't find anything on this sp lol so will be a total surprise
Here's my P. muticus this morning doing some post-molt grooming, looks like the molt went well:
Also woke up to find that my Pamphobeteus sp. nigricolor juvenile male was molting. He was about 4.5" DLS prior to this molt, so I'm guessing he'll be over 5" after he stretches out some.
I'm pretty sure my A. avicularia, Y. diversipes, and A. juruensis are going to be next, but both of these surprised me so who knows?!
Pterinopelma sazimai sling (unsexed as you'd guess) molted for the 2nd time in my care just over a month after its previous molt. Did you even grow buddy...
I've had this wonderful Grammostola rosea for two weeks, I went to feed her and she was upside-down! And here she is freshly peeled and muuuch darker??
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